Chapter 3

Love Hate (on hold)
Hello! I'm back! :D I'll let you know that I don't have a life right now because I'm on Summer vacation... so... yeah... I'll be updating  a LOT! Hope you like this chapter! :)



I turned around to see Kim Yookwon, one of Jaehyo's friends and the for whom Eunji has a "thing".

What's he doing here...?

"Um... this is... um..." I tried to explain.

What excuse can I give to be insulting his friend...? I can't tell him what is happening or why it is happening... who knows, maybe he already told his little group...

"Don't worry, I won't tell him anything" he assured me with a smile.

"Ah... it's..." I stopped to process what he had just said "You're not...?" I asked in disbelief.

"No, I'm not" he remained with the same smile.

I looked at him in disbelief, but at the same time suspicious.

"I'm for real!"

"How do I know I can trust you...?" I inquired.

"I've known him quite some time. I know that sometimes he can be a little... 'difficult'..." he stated with a chuckle.

"Difficult?! That's hardly enough to describe what he can be..."

He started laughing. I gave him a look.

What's so funny...?

"Sorry, sorry... it's just that I've never seen a girl this angry at him...! Unless when he dumps them..."

"Right... what a suprise..." I muttered.

"He didn't dump you, did he...?" he asked uneasy.

"Hell no! God..." 

"Ok, ok... just to be sure..." he grinned.

So cute... no, Raemi! Now is not the time to be thinking about these things! 

"So... what happened...?" 

What do I say...? I don't really want to tell him... but... hm...

"If you don't want to tell me it's fine! I understand..."

"You seem trustworthy... I actually need to let off some steam anyway..."


I explained him the situation. The reason why accepted that job and how I became Jaehyo's slave. He heard me carefully, without interrupting me once. 

"Hmmm... if you want I can talk to him..."

"No! He'll think I whined to his friends for sure!" I looked at the ground "I'll put up with him until I get a new job and until I find a way to delete that picture..."

"But..." he started.

"No!" I declared.

"Ok, but I'll find a way to help you!" he assured me.

I kind of understand why Eunji likes him... he's a cool guy! I looked at my watch, 17h30.

"It's already this late!"

"I can take you home if you want!" he offered.

"It's ok... I still have stuff to do..." I forced a smile "But thanks anyway...!"

"Ok... bye, see ya!" 

"Bye..." I waved.

"He's not a bad guy, you know..." Yookwon stated before leaving.

I called Yoonsoo to notify him that I wouldn't be spending the night at home.


"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I'm not going to spend the night..."

"Why? What happened?"

"I'll have to work late today and one of my colleagues said I could spend the night at her house" I lied.

I'm sorry Yoonsoo... I hate lying to you...

"Ok... see ya tomorrow..." and he hung up.

I left the roof and headed to the football field. I sat on one of the goals and leaned against the post. There was no one in school at this hour (except for teachers) and no one uses the football field except for P.E classes and club activities. I put my earphones on and listened to music. My eyelids started getting very heavy and I ended up falling asleep.


I woke up with the feeling of water drops falling on me. Out of nowhere it started raining. 

You've got to be kidding me...

I looked at my watch, 20h45. I was supposed to be arriving at my workplace by now...

A few minutes later I felt my phone vibrate. I already had an idea of who it was. I looked at the screen, it was a phone call from Naeun, an Eonnie from my job.

I didn't even warned them...

I decided to ignore the call and turned my phone off. It started raining harder.

How lucky... I didn't even bring my umbrella...

"I hope you heard the weather for today..." these words popped up in my mind. 

So that's what that jerk meant...! Damn it!

I prompted my head to my knees and hugged my legs tight. 

It's so cold...

                                                                     --------Jaehyo's P.O.V--------

I looked around to see if I could find her, but the club was too crowded. I was growing impacient.

"Everything ok, Hyeong?" Jiho asked.

"Yeah... just looking for someone..." I answered while looking around again.

I spotted Naeun and called for her, she usually knows about the new workers. 

"Naeun! Do you know about a new worker called Park Raemi?!"

"I too would like to know...! She sould've arrived an hour ago!"

I got up and ran outside. I could hear Jiho call for me.

Don't tell me that idiot really stayed in school...

The rain only got worse. I hopped on my bike and headed to school. 

When I got there the main gate was closed. I went around and climbed the wall. I ran to the football field. There she was, propped on pole. I ran to her. She appeared to be unconscious. I put my forhead on hers, she was burning up.

"You really are an idiot..." I muttered.

I put her on my back and got out of school.

Damn it... I don't know where she lives...

I took her to the only place I could think of, my house. When we got there I took her to my room and layed her on my bed.

Her clothes are drenched... like this she'll only get worse...!

I decided I had to do all the work. I went to get a towel and a change of clothes. 

How do I do it...? I'm not some ...!

I closed my eyes while I unbottoned her shirt. When I finished undressing her of her wet uniform I dryed her with the towel. 

Is this her...?! Why am I so flustered?! It's not like I've never touched one...! Aish!

After I dressed her I went to take a shower because I was also drenched. I looked at her before leaving the room.

She's kinda cute... when she's not frowning...


Hello (again)! How did you like this chapter? "That" thing that he grabbed was her , not her...! XD Well what are your feeling about Jaehyo? Let me know in the comments please! :D Thank you for reading!









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