
Caramel Cream

You couldn’t get him out of your head. He was an actual angel. You kept replaying the conversation over in your head and every time you did so you found yourself smiling. But why? You didn’t even know the guy. He could be a total for all you know. Or not, that face was too innocent.

You remembered him saying he was at your college, but you had never seen him around before. You asked your best friends Jessica and Fran if they had heard of him and they told you they would ask around and get some info.

They got back to you the next day and you were hoping that what you were going to hear was good. Fran’s boyfriend, Chanyeol turned out to be good friends with Jongin and his circle of friends and she told you that yes, he was single (thank god) and that he was very popular with the female population of your college.

You were excited to see Jongin again, although you weren’t too sure when he would appear again, and you never remembered to look for him in your English classes.

It turns out Jongin did in fact keep his word when he said he would see you around. It had been three weeks since the first time you had first spoken to him and he came to the coffee shop twice a week. You had started to talk and get to know each other more, as he tried to talk to you whenever he could.

The coffee shop wasn’t that busy so it wasn’t hard for him to have conversations with you. You talked about anything and everything and you soon started to learn more about him, and he started to learn more about you.

You learned that he loved animals, he was a keen dancer (you already knew this thanks to your best friends stalking) and that he really didn’t like coffee, which confused you slightly as to why he was in a coffee shop so often.

“So when do you get off work?” You snapped out of your daydream as he asked you out of the blue. The smile on his face had faded and you could tell something wasn’t right. He was more cautious than usual.

“5pm. Is everything okay?” You questioned, slightly confused because everything seemed normal before and you started to wonder what had happened.

“Ah.. Well, um, would you like to go out after?” Your cheeks flushed pink. Was he asking you out? Kim Jongin? Why would he want a date with you? You weren’t anything special. Considering how he was so popular with girls, why you?

He started to stutter, clearly flustered “I-I was just asking, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that. I-“

“I’d love to.” You giggled, nervous and flustered Jongin was actually even more adoable than his usual self.

He got up off his seat, grinning widely. “Well then, I’ll meet you here at 5.”

You watched him walk out of the shop with the biggest smile on your face. What had you gotten yourself into?

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loverofmanyidols #1
Awww, so sweet :)
taecmars #2
Chapter 3: So fluffyyy♡