
Caramel Cream

It was 8:30am on a Wednesday morning. Your alarm goes off as you groan and wake up to reality. Rolling over your bed, towards the night stand, you tap your phone relentlessly in the hope your alarm would stop as you mumbled that yes, you're awake. You roll back, staring up at the ceiling as you wrap yourself in your duvet because it’s too cozy and you don’t want to get up just yet. But you have to. You throw your duvet off you, wishing that the cold air and lack of heat will force you to get up and get a shower because you're going to be late to work if you don't hurry up.

You find energy within yourself to get up and get a shower. You get yourself ready for work, putting on your work shirt and trousers. You put some light makeup on, not too much because you're only going to work, and you tie your hair back into a high pony tail.

You trail into the kitchen, still tired, and make yourself some breakfast. You put the kettle on and put some bread into the toaster. You finish eating and check the clock, 9:15am. You grab your keys and bag, leaving your apartment because if you left any later, you'd be late. You make your way down the communal stairs and out into the fresh morning air. The coffee shop you work at is only a few blocks away, so you start walking. You walk through the small park, looking at the morning sky, cloudy but at least it's not raining.

You arrive at work and smile as you enter, seeing your colleagues busy with the morning rush. Working in a coffee shop was difficult, especially when you're dealing with half-awake, grumpy customers who haven't had their morning coffee yet. You leave your things in the back and put your apron on as you go out to help with the growing queue of people. You get stuck into your first order, making an Americano for a not-so-patient woman who was clearly in a hurry. You smile as you hand her the coffee but your gesture was not returned.

Time flew as you served customer after customer in the rush of the morning. You sigh once you and your friend have served everyone and you get to relax for 5 minutes. Its 12pm now and the shop isn’t busy now. Your colleague leaves to go on her break, while your manager deals with a delivery. You're filling out and fixing the muffins when a customer approaches. You look up and a gorgeous man is staring back at you, a smile across his face. You shuffle over to the register and say "Hi there, can i take your order?"

He looks up at the boards behind your head and reads the menu intently. You look at him, waiting for his decision while he scans the board. It gives you the perfect opportunity to admire his features. His skin tone is beautifully tanned, his hair flops down over his face while his smile is angelic and you cannot help but admit how attractive this man is.

He finally makes his decision and answers "Caramel macchiato please."

"What’s the name?" You ask, partly because you want to put a name to the handsome guy and partly because you need to write his name on the cup.

He looks at you and smiles, replying "Jongin."

You get to work on his order, your mind flustered because you can feel his eyes watching you. He makes small conversation asking if you're at college to which you nodded and say "Yeah, i'm trying to pay off the ridiculous fees" to which he laughs and quips "Tell me about it."

You continue with the small talk and discover that you are in fact taking the same English class, and you're left confused as to why you've never seen him before because you're certain you'd recognise a face like that.

You hand him his drink, grinning, a slight blush on your cheeks as he says "I'll see you around then."

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loverofmanyidols #1
Awww, so sweet :)
taecmars #2
Chapter 3: So fluffyyy♡