I'm A Guardian, You're A Human


[One week later]

“Oppa!” I called out.

MyungSoo then stopped walking and waited for me to catch up.

“Morning ~” I greeted, in a sing song voice.

He gave me a funny look before placing his arm across my shoulder.

“What’s the happy occasion?” he asked.

I looked at him stupidly.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you’re in a good mood. So there has to be a reason behind it”

“Can’t I just be in a good mood because I feel like it?” I retorted.

He smiled.

“You’re different, you know that?” he said.

“Well, you’re weird” I replied.

“I can’t believe that you’ve never spoken to a single person in the University before”

“Are you like some loner or something?” I blurted.

His expression fell and I mentally slapped myself.

Great job KyoWen.

Some guardian you are.

“I’m sorry” I quickly apologized.

He then smiled at me.

“If you’re sorry then you can treat me to ice-cream later!”

I laughed.

“Okay, ice-cream is on me!”

[Later that night]

We had just spent an hour at the ice-cream parlor eating about fifteen different flavors of ice-cream.

MyungSoo had insisted on it.

“KyoWen ah”


“Would you go somewhere with me?”

I looked at him, he looked a little downcasted.

Not like the MyungSoo that was happily devouring his ice-cream a few moments ago.


He then grabbed onto my arm and dragged me along.

[Namsan Tower]

“Oh my god, the view is absolutely beautiful!” I exclaimed in excitement.

“Haven’t you been here before?” asked MyungSoo as he stood beside me.

I shook my head at him.

“What, are you like from another planet or something?”

I winced.

I knew he meant it as joke, but it still made me feel uncomfortable.

To be honest, I’ve really gotten to know a lot about MyungSoo from the past week.

And, I think I might be falling for him.

He may look cold and unapproachable on the outside, but really he’s just a lonely and afraid of being hurt.

And well, I feel bad about lying to him.

I’m building this friendship based on a lie.

I’m a guardian, I’m here because I have to be.

And, MyungSoo doesn’t know that.

“KyoWen, can I trust you?”

I pushed my thoughts away and looked at him.


He leaned onto the railing and stared out at the view.

“You want to know why I don’t speak to anybody?”

I was taken aback, I never expected this.

“Well, if you want to talk about it, I’m all ears” I replied.

I moved closer to stand beside him.

Then I saw that he has his eyes closed, and a single teardrop was rolling down his cheek.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked, as I reached out to wipe the tear away.

“You know, I live alone, right?” he started.

“Well, yeah, you did mention that before”

“Do you know why?”

I shook my head.

He then opened his eyes to look at me.

“My family migrated three years ago, I refused to follow them as I wanted to stay”

“I wanted to stay to be with this one girl that I truly loved. And so, I cut all ties with my family and they left without me”

I didn’t know what to say.

I knew that we, as guardians are only appointed humans that are really in need of us.

But we are never told why they needed us.

So, is this why I’m here?

To heal MyungSoo’s wound?

“Well, things were going well until one day I found out that she was cheating on me. And with my best friend too”

“MyungSoo ah…” I reached out and placed my arm on his shoulder.

It hurt me to see him this way.

“I asked her why, and she told me just because. I felt like the world had crumbled around me, that I’d much rather die”

“But I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of watching me suffer. So, I decided that from that day on, I’ll not trust anybody. I’m going to live for myself”

MyungSoo’s expression was one of rage now.

His fist clenched tight.

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s all in the past now” I comforted him.

I transmitted calming energies to MyungSoo and he slowly calmed down.

“Yea, it’s all in the past now. Things have changed since you came, huh?” he said with a smile on his face.

“I don’t know why, but when you showed up and suddenly approached me so boldly, I felt a connection to you..”

“And when you called me a stupid blockhead up on the roof, I knew I could trust you”

I was speechless.

If he knew what I was, he would probably feel betrayed.

“You’re so weird. Me calling you a stupid blockhead actually made you trust me?” I nagged.

“Well, yeah” he replied, his smile brighter than before.

I shook my head in amusement.

“Hey, it’s getting late, we should get home” he said.

I agreed and we left.

We were back at MyungSoo’s place.

Of course, he didn’t know I was here.

I sat on the sofa, observing him as he went into the bedroom, into the bathroom and back into the bedroom before coming out and plopping himself onto the sofa next to mine.

He switched the television on and randomly flipped channels until he was satisfied.

I watched as he sat there, eyes on the television, yet his mind somewhere else.

Later, a few teardrops started to fall.

My heart ached.

I stood up and sat next to him on the sofa.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, I transmitted the most beautiful memories into him.

Memories of family warmth, of love, of rainbows and laughter.

I then urged him to sleep, and slowly his eyelids got heavier and heavier and eventually he fell into deep slumber.

Sighing, I switched the television off and laid him down on the sofa.

“Sweet dreams” I whispered to him, before leaving.

I had to return back to our realm to get something.

[A month later]

“Oppa, will you please pass me the remote”

MyungSoo reached across the table and grabbed the remote before tossing it at me.


After that one faithful night where I saw MyungSoo break down in front of me, I decided that I’d move in and stay with him.

I needed to cure his loneliness.

And so, I told him that my parents had gone on a business trip and won’t be back so soon, and since he lived alone, could I move in as I’m afraid of being alone in the house.

He readily agreed.

“Yah, quit flipping channels” he scolded as I flipped through every available channel.

“But there’s nothing interesting to watch” I retorted.

With a mischievous grin on his face, he then leaned towards me, forcing me to move backwards.

“Yah, what are you doing” I stuttered.

“Well, you said there wasn’t anything interesting…” he grinned.

“Yah!” I covered my face with my hands.

He then started laughing.

“What, do you think I’m going to you or something?” he laughed.

I threw a pillow at him.

“Shut up!”

I had realized a lot of changes in MyungSoo lately.

He isn’t as reserved as he used to be, and was smiling a whole lot more.

Instead of eating alone during lunch, he sat together with SungJong, Hoya, DongWoo and I.

He even laughed at DongWoo’s cold jokes!

I have to say, MyungSoo has finally broke out of his protective shell.

As I thought of that, a smile unknowingly made it’s way across my face.

“What you smiling at?” asked MyungSoo as he threw the pillow back at me.

I grabbed it as it was an inch away from my face.

“Nothing ~” I replied, indifferently.

“Tell me!” he insisted, as he once again leaned in on me.

This time, I didn’t move.

I wasn’t going to fall for the same trick twice.

“No!” I told him, sternly.

He pouted, and my heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly, I found myself staring deep into his eyes.

They were mesmerizing.

As I was entranced in his stare, I suddenly felt a pair of warm lips pressed against mine.

I snapped out of my trance, and immediately pushed MyungSoo back.

He gave me a hurt look, but I couldn’t do it.

To be honest, I liked it.

But, I’m a Gurdian, and he’s a human. We can’t be together.

“Sorry” I muttered before bounding off the sofa and into my room.

Inside the room, I flung myself onto the bed.

My heart was rapidly beating against my chest.

I felt dizzy and my cheeks were burning.

I knew I shouldn’t feel this way, but I couldn’t help it.

I have officially fallen in love with a human.


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This feels like 5-6 chapters XD
april23 #2
found this by accident.. its so beautiful!! >< i'm gonna cry now!
i never read anything like this :') ur an amazing writer btw!! make more plz ^___^
(u should really spread this out into a whole fanfic rather than a one shot.. much better like that :D trust me ppl will like it!! ^^)
awesome story! you should write more ^^
@Pink_blueberries <br />
thanks for writing me my first comment! <br />
it actually made my day. ^^ <br />
and you're very welcome!!! <br />
<br />
@triplekiss0b1a4<br />
O.o then if WooHyun is with the pretty long wavy hair girl... what bout MyungSoo? heh ~
triplekiss0b1a4 #5
Aww why can't woo Hyun be with the pretty long wavy hair girl instead:( best of both worlds right?
Thanks for the story :)<br />
Its a very touching story TT<br />
I cried....<br />
But still, thanks so much for such a awesome story :)