I'm A Guardian, You're A Human


“Kim MyungSoo” it rolled off my tongue like a phrase I would say everyday.

Hmmm… I wonder what he’s like.

All I know is that he’s really good looking.

“Excuse me”

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around.

“Hi, I’m new here and I was wondering if you knew how I could get to the music department?” asked a pretty looking boy.

“Oh, you’re in the music department? So am I” I replied, with a smile.

“Really? That’s great! I was so afraid I’d be all alone” he beamed.

“Well, I’m new here too, so I guess we could look for it together” I suggested.

He nodded eagerly and we set out to look for the music department in this huge university.


Finally after a long time, we managed to get ourselves to the music department.

“Hi, you must be KyoWen and you must be SungJong” greeted a cheerful looking boy.

“Yup, that’s us” I quipped in a happy tone.

“I’m DongWoo, I’ve been assigned to show you guys around school” he introduced himself.

“Great” we both replied in unison.

If only he was at the main gate of the school then we wouldn’t have to spend over half an hour tracking down the music department.

“We’re having English for the first two periods today” he informed.

We both nodded as he led us into the classroom.

“Pick any seat you want. There are no standard seating”

Scanning the room, I then spotted him : Kim MyungSoo!

“Hey, let’s sit over there” I suggested to SungJong as I pointed out to the two vacant seats beside MyungSoo.

“Sure” came SungJong’s reply.

“Err… I won’t sit there if I were you” interrupted DongWoo.

“Why is that?” asked SungJong.

“Well, that’s Kim MyungSoo and he doesn’t really like being bothered” explained DongWoo.

SungJong then formed an ‘O’ with his mouth.

“He can’t be that bad” I argued.

Ignoring DongWoo’s continuous persuasion, I dragged SungJong over to the two vacant seats before plopping myself down in the one right next to MyungSoo.

I cast a glance at MyungSoo and saw that he was absent mindedly doodling in his notebook.

As SungJong was rambling on about something along the lines of wondering how our teachers would be like, I gathered up my courage and did the unbelievable.

“Hi, I’m Lee KyoWen, nice to meet you!” I ed my hand out at MyungSoo and he glanced up at me.

I flashed him a really big smile and all he did was just to turn the other way, completely ignoring me.

My expression darkened.


I turned back to face SungJong whom was starring at me weirdly.

“What?” I asked.

“No, it’s just, I didn’t think you would do that” he replied.

“Well, I never thought he would be THAT rude”

I heard a chuckle coming from MyungSoo’s direction and that just annoyed me more.

How was I supposed to look over a guy as snobbish as him!

Ugh ~ my first assignment and I get a stupid blockhead!

Sighing, I just buried myself into a book.

SungJong stifled laughter and I kicked him causing him to laugh even more.



School went by rather quickly, considering the fact that my knowledge was that of a more superior level as compared to those being taught.

As the last bell rang, I quickly stuffed all my books and stationeries into my bag.

“Hey, want to go grab coffee?” asked SungJong.

“Sorry SungJong-shi, but I have an errand to run. Maybe tomorrow?”

SungJong’s face fell, but he agreed to it.

I quickly left the classroom and headed for my locker.

Throwing most of my stuff in there, I then slammed it shut.

Now, how am I supposed to follow Mr Blockhead around.

Sighing, I decided to collect my thoughts somewhere quiet.

Climbing three flights of stairs, I finally got to the roof.

Pushing the door open, I was greeted by a cold gust of wind.

Stepping out into the open, I pulled my cardigan tighter around me.

I then walked over to the edge of the roof and stared out at the vast surrounding.

Closing my eyes, I let the cold wind engulf me and I instantly felt calm.

Then it hit me that I, as a guardian was suppose to be looking over my human, and not standing here enjoying the cool breeze.

Aish… but, how am I supposed to look after that blockhead?!

“Hey, you” came a voice from behind me.

I snapped my eyes open and turn around to come face to face with who else but Mr Blockhead himself.

“What?” I snapped.

He raised and eyebrow at me before walking up to stand beside me.

“Is that how you plan to attract me?” he smirked.

I scoffed.

“Who do you think you are?” I retorted.

He turned and stared directly at me.

I wasn’t going to loose, so I stared directly back at him too.

“You know, you really are a stupid blockhead” I chided.

He laughed.

“Yah, you’re not supposed to laugh when someone calls you a stupid blockhead” I scolded.

“You’re pretty amusing you know that?” he said.

I stared at him, dumbfounded.

“Anyways, I’m Kim MyungSoo” he held out his hand towards me.

I had the urge to ignore him like he had done to me, but I remembered my job as a guardian.

I then reached out and shook his hand.

“Lee KyoWen” I replied.

“Yeah, I heard when you introduced yourself in class”

I glared at him.

“Talk about that again and I just might strangle you” I retorted.

[Next Day]

“KyoWen ah!”

A smile spread across my face as I recognize the all so familiar voice.

“Yeollie oppa!” I grinned.

SungYeol is my brother, and he’s a guardian too.

“Hey, how was your first day?” he asked, as he ruffled my hair affectionately.

“Great! I finally managed to get through to that blockhead”

Oops… I wasn’t supposed to say that.

SungYeol gave me a weird look.


‘Well… you see…”

I then related back to him all that had happened yesterday.

“Sounds like things are progressing well” he commented.

“Yup ~ and well, MyungSoo really isn’t a blockhead now” I chuckled.

“That’s good then. Well, I better get going, I have to get back to my human now”

I hugged him goodbye before making my way to school.

“Morning DongWoo-shi ~” I greeted as I passed his table.

“Morning KyoWen-shi. Hey, come here for a second”

I then strolled back towards his table.

“I want you to meet Hoya here. He’s a close friend of mine” introduced DongWoo.

I looked at the well built boy with a welcoming smile on his face.

“Hi, I’m KyoWen. It’s a pleasure to meet you”

I held out my hand to him, and unlike MyungSoo, he readily accepted the handshake.

“Hoya is a really good dancer” continued DongWoo.

“Oh, really? Maybe you could teach me someday” I suggested.

Before Hoya replied, MyungSoo came sauntering into class.

I flashed him a smile and he returned it as he walked by towards his seat.

“Woah, did he just smile?” mused DongWoo.

Hoya too looked as dumbstruck as DongWoo.

“Are you two like friends or something?” he asked.

I nodded.

What’s the big deal about MyungSoo smiling???

“Like seriously?” continued Hoya.

“Yeah, we’re friends. Why? What’s wrong with that?” I needed an answer.

“Well, remember what I said yesterday about MyungSoo not wanting to be bothered?” explained DongWoo.

I nodded again.

“He hasn’t really spoken to anybody before, much less smiled at anyone” he concluded.

I formed an ‘O’ with my mouth.

“Wow, you must have like magic powers or something” joked Hoya.

I smiled awkwardly before excusing myself.

As I approached my seat beside MyungSoo, he looked up and smiled.

“Hey” I greeted him.

“Hey” he replied.

I dropped myself into the seat before turning to look at him.

“You should smile more” I commented.

“Why?” he taunted with a grin on his face.

“Cause it makes that poker face of yours more welcoming”

“What if I don’t want it to be welcoming?”

“Now, why would you do that?”

This boy is weird.

“Because I don’t trust anyone..” he replied, barely over a whisper.

I obviously heard that.

Before I could respond, SungJong came bouncing into class.

“Morning KyoWen!” he greeted, full of enthusiasm.

“Morning” I replied.

“Oh yeah, guess what I heard on my way to class” he exclaimed.


“Well, you know the most popular guy in school, Nam WooHyun?”

I stared at him, confused.

“Erm, no. Who is he?”

SungJong sighed at my ignorance.

“Anyways, well, I overheard him talking to his friend about you”


“Yeah, he was saying something about you being different and charming”

I scoffed, MyungSoo laughed.

“Yah, what are you laughing at” I whacked him on the arm with my notebook.

That just made him laugh even louder.

Aish… I give up!

I just slumped lower into my seat.

“Aigoo… are you angry?” asked MyungSoo as he gently poked me on the arm.

I glared at him, and then smiled.

“Got’cha!” I grinned.

He smiled, and ruffled my hair.

And…and… I had this weird feeling go through me.

Nobody has ruffled my hair before besides SungYeol.

It makes me feel warm…

“Hey, did you manage to copy down the assignment for literature that was given yesterday?” he asked.

I snapped out of my trance.

“Oh, yeah, you want it?”

He nodded, and I took it out of my bag before handing it over to him.

As he copied, I turned around to see SungJong starring at me weirdly.

“Yeah?” I asked him.

“He’s talking to you…” gasped SungJong.

Aish… MyungSoo and his reputation of being a loner!

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This feels like 5-6 chapters XD
april23 #2
found this by accident.. its so beautiful!! >< i'm gonna cry now!
i never read anything like this :') ur an amazing writer btw!! make more plz ^___^
(u should really spread this out into a whole fanfic rather than a one shot.. much better like that :D trust me ppl will like it!! ^^)
awesome story! you should write more ^^
@Pink_blueberries <br />
thanks for writing me my first comment! <br />
it actually made my day. ^^ <br />
and you're very welcome!!! <br />
<br />
@triplekiss0b1a4<br />
O.o then if WooHyun is with the pretty long wavy hair girl... what bout MyungSoo? heh ~
triplekiss0b1a4 #5
Aww why can't woo Hyun be with the pretty long wavy hair girl instead:( best of both worlds right?
Thanks for the story :)<br />
Its a very touching story TT<br />
I cried....<br />
But still, thanks so much for such a awesome story :)