still him

Ah Yeah


 still him; 



“I’m home!” Hani shouted as she just entered their house. She looked around and searched for someone, but sadly, she saw none. She went towards her room and dropped her bags and changed into her comfortable clothes. She wore a black shorts and a pink shirt. As she stepped out in her room, her eyes widened at what she saw. “Heeyeon-ah!” Her sister, Hyojin, was now in front of her, holding two plastic bags which contained food. “Sis!” Hani said as she ran towards her, and gave her a tight embrace. “Hey, hey, let me drop the foods first.” Hyojin let out a chuckle as she broke the hug, placing the foods on the table. “So, how’s work?” Hani asked as she took out two bowls of black bean noodles and some chocolates from the plastic bags. “Well, still tiring as usual. How about school?” They both took a seat on the table before Hani answered. “Same. More violations from students as the days pass by.” She let out a sigh as she opened the cover on the noodles, smelling the scent of black beans. “I ordered it from your favorite resto,” Hyojin smiled at her younger sister as they started to eat. After they ate, they cleaned up and sat on the sofa to watch television.


“Wah, he’s such a good looking man, isn’t he?” Hyojin remarked as she looked at Hani. Hani, on the other hand, wasn’t thinking of the same thing. She just stared at the actor and was expressionless. Hyojin frowned and tapped her sister’s shoulder. “You’re still thinking of that boy, don’t you?” And by that time Hyojin succeeded in making the younger react to her words. Hani pouted before she slowly nodded. “You really get attached to things easily, don’t you? It’s been like 10 years already.” Hyojin replied as she lowered the volume of the television, allowing them to have a more decent talk. Hani grabbed a pillow and leaned on the side of the sofa. “It’s 9 years, sis. He’ll be here next year.” Hani muttered. “Are you sure? What if he doesn’t come back?” The sadness on Hyojin’s face was visible. “I don’t know…” Hani murmured, as she rested her head on the pillow.


Hyojin was worried over Hani. It’s been 9 years since their parents died of car crash, yet they managed to live and be what they are now. Right after the death of their parents, they couldn’t do anything but just cry. Their parents were gone- so what would they do anyway? Luckily, a family relative on their mother’s side raised and supported their education. When Hyojin graduated from college and started working and had enough money, she decided to move out from their aunt and get a place of their own. In those 9 years, both sisters didn’t show any weakness or signs of depression- they tried their best to be positive and think that their parents will be happy if they succeed in life. Also, in those 9 years, Hyojin thought that Hani was being a good younger sister to her, and was studying hard, and she also knew that the reason was not only because of their parents, but also the guy Hani met 9 years ago. She knew that she was also doing all this because of that guy, that what she become of now was also because of that guy she barely knew. Hyojin was thinking that, what if the boy does not show up after ten years? What if he had completely forgotten Hani? Hyojin is worried of what will happen to her sister whenever that time comes.


As soon as Hyojin realized that she was spacing out too much, she snapped out of her own thoughts and decided to talk to Hani about it. “Hey, Heeyeon-ah...” Hyojin looked down. “About that guy “Mar-“ she stopped talking as soon as she saw Hani with her eyes closed, peacefully sleeping. Hyojin sighed heavily, placing a faint smile on her lips. “This kid,” She mumbled, as she decided to carry Hani to her bed. “Why do I feel you’ve gotten heavier?” Hyojin said as she dropped Hani on her bed. Hani just groaned at the action and from the words of her sister. She quickly hugged a pillow, before returning to her peaceful state of sleeping. Hyojin covered her with a blanket before she turned off the lights and also decided to sleep.




“Hey! Wake up now you sleepyhead!” Hyojin cried out as she was now preparing breakfast. “I already did!” Hani said, still half-asleep. She walked towards the bathroom and decided to take a shower. After it, she went to the dining table and smiled at the sight of eggs and hotdogs on the table. When they were finished eating, they continued grooming their selves, and to prepare for work and school. “Could you be please be faster? Look, it’s already 6:15. I thought you have to go to school before 6:30?” Hyojin shouted as she was now outside of their house. After one minute, a well-groomed Hani came out of their house, with her backpack. Hani smiled at her sister. “So, shall we?” Hani asked, as Hyojin locked up the house and left with her car.


“I’ll be a little late, okay? I prepared soy fried chicken this morning, you can just fry it later when you get home.” Hyojin dropped her in her school. Hani was now outside of the car, and was just waiting for Hyojin to leave. Hani nodded at the older’s words. Hyojin smiled at her sister and waved at her, as the car left. Hani, then, started approaching the school gate when suddenly, a familiar voice called her. “Heeyeonie!” She looked at where the voice was, and saw that it was Junghwa. Junghwa approached her and locked her arm into Hani’s, as they continued walking. “Hey, did you know Jaebum’s already here?” Hani looked at Junghwa, her eyes slightly widened. “Really? Why?” “He messaged me to come early right now because he’s already at school. He said he needs to finish the proposal for next month’s activity.” Hani slowly nodded at her words. “Shoould we go check him out?” Hani asked, earning an ‘okay’ from Junghwa.


“You came- oh, good morning Heeyeon!” Jaebum exclaimed as the two were now in the student council office. “I already told you to start working on that as early as possible, so you’ll not get stressed when the deadline already comes.” Hani scolded her in a calm way, as she checked what Jaebum was doing. “I know, I know. I already planned on doing this last night, but me and the guys had fun time last night, and I accidentally fell asleep when I arrived home.” Jaebum answered, as he continued typing. “Okay then, my dear secretary. Let me check the proposal before Mr. Lee and I will sign it, okay? I’ll already go back to my room, it’s already seven.” Hani smiled as she bid goodbye to the two.




“Where’s Jaebum hyung?” Yugyeom asked, as he and the five other boys were at the student’s lounge. They just finished classes and was waiting for Jaebum. “I’m already hungry, should we just go eat without him- ow!” Jackson was cut off when Jinyoung hit his lip. “He’s still finishing some papers. We have to wait for him, okay?” Jackson frowned at what he said. “Don’t give me that look, Jack.” Jinyoung added. “Then, who wants to come with me and check Jaebum?” Jinyoung said as he looked at his friends. “You, Mark? Wanna come with me?” He asked Mark, as he saw the other boys’ expressions say that they don’t want to. “Okay.” Mark replied as they both stood up and left the lounge.


“Jaebum?” Jinyoung said in a whispering voice, as he half-opened the door to the office. “Looks like he’s not here.” Jinyoung said as he closed the door. “Where should we go look for him, then?” Mark asked. It took a second before Jinyoung replied. “Ah, I know where.” Jinyoung started to walk again, with Mark following him. After a few minutes, they already stopped in their tracks. “Maybe he’s talking with Mr. Lee about next month’s activity,” Jinyoung muttered as he peeked through the windows of the teavhers’ faculty room, looking for Jaebum. “There he is.” He said as his eyes landed to Jaebum. “We should wait for him here.” Jinyoung said as he stopped peeking. After a few minutes, the door of the teacher’s faculty room opened. “There you are!” Jinyoung said as he saw Jaebum exited the room. “So, how was it?” Jinyoung asked, leaving Mark confused of what Jinyoung was saying.


“He approved.” Jaebum replied, giving Jinyoung a faint smile. “But he does want to change some things, but it’s only the minor ones, and we’ve already agreed for the whole plan next month.” Mark felt like he was non-existent during that time. He cleared his throat, and fortunately, they noticed him. “Oh, Mark, you’re here too?” Mark wanted to say to Jaebum that he was freaking here the whole time, and was just in front of him, but he replied, “Yeah. So, should we go no-“ Mark stopped talking when the door opened, revealing Hani. Mark gulped at the girl’s appearance, as he knew he was not prepared to face this kind of situation again. “Oh! Heeyeon-ah! You’re here too?”  Jinyoung exclaimed as Hani smiled at him.


As soon as Mark saw the girl’s smile, he felt his heart drop from a hundred-foot tall building. He was already sweating, as he once again saw Hani’s milky white legs. Mark didn’t realized that he was already lost in his own thoughts, until Hani looked at his direction. Mark felt like time slowed down, as she blinked and bored into his eyes.”Oh, you’re that guy in the office yesterday, right?” Hani asked, as Mark just nodded, still staring at her. “Oh, you’ve already met each other?” Jinyoung asked. “Mm-hm. He asked me where the admission office is. Is he the friend you’re talking about?” Hani looked at Jinyoung. Still, Mark was just standing there, staring at Hani. “Yeah,  he is. His name is Ma-“ Jinyoung was cut off when a girl shouted. “Heeyeon-ah! Ms. Han wants to talk to you! It’s about the school paper!” Hani looked at where the voice is, and returned her attention back to the boys. “I’m sorry, I need to go now. Let’s just talk some other time, okay? Bye!” Hani said as she already started running away from them.


And for the second time, Mark’s heartbeat was put again into an abnormal state.

 author's note 

Here is it guys! Wah, sorry for a bit boring and short update, but I needed to make this one to introduce Hani's life (a bit). Thank you for the subbies! I'm really happy that I get this support from you guys. It's been a hell week for me (so many paper work ;_; and I think it will be like this for the next couple of weeks), and by seeing this kind of support from you guys just makes me relieve all my stress. thank you so muuuch- Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed my update! As always, don't forget to comment (I really love to have more feedback from you guys :), subscribe, upvote! Thank you so much guys!


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ProudToBeBana0423 #1
Chapter 11: Fighting c: Be back when you're not busy anymore.
Hani and Mark went to a show together DID YOU SEE THAT?ASDHFHJ
eleutheromaniac #2
Hello! Your review is ready for pickup over at kodawari.
ngxinhx #3
Chapter 10: could you post the next chapter? its so nice
ProudToBeBana0423 #4
Chapter 10: I can't even make eye contact with a boy for 2 secs.
5 secs is enough to kill me on spot
Bless mark
update soon♡♡
Chapter 10: Hani, better wear something like a t shirt or not so revealing clothes because if ever she don't. . I'm gonna die of her iness.. imagining her
Lovexo_ #6
Chapter 7: I don't think she'll answer.. I mean.. may be she's still on her way :v And he says that it's MARK
Dorothy1nW0nd3r1and #7
Chapter 7: OMG AHHHH hopefully hani's walkie talkie still works.. I think she doesn't believe it's him since she chuckled and it's only been 9 years ;___; IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT UPDATE GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM~~<3
ProudToBeBana0423 #8
Chapter 7: AH YEAH :3 hope hani's walkie talkie works as well
Chapter 7: Mark is so ****! Why haven't he thought about it earlier. . It makes me crave for more.. more chappies author-nim. ... go go fighting!
K_Tiara #10
Chapter 5: I'm curious with the next update authornim.. I'm new reader here ^^