Chapter 5

Can we be more?

'Maybe this will work. I love you Baekkie. My wierd little puppy.'


Chanyeol almost jumped out of bed when his sisters screamed into his ear. As soon as he had gotten his heartbeat back, he gave his sister the most deadliest glare EVER.

"What the hell are you trying to do, kill me?!?!"

"Well, you didn't wake up. I tried screaming at you for hours. By the way, who is you 'wierd little puppy'?" Yoora asked as she walked to the door. She heard Chanyeol give a little cry behind her. She turned around and saw him all rolled up in a ball on his bed. She laughed at how stupid he looked. She walked towards him and sat down on the bed next to him.

"What's wrong?" She asked even though she pretty much knew what it was.

"It's Baekhyun." 'I knew it.

"Is he your wierd little puppy?" She said and smiled at her cute little brother.

"AAARRRGGGHHH!!!" Chanyeol was so frustrated. He even scared Yoora. He sighed and sat up. He put his legs to his chest and kept them there with is arms.

"I can't believe it was all just a dream." He said and hid his face in his knees.

"What was a dream?"

"Baekhyun. I dreamt that he accepted my confession, but it was all just a dream. He hasn't accepted me and he never will."

Yoora felt sad for Chanyeol. It's not always easy loving someone, and especially not if that someone is your bestest friend in the whole world. She couldn't do anything else than fondly stoke her brothers back. 

"I'm sorry, Chanyeol. No one wants you two together more than me. I have always waited for the day when you'd come home and say 'Baekhyun and I are together'. I really want that day to come true. But unless he wants to love you, then.... Then there's nothing you can do about it."

Chanyeol buried his head deeper into his knees, trying to hide his tears. 

"But you still can't risk loosing him as a friend. That would break you even more." She got up from the bed and headed towards the door. She closed the door and Chanyeol was left alone.

"OOOOOR!!" She came screaming back inside.

"You can try to avoid him!!" Yoora jumed eagerly.


"You know, avoid him. Make him aware of how much he needs you."

"Again: What?"

"Oh come on, Chanyeol! Haven't you never heard that when someone confesses to you, you become totally aware of them. You become aware of what their saying, doing, thinking and so on. And somewhere along the way you fall in love with them too!! That's what you need to do!!" And with those words Yoora left the room and Chanyeol was left alone. More confused then he's ever been before. 'What sort of sister have you given me, God? I want a new one.' He got up from bed and headed into the shower. He felt somewhat easier when the warm water hit his sore body (mentally speaking). He got out of the shower and put on his uniform. He heard a vribration sound coming from his desk. He picke dup his phone and read the text.

From: Baekhyun

I'll be at you house in about ten minutes!! ◕‿◕

'Avoid him!.Make him aware of how much he needs you.' He remembered Yooras woords and wrote his reply. He placed his phone in his bag and went downstairs for breakfast.


To: Chanyeol

I'll be at your house in about ten minutes!!◕‿◕

'Okay so today I will have to talk to Chanyeol. I didn't sleep until 3AM so thank you mom for giving me the consealer!'

From: Chanyeol

Sorry. But I'm already out the door.


To: Chanyeol

Wait for me then!

'Is he in a hurry?'

From: Chanyeol

Sorry. But I don't wanna wait. I'm already halfway to school. See you there.

'..................... What?'


Chanyeol arrived at school. There wasn't a crowd of high schoolers waiting outside of school like in his dream. 'Yep. That dream wil not come true apparently.' He saw Kai and Kyungsoo talking (more like cuddling) by the front gate. He tip toed up to them.


"AAAAAAAHH!!" Kyungsoo and Kai screamed so loud that every student gave them wierd looks.

"PARK CHANYEOL!!" Kyungsoo yelled and started hitting Chanyeol on the arm.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Y-You should h-have seen you-you're faces!! HAHAHA!!" Chanyeol felt his sides being torn apart from all the laughing.

"Park Chanyeol. You are the most evil creature on this earth." Kyungsoo said between gritted teeth. Kai chuckled at his cute boyfrined. He back hugged him to prevent him from tearing out Chanyeols eyes.

"Take it easy, baby. Even though he deserves it.." Kai said and gave Chanyeol an evil glare.

"... It's not worth it." He continued and kissed the top of Kyungsoos head. Kyungsoo breathed out and let go of his anger (for now).

"You guys really are adorable together." CHanyeol said and tried not to loose his smile. Oh, how he wanted to be like that with Baekhyun. Kyungsoo saw the sadness in Chanyeols eyes and reached out to touch his shoulder. He gave Chanyeol an apologetically smile. Chanyeol only gave back a nod. He saw Baekhyun in the corner of his eye.

"Sorry guys, but I gotta go." He smiled and quickly ran inside. Kyungsoo gave him a confused look. He turned around and saw Baekhyun. 'Oh my god, that stupid giant.' He thought and gave Baekhyun a wave. He got himself out of Kais grip and ran down the stairs to greet his friend.

"Morning Baek."

"Morning Kyungi-" Baekhyun saw Kais death glare form behind Kyungsoo.

"Ehm.. Kyungsoo, I mean." Kais glare turned into a smile.

"Moring Baekhyun. Long time no see." Kai said and reached out his hand.

"Yeah, you too." Baekhyun said and shook Kais hand.

"Have you guys seen Chanyeol today?"

Kai and Kyungso looked at each other. 'Why can't I read their secret stares?!' Baekhyun thought. They turned their heads toward Baekhyun again.

"What is going on with you two?" Kyungsoo asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What do you mean?" 

"Don't even try it."

Baekhyun sighed knowing he was defeated. You can never hide the truth once Kyungsoo is on the case. 'That stupid owl-looking Kyungsoo Poirot.'

"I don't know for sure, but I think Chanyeol is avoiding me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, I sent him a text this morning saying that I would be at his house soon. But he replied that he had already walked to school. He didn't even ask if I wanted to go with him."

"Maybe he had something he needed to do."

"Or maybe he's just still uncomfortable after the whole 'I love you' thing." Baekhyun sighed and let his head fall down. Kyungsoo looked at Kai. If only they could understand that stupid giant. 

"Come on, Baek. Let's just get to class." Kyungsoo said and grabbed Baekhyuns hand.






No matter how hard Baekhyun tried, Chanyeol would just ignore him. He could call his name: Nothing. He could grab his arm: Nothing. He could throw him on the ground and slap his face: Nothing. Chanyeol would still ignore him. 

"Kyungsooooo!! What am I gonna dooooo!!" Baekhyun cried as he smacked his head on the table. It was lunch and (luckily for Baekhyun) almost every student were outside in the summer sun. Kyungsoo felt pain in his heart as he watched his poor friend suffer. Chanyeol had been ignoring Baekhyun for over a week. 

"I'm sorry, Baekhyun. I don't know what to say or do."

"I think he's decided to end our friendship." Baekhyun sobbed as he gently rubbed the place on his forehead that had hit the table.

"No way! He loves you, right?! You can't just end something like that. It takes years and sometimes even forever. Look, I don't know what's going on in his mind, but he is not ending your friendship." Kyungsoo said with a serious look on his face. Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo with his tearfilled eyes. 

"I hope you're right."

"You know I am. Come on, we have no more classes for today, so let's go shopping. I'm sure it'll cheer you up." Kyungsoo said with a smile as he picked up his bag and reached out a hand for Baekhyun to grab. Baekhyun gave a little smile and grabbed Kyungsoos hand. 

"Wait! Didn't you have plans with Kai?" Baekhyun asked as they left the front gate.

"Don't worry about it. I'll explain it to him later."

"You know he's going to kill me for getting you to ditch him."

"Pffff! Like I'm gonna let him hurt you." Kyungsoo said and ruffled Baekhyuns hair. Baekhyun laughed and pushed Kyungsoos hand away. They talked and laughed and talk and laughed the entire way.

They went into a few shops and bought a few sweaters, t-shirts, pants, hoodies, beanies etc. They were smiling and Kyungsoo was right: It did help. At least a little.

"I'm serious. Kai always looks like he wants to kill me as soon as I say your name."

"Don't be so paranoid." Kyungsoo laughed.

"I'm not! I'm a 100% serious! He looks like he's going to kill me!" 

"So you're saying you don't like my boyfriend?"

"NO! Of course not! I really like him, okay? He sweet and kind, and he treats you the way a prince treats his princess. I couldn't be more happy for you. I'm just saying that he's a little scary. Sometimes."

Kyungsoo could only laugh. He was fully aware of Kais famous 'Death-glares', but he was just happy. They meant that he really care and loves Kyungsoo. And it made him feel really special. 

"Hey! A new place!" Baekhyun said and brought Kyungsoo out of his thoughts.

"Let's check it out!" Kyungsoo said and grabbed Baekhyuns arm. 

They went into the little new place. It was when they got inside that they was what it was: A café. There was a big sign saying: Sweet N' Cosy.

"Well... this place is new." Baekhyun said as he admired the new place. He only heard a little hum from Kyungsoo. The cafè was big, but looked so cosy. There were small round tables with black chairs. Every table had a small lamp with a few krystals hanging down form them over it. Every lamp was in either dark blue, light blue or turquoise. They sort of made the room sparkle, but not too much. There was a big, turquoise desk all the way inside. It was big and displayed lots of food and sweets. There were everything from sandwiches to cakes and even a little ice cream corner. Everything looked so delicious.

"Oh no.."

"I know right?! I don't think I have enough money to taste everything." Baekhyun said as he admired the big display of everything. He put his face against the window that were separating him from all the glorious food. Baekhyun became aware of how silent Kyungsoo was and turned his head to see what was going on.

Baekhyun never new that in five seconds he could go from being inside a café to being lost in the square. He never knew that in five seconds he could cry what felt like an entire sea. He never knew that in five seconds his heart could break like a class vase falling from a shelf. He never knew that in five seconds he would loose control of everything.

He was standing in the middle of the square just feeling the tears disappear with the rain that was drowning him. He couldn't feel his heart, or his breath or his entire body. He couldn't feel the cold that the rain was giving him. He couldn't see al the people around him running to find shelter. He couldn't hear Kyungsoo shout his name from afar. He couldn't utter a word. He could only see one thing. That one thing he saw inside the café.

Chanyeol holding hands with a girl.

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Chapter 6: Aw dat was cute >w<
sweetgirl19 #2
Chapter 6: Yeaaah <3 I'm soo happy for them <3 <3
Chapter 5: Okay my god don't leave me like this nooo
xiuhanislove #4
Chapter 5: please update soon, Im so curious>< *~~~~*
sweetgirl19 #5
Chapter 4: Next update pleeeeeease! <3 It was too good <3 <3
xiuhanislove #6
Chapter 3: can't wait for the next update, please update soon~ <3 *~~~* they're so cuuuteeee *~~~~~~*
Chapter 2: anticipating for next update < 3
ismi_si #8
Chapter 2: wow, i love this story <3 .. can't wait for the next story , i hope they're be couple!!!