Sunrise, sunset(ludae)

Snippets and Shreds

what's the actual LuhanxJongdae ship name....? I have not idea. Anyway Sehun as a squirrel is one of my favorite things in the whole world not gonna lie

Jongdae's favorite part of the night has always been the stars. Despite living in a suburban community, and only being able to see a few stars, he still loves to climb out on his roof at night and sit there for hours, gazing up at the pretty twinkling things. He would stay there, laying on the roof, until he fell asleep, or the sun started to rise. He actually loved rain, so he stayed and relished the weather if it acted up. His neighbors have long grown used to his odd antics, and greet him by asking how his night has been, not his day. Occasionally, when Jongdae falls asleep on the roof, they will throw little pebbles at him and try to wake him up softly, so he doesn't accidentally roll off the roof. Usually it's the Lu brothers that wake him up at the crack of dawn. Han and Min are twins who live three houses down. They go on early morning runs/jogs/sprints-whatever they're feeling that day-and bring along a little bag of pebbles to throw just in case their almost neighbor fell asleep on the roof again. They really don't consider Jongdae to be their friend, but he's definitely more then their acquaintance. It's a complicated relationship. 
One day, Han decides he'd like to actually get to know Jongdae. He seems to be a complete ditz, but at the same time...not. His curiosity started when, after the boys(they're eighteen) woke the man(he's nineteen) up, and he started going off on an entire lecture on astrochemistry and the make up of molecular clouds. Most people cannot just randomly spout off an entire lecture about the fundamentals of astrochemistry and how it is related to the formation and make up of molecular clouds, so Han had asked if he was an astrochemistry major. The boys were shocked to find out that he doesn't even go to college-hasn't before, isn't now, and doesn't plan to.
The next interesting thing involving Jongdae, was when Min caught him taking care of squirrels while on his way home, carrying groceries. 
"What are you doing?" He had asked.
"Feeding Sehun."
"This squirrel."
After that, Min didn't want anything to do with the odd man who lived up the street, but it just intrigued Han even more.
March fifth was a rainy day. It was a Saturday. It was the day Han decided to bake cookies and bring them over to Jongdae, hoping to be let in. 
He packed the cookies into a plastic, Tupperware container, while they were still warm and gooey, and pulled on his hoodie, ready to brave the wind and rain.
"Where are you going?" Asked Min.
"Up the street. I'm going to try to get to know Jongdae."
"Ugh. Tell me if he's better then I think he is." 
Han nodded and sprinted down the street, trying to stay as dry as possible. He wasn't sure, but he had a feeling that Jongdae was MUCH better then Min made him out to be.
After two rings, Jongdae answered the door, a book four inches thick, and called, 'A Complete Study of isotonic Bonds' was clutched in his arms, and his hair was messy around his purple, hipster glasses. A half eaten roast beef sandwich hung out of his mouth, and when he realized that, he blushed slowly and finished chewing. 
"Hey Han."
Can I come in?"
"Oh, yes yes, please." Remembering his hospitality, the man ushered the boy inside. He set his book down on the stairs, and took the box of cookies from Han after Han informed him is was a box of cookies for him. While Jongdae went and put the cookies away in the kitchen, Han had a chance to look around and admire the inside of Jongda's house.
There were more books then Han had ever seen. Even the library paled in comparison to the amount of books Jongdae had. They lined the hallway, two and three rows thick, and went up four feet. They were stacked up the stairway, on benches and tables and chairs. The bookshelves were overflowing and you could only see the tops of them. The only way to get around was by small walkway/'hallway' areas that were clear in between the books. 
When Jongdae returned from the kitchen, Han looked at him in awe.
"You have a ton of books."
"Yeah, I love to read." The man blushed slightly and gestured around. "Most of these I've read. The ones that I haven't read are right here." He gestured towards the stairwell. 
"Do you have a certain kind of book? Or all kinds..."
"All kinds. Reading is how I teach myself everything I know. The books are organized by category, like, romantic poem books are over there, and space science books are right here." He started walking around the house, pointing to various stacks of books. Han realized that between the stacks of books was a small space that separated the categories. Some categories had only a few books in them, while others had literally hundreds.
"And all of the books are organized by author and title alphabetically. I had a map of everything once but I lost it, so I just had to memorize where every book is." Jongdae shrugged. 
"Do you like to read?"
"Kind of...I mean, I enjoy reading, but nothing like this. I would venture to say this is your passion, and while I love reading, it's definitely not my passion."
"Oh, well that's okay. What is your passion?"
"I'm an animator."
"Well...I want to be one. I have to graduate first. Right now I animate my own movies though."
"Ooh, could I watch one some time?"
"Yeah, sure."
The two spent the rest of the day getting to know each other, and eating cookies.

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