Chapter Two!!

Can we go back to normal, please?

"Tae Tae! Take a selca with me!" Jimin jumped a little, legs digging into Taehyung. He laughed and shuffled closer to the smaller. The two pulled random faces, grabbed hats and glasses, snapping loads of pictures. BANG BANG BANG. Tae groaned and walked to the door pulling it open. SMACK. It was only when he was stumbling around, wiping his lip and staring at his finger till he realized someone punched him. Coldly he looked up from his bangs and slightly bent over position to see non other that Jin. He growled and straightended himself. He'd been waiting for this. He ran at the slightly shorter and tackled him to the wall. Punches and kicks thrown, the two fell to the floor, fists clolliding. The two rolled and rolled and rolled. Until they ended up at the staircase. Jin shoved Taehyung down. Tae blinked with fear. Suddenly, he was sent tumbling down backwards. Head hitting the wall, arm twisting the wrong way, the taller boy eventually ended up at the bottom of the stair case. He screamed a little in pain. He heard running footsteps and he blinked, the last thing he saw was Jimin's crying face leaning over his. 

It's so cold. And will someone please turn that damn beeping off? It's freaking me out. Where am I? Dreaming most likely... But why do I feel so alone?

Was all that run through Tae's head as he led in the hospital bed, tears rolling down his smooth cheeks. Why wasn't anyone here with him? No Jimin, no Jungkook, No J-Hope? Oh yeah, JH and JK were on holiday together.. Tae sat up as the doctor walked in. "You're fine. Just in shock. People always are after tripping down the stairs. Tie your shoe lace next time Mr.Kim. Now, you are free to go." Tae nodded and grabbed his stuff. Stuff? Oh. Yeah. Jimin must have been here. He noticed his board, phone, hat and sun glasses were there. And... A note. 

"I'm sorry I left. It was meant to be our day. But Jin always comes first for me. He's more important than you. You can't always get what you want Taehyung. Anyway, I won't see you at school. You're an embarrassment. I brought your hat and glasses to hide your unappealing face.

-Park Jimin.

Taehyung sighed. Why such a horrid note?


"Why did you make me write that? I wanted to be nice to him after what I did! How could you do that to him?!" Cried Jimin, giving Jin a slight shove. Jin rolled his eyes, snatching his drink and pouring it over the smaller's head. "Shut up Jimin. Deal with it. It was him or me, And you made your choice." Jimin balled his fists. and stormed to the door of his own apartment. He grabbed only one set of keys, a pre-packed bag and opened the door before slamming it. The keys he had were not to his apartent, but to Tae's. He ran to the apartment block, up the stairs and to the door, he knocked. Got no answer. He shoved the key in the lock and twisted. Opening the door, he saw what a state the apartment was in. Couch upturned along with tables and chairs. Broken photo's everywhere. A deep voice sounded through the flat. Crying. 

Jimin put his bag down and quietly walked into the kitchen. Tae was sat cross legged, crying. Jimin laughed at his cuteness. "You always were a crybaby." He got down and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close. Tae grabbed him and pulled him into his lap. "Don't ing leave me again or I'll kill you."

So after all, on one single Sunday, He chose Tae. For now.



Aight here! I INTEND ON TAKING THIS STORY SERIOUSLY FOR MY BEST FRIEND ZIKWON4LYFE. Plus I'm enjoying the over the topness :D

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Nichie #1
Chapter 4: whoaaa they kissed o.o
why Tae just left Jimin? whhyyyy? ugh please update soon~
Jiminssi-Tae #2
Chapter 3: WHOOO YAY JIMIN PICKED TAEHYUNG....for now???
Nichie #3
Chapter 3: yeah, yeah thats so right you must choose Tae not Jin yeah i'm so cruel but aidunker I just want vmin being together hahaha
sounds good..please give me the story~