Chapter Three!!

Can we go back to normal, please?

Oh my hormones! Thanks for the comments and subs guys! I will make sure this chapter is a bit better!!

- Aight


Taehyung opened his eyes, nostrils twitching. A high pitch voice could be heard singing loudly from the kitchen. Doesn't Jimmine know how to be quiet? The orange haired male kicked of the covers and ran a hand through his hair. Swinging his lanky legs over the edge of the bed, he stumbled out the door. Yawning. A lot. The deep voiced boy walked into the kitchen with a raised brow. Apparently, Jimin hadn't spotted him and was dancing around. Tae cleared his throat, grabbing Jimin's attention. "O-oh. Morning Tae Tae!" He blurted, a little embarassed. Tae walked over to him, ruffled his dark hair and gave him a brief hug. "What day is it?" He asked rather lazily. Jimin blinked and looked at the calender on his friend's door. "School day.."


"!" Taehyung spat out the milk he was drinking and ran back into his room. He threw on some casual clothes and quickly brushed his hair. As he was putting in his triangle earrings, his door bell sounded. He grabbed his bag and ran out of his room, grabbing Jimin on the way. He threw his door open, seeing the confused faces of J-Hope and Jungkook. Well.. having a short boy over your shoulder will look weird. "Don't ask.." He then put him down, grabbed his board and practically jumped down the stairs. Jungkook and J-hope grabbed their own bikes. "What about Jimin?" the Kookie asked. Tae was silent before handing his board to the other. Jung took it with a confused expression. Tae clambered on the bike and ushered Jimin to get on the back. Jimin nodded, jumping on and grabbing onto his friend's shoulders.

The four of them headed off to school (Kookie on the skateboard), not actually that late. Taehyung was smiling more than usual. Who wouldn't when you have your crush clinging onto you? As they entered the gates, Tae got waves from boy and girls. Popular and not. A few makeup caked girl giggle and blushed as they passed. Jimin frowned and tightened his grip. Why was he feeling a tad jealous? When they locked up the bikes, Tae took back his beloved board and kicked off, to the girls they passed. He smiled to them, getting more giggles. "Morning ladies. I hope you had a good half term?" He threw them a smirk and they nodded their heads. As he waved them off, his got on his board and rode back over to the three boys. Jimin frowned and the others laughed, shaking his shoulders. The four then began walking to their special tree. Jimin heard a shout and looked over his shoulder. He smiled and ran over to the pink haired male. "Suga! Long time no see!" He hugged him and began walking away from Tae and the others.

Taehyung looked over his shoulder, frowning as his friend walked away. "Yo! V! Leggo!" Tae instantly smiled at his nickname and turned around and headed off with the two.


'Yo! V! Leggo!" Played through Jimin's head the whole time in class. He took out his phone, waiting for the teacher and thought about texting Tae. He felt someone behind him and he looked over his shoulder. He grinned and waved as Jin sat down next to him, Suga on the other side. "Anyoung." Jimin said as he put his phone away. He didn't notice that Taehyung had walked into his class, bag swung over one shoulder, heart stopping grin on his face. As the teacher walked in behind him she cussed at him. "Must you always get in trouble?" She asked him, to which he shrugged. He looked through the corner of his eyes and spotted Jimin. The teahcer made him face the class. "Attention everyone, I'm sure most of you know Kim Taehyung, and because of certain actions he has been moved to our lovely little class." She flipped he black hair. There was a scrape of a chair as one female stood up. "Kim Taehyung, I'm in love with you!" She shut her eyes and eylled at him. When she opened them, he smirked and winked. "I love you too." and she dropped like a stone.

Making a girl faint, was just the start. He cockily walked to his seat, lolli pop in mouth. He shrugged off his bag and leather jacket. Jimin realized who was in his class and turned to look behind him. Tae caught site of him in the corner of his eyes, turned to face the front and slouched hin his seat. He folded his arms with obvious annoyance. Jimin felt himself blushing and when Suga commented on it he turned his attention back to the front. 

The first classes went fast and before they knew it, it was lunch. Everyone was dismissed. The only two people in class: Jin and Taehyung. "What was that all about?" Jin demanded, cocking his head to the side. 

"Don't know what you're on about."

"Flirting in class. You make me sick. My blood boils at the site of you."

"I would say the same, but that'd hurt Jimin."

Jin blinked. And growled. Before Taehyung knew it, he was on the floor. Fists collided with his face, nose and eyes. Jin grabbed his throat and squeezed. "How dare you bring him into this. You're nothing but a burden. We don't like you, so why don't you stay away from us?" Taehyung closed his eyes as more fists smashed at his face. At last he pushed the other boy off. "Is I hit you, It'll hurt Jimin." He grabbed his bag and walked out with a bloodied face. People stared at him, but he was pissed.

Kicking a can over, he screamed. SLAM. He was on the floor again. "I told you not bring him into this!" Jin yelled at him. Taehyung switched their positions and picked Jin up by his collar, slamming down his fist into the others nose. Then kneed him in the stomach, bringing his elbow down on his kneck. Jin coughedd, winded and then tackeled him to the floor. A crowd had formed, people cheering.

From a distance, Jimin and Suga could hear all the comotion. They stood, looked at eachother and slowly walked over. Pushing through the crowd, they heard familiar voices. They stumbled upon the sight of Taehyung, all bloody, slamming Jin's head into a locker. Jin responded by kicking him into a bin. Tae fell backwards and grunted. "We hate you, damned ginger!" Tae shook his head at the words, standing and screaming. He grabbed at his hair, looking up at Jin. "No.. He loves me!" Jin snorted in laughter. "Prove it." Tae stood, coughed up a little blood. 

Jimin stared, Tae looking like . Who could be this he? He blinked and saw Tae walk up to him, looking rather frightening. Tae reached him. He stood so close and grabbed his waist. Pulling him closer, Taehyung leaned down. He lightly pressed his lips on Jimin's. Suddenly there was sparks and electricc shocks running through their bodies. People gasped and giggle. Slowly, Jimin responded. He wrapped his arms around Tae's shoulders. This action deepened their kiss. They started moving their lips together. Tae slowly moved away, looking in the smallers eyes. Jimin smiled and so did Tae. Jin growled and kicked the lockers. " you," He his heel and walked away.

Tae sighed and pulled away from Jimin completely. "Catch you later Jiminnie-Cricket." And with that he also left, leaving a stunned Jimin...

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Nichie #1
Chapter 4: whoaaa they kissed o.o
why Tae just left Jimin? whhyyyy? ugh please update soon~
Jiminssi-Tae #2
Chapter 3: WHOOO YAY JIMIN PICKED TAEHYUNG....for now???
Nichie #3
Chapter 3: yeah, yeah thats so right you must choose Tae not Jin yeah i'm so cruel but aidunker I just want vmin being together hahaha
sounds good..please give me the story~