Chapter One!!

Can we go back to normal, please?

Taehyung rushed around his messy apartment, cleaning and getting dressed at the same time. It had been months since he was this excited, and he wasn't gonna ruin it with a messy apartment. When he was ready, he rushed out of his door, grabbing his skateboard and rushing down the massive flight of stairs. Jumping the last few steps, ran through the door. The orange headed boy threw his board down, jumping on it, and kicking off. Rushing down the hill and swerving, Tae tried to make sure he got there by 10 am. Currently 10:45 am. And a long way to go. Coming to a road, he grabbed his board and legged it; his back pack flying around him. 

He managed, only just to get there at 10:59 am. And a smiling Jimin was waiting just out side his own front door. Tae smiled shyly waving and walking over. Bowing, the two began walking back up to Taehyungs. A comfortable silence fell on the two, just like old times. Buzz Buzz.

Oi , I'm coming over to yours. Parent's being and . - Jin_in_a_Bin

Jimin sighed and subconciously leaned against Tae's shoulder, resisting the urge to grab his hand. "I have a problem Tae Tae. What do I say to hi-" before he could finish, Taehyung grabbed his phone and dialed Jin's number. He pressed the phone to his ear, his expression hardening. "Hello? Why the did you call. Just text moron." Jin's annoyed tone sounded. Tae did not like his tone of voice at all. "Yo. Jimin's not hanging with a dipstick like you today. He'll catch you later." And with that, Jin started throwing curses but he hung up passing the phone back to the shorter male. Jimin giggled at how serious Taehyung was. 

Finally getting to the tallers apartment, they walked in and threw their coats down. "So, Jiminnie-Cricket, What do you want to do first?" Tae asked, turning to him with a small smile. Jimin blushed a little, remebering how he actually ha a say in things when with Tae. He shrugged and danced into the kitchen. "Pancakes!" He yelled, turning on Tae's Ipod and speaker. He shuffled around in the kitchen, shaking his hips with a laugh. Tae walked in, leaning on the door frame, lean muscles showing. Jimin shoulder shuffled over, enjoying the sight of his once best friend. He grabbed the tallers wrist and pulled him in. Grabbing all the stuff needed, he continued dancing around whilst Tae mixed things together. Whilst they were waiting for the pan to get warm enough, Jimin turned to Tae and they began dancing.

Of course being the idiots they were together, they sprayed the pan and poured some of the mix in. Jimin danced to left with a mop, Tae dancing the same direction but with a broom, sweeping and setting one foot in front of the other. They did this left and right, swapped mop and broom by launching them in the air, spinning and swapping places, and doing the same dance. Jimin passed the broom back, grabbing the spatula and pan, walking to the middle of the kitchen and flipping the pancake. Putting it back on the stove, he hummed and sang a long to the song. Tae leaned slightly over him, resting his chin on the shorter's head, arms either side of him. His stomach pressed against Jimin's back. Jimin leaned back into him and served up all the pancakes. he quickly spun around to face Tae, not realizzing how close they were. He could feel the orange head's breath against his lips. His eyes trailed down to the well-bitten ones of his ex-bestfriend. He closed his eyes and inhaled his cologne. "Like what you see?" Tae smirked stepping away from him. Jimin whined, instantly missed the warmth of the others body. Tae smirked to himself. He switched off the music and grabbed the little man. Putting him in a piggy back, he walked and flopped on the sofa. "T.V. Time." He stated. Jimin smiled and switched on the T.V, Throwing his legs over the taller's. 

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Nichie #1
Chapter 4: whoaaa they kissed o.o
why Tae just left Jimin? whhyyyy? ugh please update soon~
Jiminssi-Tae #2
Chapter 3: WHOOO YAY JIMIN PICKED TAEHYUNG....for now???
Nichie #3
Chapter 3: yeah, yeah thats so right you must choose Tae not Jin yeah i'm so cruel but aidunker I just want vmin being together hahaha
sounds good..please give me the story~