Move Over Fanboys!

Sorry for the late update guys! My mind had been fried the past weeks. Anyways, this is for PanDara/DaRi shippers! Hope you like this chapter!


And comments will be very much appreciated! It really lifts authors' spirits when we read comments from our beloved readers. Hihi... :)





Five men were seen loitering around the YG premises very early in the morning. They were checking every nook of the building for who-knows-what before deciding to enter the building. They were trying to look inconspicuous, all dressed in black, all wearing big beanies, jackets zipped-up to their noses and big glasses to cover not just their eyes, but their whole faces as well.


In short, they look like total nutcases.


They might have pulled off being incognito if it weren't for the four guys dragging the fifth guy with them. The latter was flailing wildly that people around the area were close to calling the police because of the thought that the dragged man was being kidnapped.


Inside the YG building


"Yah! Will you stop hyung! You're heavy, you know that?" the maknae complained while carrying Daesung on top of his shoulder along the silent corridors of the building.


"So put me down!"




"What? You told me to put you down?" Seungri defensively said as his hyungs were glaring at him, Daesung having the deadliest glare.


"Alright enough!" the leader called their attention, "We're here already so please don't mess up."


Daesung was about to protest that he was brought here against his own will. He didn't want to take part in their so-called 'mission'. But the look their leader was giving him was enough for him to shut up and just go with the flow.


"Okay. Let's start this." Jiyong began giving out orders


"Remember our plan? Let's head first to the YG Clinic then we'll proceed to the Costume Room next."


"Yah! You can't just go into those rooms! Those are rooms only for authorized personnels! And those people will not let five terrorists-looking men in black enter and do whatever they want!" Daesung ranted in the hopes that what he said will make the four members change their minds.


Seungri patted his shoulder. "Hyung, don't worry. We got it all covered."


Flashback (last night)


"You do know what you're talking about right?" Youngbae asked their maknae who had just finished telling them another 'brilliant' idea of his.


"Of course!"


The four Big Bang boys, excluding Daesung, were in their leader's dorm. They were all sitting on the floor, contemplating on their plan against the 2NE1 dating test and the fanboys.


"What if sajangnim finds out?" Jiyong asked.


"He will not find out hyung! No one's a blabbermouth here."


The other three just looked at him.


"Oh yeah. You're not a tattletale alright. If I remember correctly, you almost spilled most of our secrets in every variety show you were a guest in." Seunghyun sarcastically remarked.


"C'mon hyungs..... That's before. When I couldn't keep my mouth shut." Seungri awkwardly laughed and fanned his face, "Do you think I will put myself in danger? I mean this is my idea after all."


"But would they buy it?"


"Have you no trust in me? The great Lee Seungri?"


"Only a little." Jiyong scratched the back of his head while looking apologetically at their maknae.


"None." the oldest bluntly answered.


While Youngbae was just smiling a Joker-like smile at him.


"Fine. I'm just trying to help out hyung. For the noonas....." Seungri was about to stand up.


"Okay. Let's do it. Your plan." Jiyong said.


"Chincha?? I promise you hyungs this is my best idea yet!"


"You know what to do, right?" Youngbae handed him the phone.


"Neh. This is for the noonas!" Seungri got the phone and began to dial Seungho's (2NE1 stylist) number.






"Wait!" Jiyong grabbed the phone from Seungri, "I just got a message from YG-hyung that we will also be the judges for the style test! Apparently Seungho and the other stylists are going to attend the Balmain store-opening tomorrow and the organizers asked personally for their presence since they are always dressing 2NE1 in Balmain."


"One down!" Seunghyun exclaimed and gave a high-five to Youngbae.


"One more to go!" Youngbae followed.


Jiyong handed the phone once more to Seungri and nodded. "YG Clinic."


Seungri dialled away.




All of them were looking anxiously at the phone. Seungri felt like they were a bunch of highschool girls waiting to have a phone conversation with their crushes for the first time.


"Uh yeoboseyo?" Seungri asked startled with the sudden answering from the other line.


Jiyong nudged him. He coughed.


"Yeoboseyo." Seungri repeated again with his YG voice.


"Y-yang-sajangnim?" the other line answered.


'New intern.' Seungri mouthed to the others while pointing at the phone.


"Neh. I wanted to talk to you about something." And he swear he could hear someone squeal on the other line saying "My idol! My greatest hero! Talking to me!".


He can't help but laugh at the intern's reaction.


"Y-yeoboseyo? N-neh. Sir, you wanted to talk about something? ~~W-wait! I-is this about the shots we're going to give Big Bang next week? Because I swear I had nothing to do with it! It was all the hospital's idea!"


"S-shots?? W-what SHOTS??" Seungri nervously asked with a high-pitched voice, forgetting to use his YG voice.


Youngbae nudged him again but he was so scared and shocked that he fainted.


"Yang-sajangnim? Y-yeoboseyo? Sir? M-mr. President?"


The three boys want on panic mode after seeing Seungri collapse. Youngbae was shaking his body vigorously to wake him up.


"Y-yeoboseyo s-sir? Is everything fine sir?"






Jiyong was behind Youngbae, shouting at him to shake Seungri's body harder.


I stared horrified at the scene before me. I feel sorry for what they are doing to our maknae. I was about to tell them to stop when I spotted the phone and suddenly I remembered all about our plan.


"Sajangnim are y-you still~~"


I hastily picked the phone up.


"Neh. U-uhmm mianhe." I answered with my best YG voice imitation.


"Sir? Are you alright? What happened? I heard a loud thud and some shouting. I think a very violent person is in there~~~oh gosh sir! Do you want me to call the guards??"


"Why are you asking so many questions?" I became nervous with his questions bombarding me that I lost my cool.


"S-sir? Uh m-mian haeyo. Jeongmal mian haeyo ! Please forgive me! I won't do it again! Please don't be mad at me! You're my idol!"


I felt guilty remembering that I am talking to an intern...... but what the heck! He doesn't know that he's talking to T.O.P of Big Bang. He thinks I'm the mighty YG, his greatest hero. Well, it's time for him to meet the greatest super villain. Kekeke


In my most scary and deep YG voice,


"Well, Mr. I don't~~"


"Lee sir! My name's Lee Jung Min!"


"I wasn't asking for your name! I was just merely~~~"


"Mian mian!"


"Will you stop interrupting while I talk? Listen boy. I don't care who you are! I just want you out of the clinic tomorrow morning. All of you."


"Y-you're f-firing us? But but~~"


I pulled my hair exasperatedly. This has got to be the most painful and frustrating phone call I've had. With gritted teeth,


"I am not firing anyone! I just said that I don't want anyone in the clinic tomorrow morning."


"Tomorrow sir? But tomorrow's the health test for the 2NE1 dating test."




"N-neh s-sir."


I sighed. I can sense the fear and nervousness of the intern from the other line.


"Mian. Look, just think of it as a day-off tomorrow morning. Arasso?"


"N-neh. T-tomorrow m-morning. N-no one inside t-the c-clinic."




I hung up the phone.


Great. Just talking on the phone made me so tired. I felt like I've aged three years older.


Hmm, thinking about it, maybe that's a good thing.That means me and Dara-noona will not have much age difference. Ha!


But wait~~~ she said she likes younger guys! Okay erase! What I was thinking was completely unnecessary.


I sat on the floor and made a mental note to myself to never ever speak to that intern Lee Jung Min EVER again!


I sighed. I completely forgot what happened earlier but someone patted my back.


"Hyung! Nice save! Thanks!" Jiyong, who was now calm, sat beside me.


Youngbae was sitting on the edge of the bed where Seungri still lay unconsconscious.


"So..... how do we wake him up?" Youngbae asked.


I stood up and walked towards the bed. I hovered on top of Seungri's body.


I was still foiled by the phone call earlier and seeing Seungri still not awake was really not helping.








"Dara-noona.... come on. Where are you?"


I was running down the hallways of YG building, looking for Dara-noona. As always, we were goofing off and suddenly she ran off somewhere, asking me to come find her. And as always, I was happy to oblige.


I've already checked the training room, the gym, the practice room, even sajangnim's office but my girl is nowhere to be found. Oh yeah, MY girl. Who would've thought that among Dara-noona's sea of fanboys, she would choose me? Even I didn't see that coming. I was sure she would end up with Top-hyung since they seem to really like each other. But, I guess my charms are more powerful than his charisma. Keke..


I was heading for the parking lot when I remembered something. So I retraced my steps and went to their dorm instead.


I opened the door and saw a life-sized panda stuff toy with thin, delicate hands surrounding its squishy belly.


Suddenly, a small, pretty face poked out from behind the stuff toy.




I smiled the biggest ever since I was told I was going to have an album of my own. I immediately ran to Dara-noona, intent on giving her a big hug and a kiss (If I'm lucky enough that is. We've had only innocent little pecks ever since we started dating. I respect her decision but I'm a man! With needs!)


I was about to hug her when she shoved me the big panda. I don't know if she was surprised or scared from my sudden running attack. But whatever it was, it was strong enough to make me lose my balance and i ended up on the carpeted floor.


"Babe! I'm so sorry! I was surprised when you suddenly ran to me!" She came over to check on me and whe was still holding the stuff toy. I knew she was bound to trip anytime, knowing her clumsiness. And boy was I right. She was only inches from me when she stepped on the foot of the stuff toy and blag!


Good thing I was expecting something like that to happen. I was able to position myself so she could land on me.


"Oomphh!" I groaned. If there's something I was not expecting, it's her weight. Damn, she gained some pounds! I knew that having Bom-noona as her bestfriend will have some drawbacks.... Keke kidding!


"Mian!" She placed the stuff toy beside me and helped me sit up. She was about to stand up but I had other things in mind. I pulled her so she was now sitting on my lap.


Noticing, our awkward position, she blushed and looked away. I found it so cute that I hugged her. She was struck with my action but after a while she hugged me back.


"Thanks babe." I said while caressing her back.


She pulled away and looked at me. "Name him."




"Name him. The panda.


"Oh. Him. I'm not really good at making up names." I grinned at her while my arms were still encircled around her waist.


She pouted unconsciously. Have I told you already how much that simple pout turns me on? There's like a hundred boyscouts raising my flag right now!


I traced her pink luscious lips tenderly with my thumb. And upon contact, all my self-control vanished and next thing I knew I was already kissing her.


She was caught off-guard so I started caressing her back to soothe her.


A few moments have passed but she still wasn't responding. I noticed that her back was not soft anymore. Instead it was hard and muscular. Sigh. I must prohibit her from working out with Youngbae-hyung from now on.


A minute passed and I decided to give up. I pulled away, my eyes closed, not wanting to see her angry face at me or worse, her disappointed look.


Suddenly, I felt a strong impact against my cheek.




Is she that mad at me? I opened my eyes, wanting to apologize for my rash behavior. I was expecting to see a fuming Dara-noona but I saw the panda stuff toy towering over me, ready to slap me again.


I closed my eyes again, hoping that when I open them, my sweet, beautiful noona-slash-girlfriend is the one in front of me.


I opened my eyes and I saw Seunghyun-hyung hovering above me.








"Yah! You awake now?!" I was still on top of Seungri. But he immediately sat up and pushed me so I fell on the floor, -first.


"So it was all a dream.....?" he muttered to himself while looking directly at me confused.


I was about to ask him what dream when I remembered my aching .


"Yah! Is this what I get for waking you up? And I even finished what you started after you fainted!" I got up and punched him directly on his arm.


"Ouch! Hyung! Sorry! I was just shocked to see you on top of me!"


"And you! You hugged me awhile ago! Then you started caressing my back!" I pointed at him and put on a disgusted face. Normally, I would have played with the maknae given this situation but I am too damn frustrated with the phone conversation earlier.


"Oww.... so that was why it didn't feel right...."


I looked at him confused. "Whatever. I'm going to bed now." I headed to the door.


"Besides, I didn't want to be disturbed from my dream." he muttered but I didn't mind it since I was tired from the night's activities.


"Remember, 6AM tomorrow. Arasso?" Jiyong reminded us while following me out the door while I can only grunt in response.






"That's why I heard loud noises from your room last night." Daesung said as though a light bulb lit up in his head.


"Okay. Let's do this. And please stay disguised. We don't want anyone knowing of our little mission."


"Big Bang, fighting!"


And the five set out to their destination with one thought in their minds, to save their pretty noonas from their fanboys.


Mission: Sabotage 2NE1 dating test. Now commencing.


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Chapter 4: This is jjang! *_*
Chapter 4: super fun & cute, Big Bang..kekeke *giggles* please more update soon ^_^
Panda90 #4
Chapter 4: Kyaaahhh! I love this! Update soon juseyo~
kpop_lover379 #5
wahhhhh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON OR I WILL HATE YOU FOREVER. JK JK I would never do that but puleaseee <3
Pls update and finish it soon pls!!!^_^
Chapter 4: Whaaa!!! I really miss this fic. :(
msyang25 #8
Chapter 3: daradeukkie....can't get over them...ÜÜÜ
looking forward to the new updates....
kyaa....can't wait...
interesting... looking forward to the new chapters