Chapter 7

Small Steps

“And then he kissed me!”

“I know, Jongin. You told me yesterday.”

“But he kissed me!”

“I know, Jongin. You. Told. Me. Yesterday.”

Jongin was sprawled out on Kyungsoo’s bed, messing up the neatly made sheets. Kyungsoo was sitting on his desk chair, slightly annoyed with the other. Ever since Sehun left the night before, Jongin immediately called Kyungsoo and told him what happened. Then he proceeded to update Kyungsoo with everything after Sehun texted him. To say the least, the shorter was very happy for his friend but Jongin wouldn’t stop talking about it.

“You know, you could get ready for you real date.”

The taller shot up. “Oh yeah! That’s why I’m here!” He grinned sheepishly to Kyungsoo. “I need advice.”

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. “Advice on not being an idiot in front of your date? I don’t know if I can cure your idiocy before your date. Or ever.”

Jongin huffed. “You know what I mean, Kyungsoo. I said I would take him out for dinner and then go to a park or something. I was going to take him to the movies but I don’t know if he’ll enjoy it because he can’t see what’s going on… But I don’t know what he likes to eat. What if he’s allergic to something and then I accidentally let him eat something with it in it? Oh my god, what if I kill him on our date? Kyungsoo, I don’t want to do that!”

“Jongin! Shut up!”

The younger stopped talking.

“Okay, just keep a level head.” The older started. “You’re friends with Sehun for a while now. Just keep calm and just have fun. This is the first date but don’t make it too fancy. Sehun seems like a person who just wants to be treated as a regular person and not handicapped.” Kyungsoo sighed. “Relax and enjoy yourself. It’ll be fine.”

Jongin was still unsure but he nodded. “So… I should just… Go with the flow?”

Kyungsoo nodded. “Basically, yeah.”

“And if things go wrong?”

“You’ll figure it out.”

Jongin whipped his head around with wide eyes. “But Kyungsoo! What if I kill him?! This is not helping me!”

“You already told him what you guys were going to do.” The shorter stood up. “Just do that. It’ll be fine! Stop worrying over the littlest things!”

“But Kyungs-“

“Jongin, you’re here long enough. I have to meet up with my boyfriend soon.”

“That’s right! You never told me who that person is!”

Somehow Kyungsoo pushed him to the front door. Jongin was surprised to find himself being pushed outside of the house. He tried to fight his way inside but his best friend wielded some sort of hidden strength from him.

“Bye, Jongin. Good luck on your date.”

“Wait! I still don’t know what to do! And who’s your boyfr-“

The door slammed on his face. Jongin let out a sigh and turned around, grumbling complaints under his breath as he walked home.


Jongin nervously stood in front of Sehun’s house. He told Sehun that he would take him out for dinner and then go for a walk in the park but he was still nervous on messing up. He let out a shaky sigh but suddenly held his breath when the door opened. Luhan popped his head out and then narrowed his eyes.

“Oh. It’s you, Kim Jongin.”

The younger let out an uneasy laugh. Jongin figured that Luhan found out that he was taking Sehun out in a more-than-friends way. Jongin knew how protective of Luhan is over his cousin but Jongin thought it was slightly unhealthy.

“Hey Luhan.” He greeted. He was surprised he didn’t stutter because Luhan’s gaze was quite terrifying.

After a long moment, Jongin and Luhan were still standing in the same place. No one moved but kept staring at the other. Jongin was feeling really nervous and anxious under the intense gaze. However, Minseok appeared behind Luhan and pushed him out of the way to allow Jongin to enter.

“Hey Jongin. I’ll go get Sehun.” Minseok smiled and gave Luhan a warning look before he hurried away.

Jongin was prepared to reach out and beg for Minseok to not leave him alone with Luhan. He slowly turned his head over to the older. Luhan had his arms crossed and giving a terrifying glare to Jongin. The younger was sure that he would have died on the spot.

“Look,” Luhan started. “I don’t want you to keep Sehun out for a long time. You better have him home by ten o’clock, looking exactly the way he left.” The shorter spat. “I swear, Kim Jongin, if anything happens to my cousin, your life wouldn’t even have time to flash before your eyes when I get to you.”

Jongin had never been so scared in his life. He nodded furiously. “Y-Yes, sir!” Ah, there’s my stutter.

Before Luhan could threaten the poor boy further, Minseok came in sight again with Sehun right behind him. It seemed as if Jongin suddenly forgotten Luhan’s threats because he was so mesmerized by how Sehun looked. The younger was dressed in a plain white shirt and a blue jacket over it. The black skinny jeans showed off how long Sehun’s legs were. Of course, Sehun had on his glasses and his walking stick was held loosely in one of his hands.

Even though Jongin had seen Sehun in clothes that fitted him well before, he was always awed by how good Sehun looked in casual clothing. He didn’t realize he was staring, again, until he heard a low growl next to him. He whipped his head around and received one of the darkest glares he had ever seen. Luhan looked absolutely terrifying in that moment.

“Hey Jongin.” Sehun casually said, breaking Luhan’s silent attacks. “Thanks for inviting me out.”

“Of course.” Jongin responded. He suddenly felt safe with Sehun’s presences even though Luhan still looked like he was going to kill him.

“Let’s head out then.”

Sehun slowly made his way to Jongin and reached out to find his arm. Jongin instinctively also reached out and gently took a hold of Sehun’s hand and guided him to his other arm. The blind boy smiled and wrapped an arm around Jongin’s. Sehun whispered very quietly so only Jongin could hear his words.

“We really should hurry out before Luhan stabs you.”

Jongin gulped when he glanced over to Luhan, who was clenching his fists tightly. Minseok was giving him a look that read you-should-really-leave-right-now. Jongin didn’t need to be signaled twice before he laughed nervously and started leading the way out the door. Sehun called back farewells. The last thing Jongin heard before he hurried out of Sehun’s house’s property was Luhan shouting a last warning.

The two walked in silence. There was still daylight out therefore there were still plenty of people wandering. Jongin could feel Sehun tighten his hold on his arm when the crowd of people started to increase as they made their way to the busier part of the district.

“Sorry about my cousin.” Sehun suddenly spoke up. “You already know how over protective he is. Don’t take anything he says to heart though. He’s a good guy who’s trying to look out for me. It’s pretty tiring sometimes.”

“It’s fine.” Even though it seems so unhealthy. “I understand, though. I hope he doesn’t hate me too much for taking you away from him.”

Sehun laughed. “Don’t worry about that. He won’t actually kill you. He still likes you, Jongin. He might hurt you… A lot. But he still likes you to not kill you… I think.”

Jongin felt his blood run cold.

“Anyways, where are we heading to eat?” Sehun changed the topic. “I hope you know that you’re paying and that I’m hungry.”

The older rolled his eyes. “Of course.” Jongin glanced around at different restaurants. “What do you feel like eating, Sehun? I didn’t want to just plan the whole thing. This is our date.” That, and Jongin didn’t know where to go either.

Sehun hummed and seemed to be deep in thought. Jongin always liked seeing Sehun’s concentrated face, how his nose scrunches up adorably and how his tongue will quickly his lips. Jongin slowed their pace so they were walking at a leisure pace.

“I would have said anything would be fine.” Sehun spoke up after a moment. “But I don’t want to be one of those dates, you know?” He chuckled. “What’s the first restaurant that you see here?”

Jongin quickly scanned their surroundings again. He spotted a nice looking restaurant just across the street. “Barbeque buffet.”

Sehun grinned. “How lucky. Let’s go to that one.”

Jongin couldn’t help but laugh. He could hear the sparkles that would have gleamed in Sehun’s eyes in Sehun’s voice. He shook his head as he started to pull them over to the restaurant.


Jongin’s eyes were wide as he watched Sehun practically inhale plate after plate of grilled pork and beef. He was so surprised on how Sehun could continue to shove food into his mouth that he couldn’t even eat his own dinner. He wondered how a skinny person could fit all that food inside.

There has to be a black hole in his stomach. I swear I’m getting full just watching him eat.

Sehun let out a happy sigh after he gulped down half of his cup of soda. He was smiling happily and patted his stomach.

“Mmm, thanks for the food, Jongin! It’s one of the best I ever had.”

He was still too surprised to answer. He only let out a gurgled noise in response. Sehun tilted his head.

“Jongin? Are you okay?”

The older’s eyes slowly trailed down to Sehun’s lips and he realized there was still a piece of rice on Sehun’s mouth. He couldn’t help but chuckle. Sehun reminded him of a little kid because of how messy an eater he is.

He’s probably like this because he didn’t exactly get a childhood.

Jongin frowned at the voice in his head, the thought ruining the moment, but he couldn’t help but agree. Sehun’s childhood was wiped away from him when the accident occurred. He didn’t know what happened but he knew it had to be bad if Sehun lost his eye sight.

And have you noticed how he never mentions his parents?

His frowned deepened at the question. Now that he thought about it, Sehun never mentioned his parents since months ago. Sehun must have lived with his parents before because he used to live in Korea. But why the sudden move to China after an accident? Jongin couldn’t help but wonder if the accident was even bigger than what he had in mind.

He and Sehun were close, more-than-friends type of close, but were they not close enough for Sehun to tell him these things? Jongin shook his head. Sehun needed time. Of course he needed time. Jongin was Sehun’s first friend in a long time, after all.

A yelp snapped him out of his thoughts just in time to see Sehun jerk his hand back.

“Sehun?! What happened?”

Jongin was quickly to rush over to Sehun. The blind boy just let out a shaky chuckle.

“It’s… It’s nothing really.” Sehun mumbled. “It’s just… You weren’t saying anything so I was getting worried but I didn’t know what to do… So I was going to reach over and pat your hand or something but I must have accidentally touched the grill.”

Jongin glanced down to Sehun’s hand, which was quickly turning pink. He silently cursed under his breath.

“I’m so sorry. We should get you to a hospital or clinic or something.”

Sehun stopped him from taking them both anywhere. “It’s okay, Jongin! I burnt myself before plenty of times. Does it look red?”


“You can take me to the restroom so I can cool this down.” Sehun said. “Don’t worry, Jongin. It’s not your fault. I can’t see so I should have known that something like this would happen if…” He waved his uninjured hand. “It’ll be alright.”

Jongin could sense that something was weighing Sehun down but he put it aside for now. He quickly took Sehun’s uninjured hand and led him to the restroom. Jongin quickly adjusted the temperature of the running water to a cool temperature before letting Sehun rinse his hand.

“Did you see any convenience stores near here?”

“There’s one just around the corner, I’m pretty sure.”

“That’s good. If you don’t mind, I think we should head over there to get some bandages and aloe gel.” When Sehun didn’t hear a response, he quickly added, “It’s not a major burn! The aloe gel is for if it still hurts after cooling and the bandage is to not get air on the burn because that’ll worsen it. Don’t worry, Jongin!”

Jongin continued to remain quiet. He let out a sigh after a while. “You know a lot about this, don’t you?”

“Mhm.” Sehun turned his hand to get a better angle for the water to hit. “Like I said, this happens to me a lot so it’s nothing to worry about.”

Jongin stared at Sehun’s hand.

He had done this a lot. That means he must have gotten plenty of other injuries too. Just imagine what it had been like trying to get used to eternal darkness, Jongin. You should be thankful for being able to see.

“Hey, Jongin.”


“I think you should go pay. It’ll take a while for this burn to cool down.” Sehun turned his head over to Jongin, slightly off on his direction trying to give Jongin a smile. “I’ll be okay here.”

Jongin was reluctant but he slowly agreed. “I’ll be back soon.”


The two ended up on a bench in front of the convenience store with Sehun wrapping the bandage around his hand and Jongin trying to help. The blind boy was loosely wrapping the bandage and sealed it with the medical tape.

“Whenever you have a burn, never use cotton bandages. Don’t wrap the bandage tightly either.” Sehun said when he finished.

Jongin could only nod to the advice. “I’m so sorry that our date had to end up like this, Sehun.”

“Don’t be sorry, Jongin. If anything, I should apologize. You had to pay for everything because I didn’t bring money.” Sehun gave him a small smile. “I was the one who gave myself this burn. I’m sorry for being a burden.” He sighed. “I guess I should… Stop trying so hard to act like… To act like people who can see.”

Jongin froze and whipped his head up to look at Sehun. The blind boy was sitting quietly, seemingly to be deep in his thoughts.

He just wants to… Be normal.

“I-I’m sorry!” Sehun suddenly snapped back to reality. “I shouldn’t have said that! I didn’t mean to be more of a burden! I… I’m sorry.” He turned his body away from Jongin.

Jongin slowly reached out and tilted Sehun’s head back to face him. Sehun quickly stopped talking, looking completely flustered and confused. Jongin slowly moved his hand to cup one side of Sehun’s face, his thumb brushing the younger’s cheek. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Sehun’s lips. He pulled back and saw how Sehun’s expression softened.

“Sehun.” Jongin murmured. “You shouldn’t apologize. You’re not a burden. You’re anything but a burden.” He slowly used his other hands to take off Sehun’s glasses. Even though Sehun can’t see, his eyes looked as if they were searching for Jongin. “You have the right to do whatever you want. Just because you can’t see, doesn’t make you any less human.

“But you should still be careful. I don’t want to see you hurt.” Jongin was cupping both of Sehun’s cheeks when he noticed how Sehun’s eyes were watering slightly. “It hurts me to see you in any sort of pain. You shouldn’t brush it off, even if it happened many times before.”

Sehun smiled to himself. “Sorry.”

Jongin leaned down again to give another soft kiss. “You apologize a lot, don’t you?”

The blind boy couldn’t help but laugh. “Shut up.”

They kissed one last time before Jongin stood up. “Let’s finish this date, shall we? So I could get you home before Luhan attacks me.” He glanced down at Sehun’s injured hand. “Well, he’s going to kill me sooner or later.”

Sehun didn’t say anything but laughed, reaching out to grab Jongin’s arm with his uninjured hand. Jongin grinned, slowly making his way towards the park.


“I had fun today, despite this.” Sehun waved his bandaged hand.

“I did too.”

The two were in front of Sehun’s house. The rest of the date was peaceful. Jongin had led Sehun down to a forest path that he used to go to and around a small lake. Even though Sehun couldn’t see the pretty view, he had told Jongin that he felt like he was in a very special place. To say the least, Jongin thought Sehun looked absolutely gorgeous sitting near the lake as the setting sun surrounded the blind boy with a slight hue of orange.

“I…” Sehun started to blush. “I would like to do it again sometime…”

Jongin grinned. “I do too.”

The older stared down at the younger’s happy face. Slowly, he leaned back down to kiss Sehun. Their lips barely brushed before the door was swung open from behind them and a furious looking Luhan appeared.

“Oh hell no.”

Sehun squeaked while Jongin jumped back, almost tripping over his own feet. The youngest spun around and pouted, while Jongin was trying to recover from his near encounter of a heart attack.

“Luhan! Don’t do that!”

“Don’t do that?!” Luhan pulled Sehun into the house, receiving complaints and whines in return. “Kim Jongin, I swear to god, I thought I made it clear that you shouldn’t have any funny business with my cousin.”

“Technically, you didn’t say anyth-“

“And you brought him home way past ten o’clock! Didn’t I tell you to bring him home no later than ten?!”

“Actually, it was ten when we got he-“

Luhan continued to babble about every bad thing he could think of. Jongin glanced over to Sehun, who seemed half annoyed but half amused. When Luhan reached over to take a hold of Sehun’s arm, the youngest jumped.

“Jongin, run.”


“Jongin! Just run!”

The tan boy quickly started leaping down the steps and sprinted to his house. Right as he stepped out of Sehun’s property, he heard a loud yell of his name. He couldn’t help but laugh to himself. He figured that Luhan just discovered Sehun’s injury.

“I guess I’m never invited to Sehun’s house ever again.” He mumbled to himself as he reached his front door. As he opened it, he allowed a small smile to appear on his lips. “But that doesn’t stop me from seeing him.”


“I swear, I thought I was going to die!”

“I’m going to kill you if you don’t hang up right now.”

“Why are you like that to me, Soo?”

“Jongin. It’s three A.M.”

“I thought we were frie-… Kyungsoo? Hello? Hey! Did you hang up on me?”

AN: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I apologize for any grammar mistakes and the likes! And thank you to all who upvoted, subscribed, and commented!
ALSO! I hit a road block on what to write next so I'm accepting ideas! Please note that I might not completely take you idea but I might use parts of it! So if you have something that you want to read, please comment your idea or message me! :-) Thank you!


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[20160811] It's been awhile! Dropped by to let you all know I made a new fic but it's not apart of this series! If you can, please check it out!! Thanks!


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971 streak #1
Chapter 8: Sehun has bared his soul to Jongin. And they have grown even closer.
971 streak #2
Chapter 5: I started reading this a few days ago. But now, I'm at this chapter where Sehun pecked Jongin near his lips. Wow!
This was the first fic I read on aff and let me just say I didn't regret it, Not one bit, It's so well written and at times I cried along, It really touched me a lot, I love the characters and everything.
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Chapter 1: Wow
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