Chapter 6

Small Steps

Jongin was scribbling answers to his math homework while watching TV in his living room. His mother was cooking dinner when she called for him.

“Yeah?” He answered, still seated in the living room.

“You’ve been hanging out with that blind boy a lot.” His mother said as she tasted the soup.

“You mean Sehun?” He lifted his head. His mother never mentioned Sehun before.

“Yes, him.” His mother glanced over to him before turning her attention to the food. “You know, you should invite him over sometime. He seems like a nice boy from what you’ve said. I would like to meet your friend, sweetheart.”

“Invite him over…?” Now that he thought about it, Jongin would always go over to Sehun’s house and never the other way around. He thought it was more convenient for Sehun that way. “I’ll ask him at school, I guess…?”

“That’s great. You said he lived with his cousin, right? You should invite him too.” His mother said and the conversation ended there.


It’s been several weeks since that night when Sehun gave him the small peck on the corner of his lips. Sehun was slightly flustered when he and Jongin met again on school the following Monday but their friendship didn’t fall apart. If anything, they’ve gotten closer than before. They didn’t act like it never happened but the topic was never brought up. Jongin noticed that Sehun stopped flinching whenever Jongin initiated any physical contact. Sudden hugs were welcomed a week or two after the event.

“Just ask him out already.” Kyungsoo said out of nowhere when they were doing a lab for science.

Jongin choked on his saliva, nearly dropping the test tube he was holding and stared at Kyungsoo with wide eyes. “W-What?”

“You know what I mean, Jongin.” Kyungsoo frowned. “It’s so painful to watch how naïve you are.”


Kyungsoo let out a long sigh. “Look, Jongin.” He put down the two beakers he was holding. “You may be pretty good in studies but when it comes to it, you’re terrible at reading the atmosphere.”


“Sehun may be blind but he can read the atmosphere better than you.” Kyungsoo pointed at Jongin. “Face it, Jongin. You’re in love with Sehun. You know you’re in love with Sehun. Sehun knows how much you love him.”

“Wait what?”

“Like I said, he can read the atmosphere better than you. Hurry up and ask him out because he’s waiting.” Kyungsoo picked up the beakers again and started to slowly pour one solution into the other. “He’s willing to wait until whenever you’re ready but you really shouldn’t keep him waiting. He’s a total sweetheart and you shouldn’t make him wait.”

Jongin snorted. “You sound so motherly…”

“I’m willing to adopt that kid, you know. He’s so innocent when he came to ask me what you liked so he could prepare stuff at his house before you come over.”

Jongin nearly dropped the test tube again. “He contacted you?” No wonder there’s always banana milk at his place.

This time it was Kyungsoo’s turn to snort. “I told you he’s willing to wait but he also knows how slow you are so even though he’s patient, he wants to make you realize sooner but you’re as oblivious as ever.”

Jongin stared at the flame from the Bunsen burner for a while before he put on a determined look. “Okay. I’ll ask him out soon!”

Kyungsoo smiled. “Finally. Don’t tell Sehun I told you all that. He doesn’t want you to know that he’s asked me about you because he’ll get embarrassed.”

“I won’t tell.”

“And if you need any pointers, as I said, you can come ask me.”

Jongin hummed but then he asked, “What would you know? You never dated anyone.”

Kyungsoo kept silent for a little before he chuckled. “Still naïve as ever.”

“Wait, you dated?”

“Dating.” Kyungsoo corrected.

“Wait, dating?! Who? Why didn’t you tell me this?! I’m your best friend!”

Kyungsoo laughed as he walked away to pour the chemicals into the chemical waste bin, leaving a dumbfounded Jongin behind.


“You what?!”

Jongin coward at the sudden yell. They were at Kyungsoo’s house to discuss plans on how Jongin could ask Sehun out but apparently he already did.

Kyungsoo let out a sigh. “Jongin. When I said ask him out, I meant to take him on a date. Not invite him to your house for dinner with your family! And inviting his whole family along with him!”

“It’s just his cousin and his boyfriend…” Jongin mumbled.

“That doesn’t matter!” Kyungsoo chucked a pillow at Jongin’s face. “That fact that you just dragged more people into your supposed alone time with him is so frustrating! This is where you confess and get together or something! Not introduce him to you family!”

“But my mom-“

“I don’t care, Jongin! That could have waited!” Kyungsoo groaned in frustration. “Your love life is stressing me out more than midterms.”


He somehow got Kyungsoo off his back. Well, he did make promises to take Sehun out on a real date soon.

Jongin was setting the table as his mother was making her best dishes. He knew his mother was trying to be calm but judging by how much food she was making, he knew she was excited. He didn’t know why she was so excited to meet Sehun. She wasn’t like this when she first invited Baekhyun, Chanyeol, or Jongdae over. She even got his dad to come home early from work to meet Sehun, which never happens.

As soon the table was all set and the food was perfectly aligned with the tableware, the doorbell rang.

“They’re on time!” His mother exclaimed. “They came at the perfect time! This is a wonderful first impression and I haven’t even met them yet!” His mother excitedly whispered to his father.

Jongin rolled his eyes as he made his way to open the door. When he opened it, he saw Sehun with Luhan and Minseok. They all dressed nicely, probably to give a nice first impression (even though his mother was already impressed by how on time they were).

“Hey, glad you guys could make it.”

“Wouldn’t miss it!” Luhan grinned.

Sehun gave him a smile, his hand having a lose grip on Luhan’s sleeve. Jongin stepped back and allowed the three to enter his house.

“Hello!” He heard his mother loudly greet the guests before he could even take a step into his dining room. He wanted to groan in embarrassment. “Ah, you must be Sehun!”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Kim.” Sehun bowed, his hand never leaving his cousin’s shirt.

“Ah, so polite!” Jongin’s mother swooned. “And you must be his cousin!”

“My name is Luhan.” The shorter boy introduced. “And this is my boyfriend, Minseok.”

There was a brief pause in her excitement. “Boyfriend…?” She asked. “As in, you two…?”

Jongin saw Luhan stiffen. He didn’t realize that he too froze in his place. The topic never popped up so he didn’t know if his parents were homophobic or not. There seemed to be tension in the air. He took a glance to the side and saw Minseok rubbing circles around Luhan’s back while Sehun’s hand was a tighter first on Luhan’s shirt.

However, that moment was over as soon as it started. His mother huffed.

“Jongin, sweetie! You didn’t tell me we had one more person! I would have made more food if I knew there were more people!”

“I think you made enough food to feed everyone in this neighborhood!” His father spoke up for the first time.

Sehun jumped at the sudden voice and quickly turned to face the man. He quickly bowed in Jongin’s father’s general direction.

“Ah, no need to be so formal, son!” Jongin’s father said, patting Sehun’s shoulder with more force than necessary.

Sehun winced but he smiled up at the man. “I couldn’t possibly, Mr. Kim. How could I not bow to someone who is older than me?”

“He’s so polite!” Jongin’s mother loudly whispered to her husband, who let out a loud laugh.

“Come, come!” His father announced. “Let’s eat and then we can move to the living room and talk.”

Jongin saw Luhan release a sigh of relief. “That sounds nice.” Luhan said and Minseok agreed.


“I heard you moved here from China.” Mr. Kim said when everyone was seated and started eating.

Luhan quickly nodded. “We moved from Beijing.”

“Why the move?”

“Minseok got a job offer here in Korea so we moved here.”

“I see.” Mr. Kim turned to face Minseok. “What job offer did you get here?”

Minseok rubbed the back of his neck. “I was… Offered a position in Kim Corporations, I guess.”

Mr. Kim, quite literally, chocked on his rice. “K-Kim Corporations?!”

Mrs. Kim and Jongin gaped. Jongin dropped the fish cake he was about to eat.

Kim Corporations had so many branches throughout the world. It specializes in everything; from washing machines to motor vehicles to cellular devices. Everyone knew who and what the Kim Corporations were. It would be a miracle to get into the company, nonetheless get offered a position.

“Yeah. My family owns it.”

Jongin went into a state of shock. He turned his head towards his father, who looked like he was going to faint. His mother was fanning herself with a napkin. He was so surprised that Luhan and Sehun kept eating. Then again, they probably already knew.

No wonder Sehun could afford a custom made phone…

“And how old are you?”

“I’m currently twenty three.”

“Twenty three…” Jongin’s father stared at his bowl. “Twenty three and so successful…”

“I used to work as a barista in China.” Minseok explained. “Then my dad called me up so I can fill in a position at his building in Korea. He said that if I do, he would help me start my own coffee shop under Kim Corporations, so I agreed.”

Mr. Kim was too in awe to even reply. Mrs. Kim quickly snapped out of it.

“Wow… That’s… Very wonderful!” She seemed breathless when she said those words. “And Luhan, sweetie, what is your occupation?”

Luhan laughed slightly. “It’s not as great as Minseok’s but I’m working mainly part time at a café and the other part as a secretary.”


“Kim Corporations.”

The table was silent.

“Luhan.” Sehun tugged on his cousin’s sleeve.

“Yes, Hunnie?”

“Can you get more ddeokbokki for me?” Sehun mumbled.

“Of course.”

As Luhan reached to scoop some more food onto Sehun’s bowl, Jongin’s father snapped out of his trance.

“I… Wow.” He sputtered. “I just… Wow.”

Minseok smiled and waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it, Mr. Kim. We’re just regular people. It’s not like we’re famous or anything. Please don’t think anything different from us being Jongin’s friend’s cousin and Jongin’s friend’s cousin’s boyfriend.”

Mr. Kim seemed to be slightly reluctant but nodded anyway. “Eat up then boys! Don’t be afraid to eat! Eat as much as you guys want!”

The talking died down as everyone started eating again before another conversation was brought up.

“So, Sehun,” Mrs. Kim started. “How do you like school here?”

Sehun smiled. “It’s very nice. Many people are very kind and helpful.”

Mrs. Kim nodded to that. “That’s good. Have you thought about your future yet?”

Jongin cringed slightly. His mother always wanted to know his friend’s plans for their future to see if they’re a good influence to him. That’s mainly why she was reluctant to allow Jongin to continue being friends with the beagle line.

“Hm… I didn’t plan to do much but I’m hoping to go to college and possibly go under business.”

“There’s a perfect position for Sehun under Kim Corp.” Minseok added. “Sehun could go in that direction and possibly start a successful business after that.”

“I see! You all seem to have a nice stable future!” Mrs. Kim nodded. She seemed to approve Sehun’s career path.

The blind boy turned his head slightly to give Minseok a thankful smile, which didn’t go unnoticed by Jongin. Jongin assumed that what Sehun said was probably made up on the spot. He remembered Sehun talking about how he wanted to become an artist when he grew up.


Sehun and Jongin were standing side by side, washing the dishes. Mr. and Mrs. Kim lead Minseok and Luhan into the living room to continue the conversation that seemed to be enjoyed only by one side.

Jongin would wash the dishes and then pass them over for Sehun to dry. They worked in comfortable silence.

“Your parents are nice.” Sehun suddenly said.

“I guess they could be.” Jongin replied. “I mean, I love them but they’re like any parents. You know, always bugging you or something.”

“I see. Not literally.”

“You make a lot of blind jokes, don’t you?”

“Kind of.”

Another blanket of silence fell between them until Sehun placed the last dish onto the dish rack. Jongin took a glance into the living room. His parents were still engaged in a heat discussion with each other. Minseok and Luhan looked like they wanted to be anywhere but there.

“Want to head up to my room?” Jongin asked.


Jongin felt a hand on his stomach and he quickly whipped his head around. Sehun guided his hand over to Jongin’s arm and tightened his grip on the fabric. He smiled.

“Lead the way!”

Jongin’s mind was in a haze. His body went to autopilot and started walking up to his room. As soon as he opened his door, he suddenly realized where he was. He shook his head and glanced down to Sehun.

“Welcome to my humble abode, I guess.” He glanced at the scattered textbooks and clothes. “It’s… Kind of messy too.”

There was a sudden bark and Sehun jumped, quickly hiding behind Jongin, his grip tightening. Jongin let out a light laugh. A large toy poodle leaped from behind the unmade bed and started trotting over to her owner. She barked loudly again. Two other dogs appeared out of nowhere and started hopping over.

The largest dog curiously padded around Jongin stared at Sehun, who seemed to freeze up.

“Sehun, these are my children.” Jongin explained. “The one who barked first is Monggu. Don’t tell the others, but she’s my favorite.” Jongin slowly knelt down to lead Sehun down with him. “Hold out your hand, Sehun.”

The blind boy slowly held out his palm, his hand shaking slightly. Monggu curiously stared at the hand before she sniffed it then it. She barked happily and leaped on Sehun, who let out a yelp in surprise. The other two dogs took that as a sign that they could join and also jumped onto the blind boy. Jongin laughed at Sehun, who helplessly laid there with three large dogs on him.

“Jongin!” Sehun squeaked. “Help! This is so weird!”

“They’re harmless.” Jongin said but stood up anyway. “Monggu, Jjanggu, Jjangah! Come!”

The three dogs lifted their heads and quickly scurried over to their owner, jumping and barking happily. Jongin laughed and knelt down to give each dog a good belly rub before he turned his attention back to Sehun, who was sitting up again.

“Jongin, you don’t know how weird it feels when you can’t see anything and then suddenly giant fluffy creatures start leaping on you.” Sehun mumbled. “They sound cute though. What breed are they?”

Jongin laughed. “They’re all toy poodles. They’re my precious darlings.” He cooed at the dogs. Their tails were wagging furiously and Jongin was thrilled to know that they’re happy. “They like you, you know? It’s weird for Monggu and the others to suddenly leap on people, actually. You’re special, Sehun.”

Jongin was sure that Sehun was rolling his eyes behind his glasses. “Whatever you say, Jongin.”

An hour or so passed as the boys played with the dogs and Jongin making space on his bed so they could sit on it. Sehun was sitting cross legged and leaning against the bed frame while Jongin was lying on his back next to Sehun. Monggu was sprawled on top of Jongin’s stomach while Jjanggu and Jjangah were enjoying pets and belly rubs from Sehun. Jongin took that moment to observe Sehun again, just like the many times they were alone together.

Sehun had a well-defined jawline, very sharp and prominent. His hair was a bit messy because of the dogs but Jongin thought Sehun looked good that way. From the angle that he was in, Jongin could slightly see Sehun’s eyes from behind the frames he wore. Sehun’s button up was slightly wrinkled, the sleeves rolled up and the top most button was left ed. The smile on Sehun’s lips was what Jongin was staring at most of the time. He remembered how soft the lips were on the corner of his. He felt the need to feel them again but to actually make contact of his own.

He didn’t register what he was doing. Jongin’s body started moving on its own as he started to sit up, making Monggu squeak in surprise. Sehun lifted his head and stopped his petting when he heard Monggu’s displeased noise. He tilted his head in confusion, making the cutest face (in Jongin’s opinion). Sehun’s expression encouraged whatever Jongin was thinking even more as he leaned in.

Jongin slowly and gently pressed his lips against Sehun’s. The blind boy sat frozen, eyes wide behind his frames. A few seconds ticked before Jongin realized that he was kissing Sehun. He was kissing Sehun.

Oh my god Jongin…!! You’re kissing Sehun!

Jongin suddenly pulled back, eyes quickly widening. He could feel his cheeks burning. Sehun’s face was slowly turning pinker. Jongin’s mind was racing and his heart was pounding harshly against his ribcage.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry, Sehun! I didn’t know what I was going and that was unexpected and I’m so sorry!” Jongin continued to ramble and throwing out apologizes every other statement.

What he didn’t expect was to feel a hand on his shoulder and slowly making its way to his cheek. He looked back up to Sehun and was surprised to feel his lips being covered by another. Jongin was surprised to find Sehun cupping his cheeks and kissing him. However, he didn’t take another second to think about it as he leaned into the kiss, resting his arms around Sehun’s hip.

They both parted after a short moment. Jongin didn’t know what to say so he just stared at Sehun, who remained silent. He noticed how Sehun’s hands never left his face.

“That took a while.” Sehun finally whispered.


“You apologize a lot, don’t you?”

Jongin couldn’t help but laugh as the memory of the first day he met Sehun replayed in his mind. Sehun seemed to have thought the same thing because he started chuckling as well. Jongin loved Sehun’s smile and, with the newly discovered courage, he leaned down to steal another kiss, in which Sehun happily returned.

When they separated for the second time, Jongin suddenly spoke up.

“Hey, Sehun.”


“I really like you.” He confessed.

Sehun sat there for a moment and smiled. “I really like you too.”

“I want to take you out on a real date.” He murmured. “Just you and me.”

Sehun looked surprised at the sudden suggestion but nodded. “That sounds nice.”

“Are you free next weekend?”

“I am.”

“Want to go for dinner and maybe go walk around at the park? You know, a cliché date?”

Sehun let out a soft laugh. “I would love to.”

Jongin grinned, his heart fluttering. “I’ll pick you up at your place then? I’ll let you know about time later this week?”

“Sounds good.”

Sehun laughed when Jongin pulled the younger into a hug. Jongin nuzzled his nose into Sehun’s hair. The younger giggled and buried his head onto Jongin’s shoulder.

The three dogs witnessed the affection being traded by their owner and guest. The dogs quickly hopped off the bed and scurried to their own respective beds.

They were happy, Sehun and Jongin, resting peacefully in each other’s arms, a new relationship blooming.


“Text me when you get home.” Jongin whispered into Sehun’s ear as he walked him to the door.

Sehun smiled happily. “Will do.”

Luhan, who was standing in front of the door, was watching them with hawk eyes while Minseok had a knowing smile on his lips. Sehun slowly let go of Jongin’s arm, as if he was reluctant to leave, and made his way to hold his cousin’s arm.

“Thanks for coming you guys.” Jongin said.

“Yeah.” Luhan mumbled. “It was… Great.”

Minseok leaned closer to Jongin and whispered, “You don’t mind us not coming back ever, right?”

Jongin chuckled. “I don’t mind at all.” He whispered back. “I’ll try to make excuses for you guys, no worries.”

Minseok grinned. “Thanks, Jongin.”

Luhan nodded. “No offense but that was probably the most tiring and irritating conversation I ever had in my life.”

“None taken.” Jongin laughed. “I honestly understand how you guys feel.”

“I don’t know how you can stand this.” Luhan dramatically sighed.

Minseok chuckled and started heading out. “See you around then.”

The three exited the house. Jongin didn’t miss how Sehun seemed to be one step behind Luhan so he could sneak a smile towards him so his cousin wouldn’t notice. When Jongin closed the door, he had a smile on his face for the rest of the night.

AN: This chapter is longer than usual, isn't it? Hey look! More SeKai development! hahaha~ I hope you guys liked the chapter! I apologize for any grammar mistakes! And thank you to everyone who upvoted, subscribed, and commented! :-)

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[20160811] It's been awhile! Dropped by to let you all know I made a new fic but it's not apart of this series! If you can, please check it out!! Thanks!


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972 streak #1
Chapter 8: Sehun has bared his soul to Jongin. And they have grown even closer.
972 streak #2
Chapter 5: I started reading this a few days ago. But now, I'm at this chapter where Sehun pecked Jongin near his lips. Wow!
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