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it's kind of my apology for you guys. all vmin here! and i have to say this. i wrote this chapter only in 2-3 hours and i almost cried ;;;;;






"Are you okay?"

Taehyung reached out for Jimin's bangs, swiped it away from his eyes so that he could take a better look of the other. Jimin had been spacing out lately but he wasn't sure why. Not that Taehyung didn't notice it, Jimin didn't tell anything to him. One of his habit that Taehyung kinda disliked, Jimin kept almost all problems for himself, not gonna share to anyone. The reason was nice actually, he didn't want people to worry about him, he didn't want to add more burden to people, and so on. 

Jimin was surprised at the touch but he didn't flinch. Taehyung was sweet, really, with that tone of concern on his voice and the gentle touch that could melt Jimin in anytime. This Taehyung was still the same Taehyung he knew. He had no idea if he was happy with that fact. Jimin still loved this Taehyung, his Taehyung. But now that he knew the reality, he'd rather ask Taehyung to change. The reason was no other than his own cousin.

"I guess so...?" 

The answer came out just barely a whisper but Taehyung still heard it. Jimin still stared at nothing on the empty table, not even blinked. Taehyung felt worried. He slowly caressed Jimin's cheek, down to his chin, lifted it up slightly to make eye contact. But Jimin didn't want to. 

"But you sound not sure about it?" Taehyung carefully asked. "What's bothering you? Tell me, Jiminie."

The nickname got him smiled. It sounded so nice hearing it from Taehyung. He sighed, now started to meet a pair of eyes in front of him. He pulled Taehyung's hand away from his chin and took it on his own. He studied the person before him, every single detail of his face, and saved it on his mind.

"There was a boy.." Jimin trailed off. "Let's say he fell in love with his friend that he just knew for two weeks. And surprisingly the other felt the same so they wanted to give it a try."

Taehyung nodded, somehow signalling Jimin that he was listening and asking him to go on. Little did Jimin know that Taehyung already assumed this was a story about them.

"They were happy, so happy that they could spend a whole day together without bothering about anything else." Jimin smiled softly. "They promised to each other to be together forever. Ain't they sweet?"

It made Taehyung smiled back. He consciously caressed Jimin's knuckles and tightened the grip. It was sweet. They were sweet. He admitted it.

"They thought life would be easier if they were together. But life was always unexpected." There was a glint of sadness on Jimin's eyes. "Somebody came and asked the boy to end the relationship."

Taehyung was taken aback. He wondered who it was. He wanted to ask but decided to keep it.

"This boy refused to do it." Jimin chuckled. "Because he loved this person too much."

He stared at Taehyung when he said that sentence. There was no sign of lie on his eyes. It spoke love. Taehyung brought the intertwined hands up to his lips and kissed Jimin's fingers softly. He wanted to show that he agreed it, that he also loved Jimin too much. The latter blushed on the action and bit his bottom lip to distract the fluttering feeling inside his stomach.

"What's on your mind by hearing this, Tae?" Jimin looked at him hopefully. "Would you do the same as this boy?"

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the next update will take longer time. pls be patient. real life takes over.....


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Nichie #1
Chapter 8: Please no angst no angst no no no T.T I want vmin to be happy forever together T.T SugaKookie scene heal my heart even just a lil bit
Happy ending for everyone pleaseeeeeee
jun-kiseob_b2uty #2
Chapter 8: omg!! i honestly regret for just reading this, but seriously.. omg.. I'm going down whenever i saw both jimin and tae scenes. those are just too painful to be seen. vmin in the end, please. I'm begging you. jimin's chara somehow reminds me of myself, that's why i cried even more when i read jimin's breaking down omg.. please happy ending of them together. for real, the angst got me too much. keep it up, good luck.
Jimin-sshi #3
Chapter 8: Awww omg so sad ;-; -cry for vmin-
Ahhh Jimin no you didn't T^T poor Tae qAq
My HEARTU qnq and the SugaKookie at the End made me feel a little bit happy q//y//q

And don't worry about slow updates >^< I think/hope everyone will understand that :}
bubble-tae-and-jams #4
Chapter 8: REN JESUS CHRIST THIS UPDATE WAS AT FIVE IN THE MORNING FOR ME AAaAAAaAA i'm really scared for jimin and taehyung's relationship, because it seems taehyung is falling apart at the thought of them breaking up and jimin is torn between his boyfriend and his cousin even tho he's kinda mean and seeing tae fall apart makes him feel worse and skdjfhsjka ;;;;________;;;; the sugakookie at the end was cute though which kinda brought my mood up a lil' bit.

bUT don't worry about slow updates bb! i'm pretty much your biggest fan lmAO, but i'm also your friend so i care about your health and safety and i know how busy you are, so it's okay! ♡♡♡ don't worry about all the people demanding immediate updates either, bb, it's all okay. ♡♡
and you kNOW i would beg to get happy endings for everyone, or /at least/ vmin. ;;w;;
LionRose #5
Chapter 7: Why???... I don't want it if jimin want a break up because of jungkook. No please, i hate angst ;__;
Have a mercy author-nim
Chapter 7: At first I was like
Ohmyogd yesyesye tae please
The middle was touching seriously
But the last sentence actually ruined me and I didn't expect that omg.
Nichie #7
Chapter 7: I was happy at first, Taehyung loves Jimin, so much, like he didn't want to lose Jimin but........ whats with that break up thingy wHY OH GOD WHY you shouldn't say that ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
bubble-tae-and-jams #8
Chapter 7: i was all sad in the beginning, then happy because taehyung stood up for jimin and pushed jungkook out, bUT THEN THAT LAST SENTENCE REEEEEEEEEEEN WHHHYYYYYYYYYY
Chapter 7: I.. didn't expect that honestly :'( the story was very sweet and their love sounded so strong from the way you narrated it. Jimin's insecurity and fear lead him to take such a drastic decision even though it's not strange for lovers to face this sort of obstacle. This was pretty bittersweet but I still liked it! You're a great writer~
xlkltc_sbdkcs #10
Chapter 6: It`s so sweet yet, so painful. I want to kill him srsly. Why is the have to be so bad to jimin when they were so good. I don't get it. :( pls make vmin all good. And update soon pls. ^√^ -srry for bad eng. it's not my native language.-