Jungkook - Don't Forget Me

BTS One-shots

“Hey, do you wanna be friends?”

The whole class immediately hushed and turned their heads to the scene happening in the room. Whispers could be heard from every direction, filled with glares and scoffs from the students.

Who does she think she is? Why is she even bothering with a kid like that?”

“Wow, I never knew she was that desperate to become friends with an idol.”

“She really needs a reality check. Wow.”

You guys are the ones who need help, I thought to myself while silently rolling my eyes at the incessant whispers.

He just stared at me with his huge rabbit eyes, his mouth slightly gaping open, showing his rabbit teeth.

“Jeon Jungkook, I said, do you wanna be friends?” I asked once again. I tried to add a little smile to appear somewhat friendly.

To the typical person, this wouldn’t seem like a big deal. I was just a typical classmates wanting to be friends with another classmate. But this wasn’t any normal sort of situation. As the school’s number 1 student, known to completely ignore everyone in order to focus on my studies, I had just asked the school’s idol to be friends. Talk about complete opposites.

“S-sure…” he muttered. He then stood up and left the classroom to who knows where.

Once he left, I took a deep breath, and slowly walked back to my desk in the front of the classroom. After I took a seat, I looked at my desk, and froze.

Wow, they’re quick. I didn’t know they were this sly.

My desk already had scribbles written in bright colored markers.

Stay where you belong. Who do you think you are? Wow, I didn’t know you were that kind of girl.

I just sighed even louder as I covered the graffiti with my books and went back to studying for exams next week. I couldn’t let this ruin my life. My one and only dream was to succeed, and that meant getting into a good university, which meant studying hard in high school. I wasn’t ready to let anyone keep me from achieving that dream, not even Jeon Jungkook.

It didn’t even look like he knew me anyway. I thought to myself while I was skimming my notes. I guess that’s a good thing though. This might be easier that way.

After the bell rang at the end of the day, everybody packed their bags and got ready to go to hakwon. I had a long day ahead of me, filled with hakwons for English, math, reading, plus a part time job. I knew I wouldn’t get home until 11pm tonight, which was pretty early for me, but still. I always wished I had more time to sing. Growing up, I always dreamed of getting a job that had to do with singing, but once I became older and realized how cruel the world was, I knew I couldn’t be satisfied with a music career. For that reason, I kept my singing a secret from everyone, especially my closest family. There was one person, however, who knew my secret, but he had left a long time ago.

I entered the mini mart that I worked in in the evening, grabbed my uniform in the back, and took my spot behind the register.

“Hey, Eunsol, I left you some bread that the manager gave us earlier, so eat it before you leave today!” my coworker told me before leaving her shift.

“Thanks unni, I will,” I replied as I grabbed for the food. I hadn’t eaten a bite since lunch at school, which was already six hours ago. I took a big bite of the bread and grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge. It was going to be another boring day at work. Sometimes the customers were nice, sometimes they were mean, but most of the time, everybody was in a rush, so no words were spoken.

After a couple hours of ringing up the cash register and wrapping goods in plastic bags, I sat down on the chair and just stared out the window. How I wished I could be outside, enjoying my time without a care in the world and doing what I loved. I took a deep sigh and started humming my favorite song. I thought the lyrics in my head. Since there were no customers, I wouldn’t be bothering anybody, so it was ok.

I heard that you’ve, settled down, that you’ve, found a girl, and you’re, married now.

Right when I was about to open my mouth to actually start singing, I opened my eyes wide and stopped.

There had been a customer all along in the back. I heard the feet shuffling, and I immediately panicked.

I really hope they didn’t hear me sing. That would be so embarrassing. I ducked my head under the desk in order to cover my face, thinking that would help.

“I heard, that your dreams came true. Guess she gave you things, I didn’t give to you~"

I tilted my head. Those were the exact lyrics that I was about to sing after my humming! Whoever it was, had heard me humming, and was actually good at singing.

I slowly stood up and peeked out from under the desk out of curiosity, only to be presented with the hip of a male in black jeans and a black shirt. My eyes popped open and I immediately bolted up, staring at the counter.

“That’ll be 3000 won,” I mumbled as I beeped the lemon tea and gum and put the items in a bag, not looking up.

“Never mind I’ll find, someone like you~ I wish nothing but the best, for you, too~” he continued to sing in my direction. His voice was gentle and soft, yet full of emotion and rich and soulful.

Wow this is so awkward. What do I do. I can’t look up now, cause that would mean I’m acknowledging the fact that he heard me hum. I panicked as I kept on staring at the counter.

“Don’t forget me, I begged.” He sang, and then he stopped. He didn’t sing the rest of the phrase, which bothered me a little bit, but all I wished was for him to stop singing, pay the darn 3000 won, and leave me in peace.

“Thanks for not forgetting me, Eunsol.” He said as he handed me 3000 won. I jumped up at the recognition of the voice, and looked up.

It was Jeon Jungkook.

“J-Jungkook?? What… I.. I didn’t know you were the one who was singing-“ I stuttered, staring at him in confusion.

“Here’s for earlier. I don’t know why you did that, but I’m glad. It made me happy,” he said as he smiled brightly and pushed the lemon tea towards my direction. “You’ll need it. Your voice didn’t sound too good earlier. Take care of it.”

“Why would I need to take care of my voice?” I asked, genuinely confused. Nobody knew about my past except for…

He suddenly leaned in and put his face towards my cheek, and whispered in my ear.

“Because I know you’re still singing too,” he spoke softly before pulling back and taking the gum from the plastic bag.

With that, he left the store, leaving me in a completely frozen state. Endless thoughts and conclusions were buzzing in my head, but I didn’t know what to do with all these emotions and feelings as well.

Don’t tell me the person I was told to be friends with is actually…….. But he moved to the U.S. when we were younger… But nobody else would know I sang, because I haven’t told a soul.

I collapsed on my chair and stared at the bottle of lemon tea, trying to figure out the mystery.

Being "friends" with Jungkook would be harder than I thought.

Song lyrics are "Someone Like You" by Adele. I know V is the one who covered it, but I dunno... I just felt like adding it here.

This was all spontaneous and sometimes kinda lost, so I'm sorry. I must practice... I have so many ideas for plots, and I try to choose one, but sometimes I mumble jumble everything together and hope it turns out somewhat ok. :c

Thank you for reading! 

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Raemi-ya #1
Chapter 3: Sugaaaaaa why did you do this to meeeeee ;A;
badgurlyaw #2
Chapter 1: Please update ;) can u do one with suga? I love angst and fluff (fyi) thanks! <3