Taehyung (V) - Rain

BTS One-shots

Sitting down on the bench, Taehyung joined his hands and crossed his fingers, looking down at his feet. He took a big sigh, and finally looked up, facing his surroundings that he wished to avoid. The warm city air felt musty against his skin, and he immediately froze at the feelings of nostalgia. He had tried so hard to forget her and their past together; but every single time he went somewhere or did something that they had once did as a couple, he couldn’t face his current situation. He was in denial of everything that had to do with her. She didn’t have to leave him. She didn’t have the right to love him and leave him by herself. Taehyung had given her his all and poured his love endlessly without regret. Now, all he had left in his heart was the last smile she had given him before departing forever.


“Oppa! Why are you sitting here all alone? You look like a loner!” she giggled. “Here, I’ll sit down next to you, if you don’t mind,” smiling nervously as she cautiously took a seat next to Taehyung on the bench. She looked beautiful in Taehyung’s eyes, from her smile to her giggle and even to her nervous little quirks. He couldn’t help but just stare at her, admiring her without a care in the world.

“Taehyung oppa… Why are you looking at me like that-“

“Yah… You’re really pretty today. Do you wanna go on a date?” he asked in his local dialect.

“W-what?!? Is that why you said you had to tell me something??” she stuttered.

“I mean, yeah. What else?” Taehyung chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and scooted in closer to her. “I mean, you didn’t say no, did you?” he whispered into her ear before pulling away and seeing her a deep shade of red, staring at her shoes. He laughed heartily out loud seeing her in such a vulnerable position, and patted her shoulder.

“You’re really beautiful today. That’s what I wanted to tell you,” Taehyung said, looking out at the distance.

“M-me….??” she said softly, turning her head towards his direction.

“Of course, you.” Taehyung smiled brightly, his eyes showing absolute delight. She immediately felt relieved and more relaxed, and seeing him so happy brought her mood up too.


Before he knew it, Taehyung was staring at his shoes again. He began to smile to himself, because the memories from the past had warmed up his heart.

“Aish…. She was so cute that day…” Taehyung mumbled to himself as he continued to stare at his feet. “I wonder if this is how she felt.”

Suddenly, he heard thunder, and the already overcast sky turned a shade darker. People around him began to run towards shelter and open their umbrellas in the chance that rain would pour down. Taehyung, on the other hand, did nothing. All he did was stare and stare and stare, going through his past memories with the girl who had taken all of his love with her.

Rain began to sprinkle from the sky, but soon turned into an outpour of loud, pelting raindrops.

Taehyung sat by himself on the bench that day, soaking wet from the rain. He made no effort to avoid the droplets from the sky, because that way, his own tears would be indistinguishable from the sky’s tears. 

V is first because he is one of my biases hehe~ 

This is my first attempt at angst, so I apologize for the awkwardness.. I started off with a short one. Any requests are welcome!

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Raemi-ya #1
Chapter 3: Sugaaaaaa why did you do this to meeeeee ;A;
badgurlyaw #2
Chapter 1: Please update ;) can u do one with suga? I love angst and fluff (fyi) thanks! <3