Turning events

Red String

~3 years later~

“I’ve already looked the place over and I think it will be great for you and Kang Dae.” Taemin said as he took my hand in his. I smiled, but felt guilty at having denied Taemin’s offer of moving in with him. I knew he was hoping that we would live together once I finally moved back to Seoul, but I just wasn’t ready for that yet. I needed to start off on my own two feet, not relying on someone every step of the way.

“There’s a Preschool in walking distance from the apartment, and I’m just a building over.” Taemin said and winked. I just grinned as I pushed his face away from my neck, as he had started leaning over to nuzzle my neck. He loved to touch me, which usually I didn’t mind, unless I was mad at him.

“We’ll be landing in less than five minutes. Calm yourself.” I grinned. I had left Jeju a little early to see the apartment and get everything ready for Kang Dae’s arrival next week, so I decided to fly in with Taemin after his weekend visit. He had insisted we have a little time to ourselves before I became too busy starting my job and getting back into the flow of city life.

“First I was thinking that we could go to the restaurant for lunch, and then we can familiarize ourselves with the apartment for the rest of the day.” Taemin said, whispering the last part into my ear. I just elbowed him, earning a gasp from him before he burst out in laughter.

“I’d love to see the guys again, and about the familiarizing.” I said putting my hand back in his, as he had pulled away when I elbowed him. “I’ll consider it.”

Taemin just grinned, and started talking about all the things he had planned for us to do during the week. I listened happily as he talked through the landing and while exiting the plane. This was one of the things I enjoyed the most with dating Taemin, he loved to talk, while I loved to listen and he could always keep me laughing.

“Are you nervous?” Taemin asked suddenly as we walked through the airport. I looked at him in surprise, before nodding. He always knew what I was thinking.

“A little.” I said but kissed him on the cheek in reassurance. It had been four years since I’ve been to Seoul, only visiting it everyone and a while, and usually only for a day or two. It had been hard moving to in middle school, and I was a little worried of how things could have changed in the city.

“Kang Dae and you will be fine.” He said smiling. “You’ll have me to help you of course.”

“Just go get the car.” I said rolling my eyes at him. Feeling a sense of relief at his words. I hated depending on people, but it still made me happy to hear Taemin’s words of reassurance.

“Yes ma’am!” He said, saluting me before jogging towards the parking garage entrance. I grinned as I watched him disappear, then made my way towards the pick-up lanes. It having been our routine to have him go get his car while I waited with the luggage. Although I had already shipped almost everything to the apartment, Taemin said that it would feel weird to break the routine.

So that’s where I was when suddenly a black van pulled up in front of me. As I began to move away from the car to allow whoever it was picking up to get to it, the doors suddenly pulled open and I was greeted by the sight of men with animal masks on, reaching out towards me. Before I could even let out a scream, the hawk masked man’s hand was over my mouth and I was being pulled into the van.

“It’s kind of sad how little people notice when they are too busy looking at their cellphones.” The man with an owl mask said as I struggled to free myself from their tight hold.

“What the ?!” I screamed, as the hand that had been covering my mouth disappeared. Then was quickly replaced by a gag, before I could say anything else.

“This is definitely Taemin’s kind of girl. Spunky.” Rabbit mask said, and then next thing I knew a bag was being put over my head and I felt rope being tied around my hands. I was able to land a hard blow to one of the guys that was holding my feet, grinning in triumph that I was at least able to cause some pain.

“That’s enough.” I heard Hawk mask shouted and I gasped as I was punch in the stomach. I doubled over in pain but before I could do anything else I felt their hands release me and I was suddenly rolling. I guessed that they had put me into the back where I wouldn’t be able to land any hits to them.

“We can’t let Jongin get anywhere near her.” I heard Rabbit say, as the car took a sharp turn and I was slammed into the side of the car, beginning to feel woozy. “Jongin would beat her to a pulp just to get back at Taemin for tipping off the cops back then.”

“Yeah, he’s still looking for that-“ Owl began to say, but when the car took another sharp turn, slamming me into the side of the car again, I wasn’t able to focus any longer. Only trying to stay awake.

“Enough about Jongin,” I heard Panda say in annoyance, being the only one who hadn’t spoken up, “we need to tell boss we got her.” I was trying to focus on what they were beginning to discuss, but it was getting harder to pay attention as I rolled around and slammed into the sides of the car. The last thing I remember before finally passing out was the sound of the hawk talking urgently into the phone.

~some time later~

I woke up, gasping as I felt my hands being tied against cold metal. I tried to move but found my feet already tied and a hand clamped down onto my arms as I struggled.

“Stop that.” I heard a sharp voice say. I recognized it as the hawk who had made the phone call in the car. As I struggled against the ropes, the bag that was around my head was suddenly lifted, causing me to shut my eyes as darkness suddenly became light.

“She’s pretty.” I heard a voice say, I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust and was greeted by the sight of two men. Rabbit was standing by the door, and Hawk was staring down at me.

“That’s not the point, Baekhyun.” Hawk said coldly.

“But you don’t disagree, Sehun.” Owl, Baekhyun, laughed as he took a seat at the table a little ways away from me. He began flipping through a file as Hawk, Sehun, came closer to me. I flinched as his hand reached out and winced in pain as he roughly grabbed my chin.

“Taemin always loved pretty things.” Sehun said looking me straight in the eyes, seeing cold eyes through the little slits in the mask. I let out a frustrated huff as I jerked my chin out of his grasp, wishing that I could kick or hit him. I let out a grunt as I was slapped across the face, stinging sharply.

“I said stop that. The boss said no hitting. She hasn’t done anything wrong, we’re just scaring Taemin a little.” Baekhyun said and I saw him pull out a picture from the file he had been flipping through. He held the picture out to me and my eyes widened in surprise at seeing a photo of Taemin, Kang Dae, and I that we had taken when we played at the beach a few weeks back. After staring at the picture in surprise, my eyes narrowed in anger and I wanted to beat the crap out of the man that was holding my son’s picture.

“You look quite young to be a mother.” Baekhyun said, as he looked at the photo again. “But I see no wedding ring, so I’m wondering if this kid is Taemin’s or not.”

“How kind of Taemin to take in a single mom.” Sehun said as he patted my cheek, causing the dull throbbing to sting again. I tried to yell at him but all that came out was a muffled sound. Sehun began to laugh, but turned sharply as the door opened.

“Boss.” Sehun and Beakhyun both said getting up and bowing to the man that entered the room. He wore a squirrel mask and a suit that looked like he should be working in some company, instead of being called boss. I glared at the man as he took the seat that Baekhyun had occupied.

“Now, what’s this girls name?” The bossed asked, looking at me as I just glared back.

“Choi Melody. But is referred as ‘Mel’ by friends and family.” Beakhyun said as he started laying out the file neatly for the boss to see.

“Ah.” Was all the man said as he began looking through the pages. “So you’re the reason Taemin disappears every weekend.”

“She’s been living in Jeju for the past four years, giving birth to a child the first year.” Beakhyun informed the man, and I growled in anger at the thought of them looking into my son.

“Taemin’s or-“ The man began to asked as he held up the photo but froze, and turned to me. “.”

“Sir?” Sehun asked in surprise, as the boss stood up and looked at the security camera that was fixed in the corner. He made a cutting motion, and then turned to Sehun.

“We need to move her to the backup location.” The boss said and pulled out his phone.

“Why?” Baekhyun asked cautiously as the boss glared at me.

“Where is Jongin?” The bossed asked, talking into the phone. Giving a grunt after receiving a reply. “Stop him at all costs.”

“Sir.” Sehun said pulling the man’s attention to his subordinates as they waited for an answer.

“If Jongin sees her like this,” The man said motioning towards me, “I’m not sure what he’ll do.”

“He wouldn’t kill her.” Baekhyun said reassuringly, not understanding what the boss was getting at.

“It’s not her I’m worried about. Just go get the car ready. And be extra careful, Jongin is here.” Boss said and then turned to Sehun. “Remove her from the chair and let’s get going.”

They both bowed and as Sehun made his way towards me and Beakhyun reached for the door handle, there was a suddenly loud bang and then the handle began to turn. I heard the boss let out a curse and back away from the door. “Jongin.” The boss said, sounding tired.

“Beakhyun. Sehun. Get behind me.” The boss ordered. The two men looked over at me before quickly coming to the boss’s side. “Don’t speak, leave everything to me.”

I felt my heart squeeze in fear, not knowing what was going on but understanding something bad was about to happen. I looked at the boss who was staring at the door and turned my eyes to the door, when I suddenly heard the click of the door unlocking and then it was suddenly swinging open. I saw nothing but darkness from the doorway, but felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest from fright. I mean, the boss was worried that one of his men would even hurt his coworkers, which meant this Jongin guy was crazy.

And then a man stepped out of the doorway, wearing a mask that looked like a wolf. I froze as he slowly turned towards me. He didn’t move for a moment, but after that few seconds he reached up and took off his mask. Causing me to let out a muffled gasp as I recognized the man.



Hey, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, now the stories going to be picking up. I'm still trying to figure out everything thats going to happen, but I'm excited for whats going to come up. 

I'm planning to add a chapter every few days, to give me time to be satisfied with the next chapter and maybe start a little ahead on the next one. Though I might add an extra one if I'm going strong.

I'm so excited to see everyones interest in the story so far! I would love to hear your reviews and what you think! Every time I see a new subscriber I feel so happy and can't wait to work on the story for you guys. I hope I can give you a story that you will all enjoy! <3

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sparklesacid #1
Chapter 7: i cant quite understand this ... what does jongin do actually ???? but anyways , I loved it !!!!! Hope u can update this
Chapter 6: Omfg jongin is giving me the feels
Chapter 7: Update soon!! I luv this~
squishyyyyy #4
Chapter 5: this story's simply the bomb and it's only been 5 chapters. jongin's being such a cutie, so adorable
tiffany_yang #5
Chapter 5: OMG
Chapter 4: omo! omo! This is really amazing ~ I can't wait to see the reaction of Jongin ^^ that gave drastic turn of history, and love it (^~^) please update soon...
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg omg what is this weird feeling creeping inside my heart x_x im dead i never sign up for nervewrecking cliffhanger but its okay its love actually lol
beloved_yulvhie #8
Chapter 4: I am so exited. this story is good ... update soon author nim.