

The roaring of the people. Some shouted vulgarities, some shook their fists at him but all Rain saw was zombies. They deserved to be zombies. His gaze rose to the one who stood on the balcony as well, waiting for him. Rain's eyes showed hatred as he recognized the man. The old man who had sent them on the mission. The old man who had made Rain lose the love of his life and his pupils and made him the way he was today.

"Settle down." The old man turned back to the crowd. It took awhile but the people fell silent in the end, many settling for glaring looks at Rain. "We are all here today to judge Jung Jihoon. Rain. Whatever you wish to call him. He has released so much evil in this world and I understand that you have lost many of your families, friends and loved ones because of him. But do not forget that we are here to judge him fairly. If we are not fair, we would sink below his level for his has been fair to us."

"How has that been fair!" Someone shouted up angrily. "He's killed! He's a murderer! I say we kill him!"

"And in what way would that solve anything? It would just mean another life lost." Victoria stepped onto the balcony and raised her voice, loud and clear. "It would do nothing to help us. No matter what he has done, he is still humane enough. He has left the innocent out of this. Children were not hurt in his attack."

"They are orphans now because of him!" Somebody else shouted.

"But have you ever thought about it? Haven't all of you adults done at least something wrong once?" Victoria retorted. "You will be fair in this judgement." Her eyes narrowed.

"Let the trial begin." The old man said after everyone settled down although some were still looking a little displeased.

"Accusations include murder, inhumane acts, destroying families, destroying the city... etc." Chansung read out from a clipboard he was holding. "All accusations to the accused. What has the accused got to say about it?"

"He was doing it for the sake of revenge." Jaebum said calmly.

"But he is guilty of all the above." Chansung added.

"He is but you cannot solely put the blame on him." Jaebum said. He turned to the people. "What if somebody took away your loved ones and you become so overwhelmed with hatred like now? Like what Rain did to you. You are already feeling it straight from your heart, aren't you? Hatred and you want revenge against him." Jaebum looked up at the skies. "May I bring forth the accused's witnesses?" Jaebum turned to the old man.

"Granted." The old man said.

The five boys with the same musical note pendants all walked forward. The one with the necklace spoke first. "My name is Yang Seungho and I am the leader of our group. This is G.O., Lee Joon, Cheondoong and Mir. We were to be the elites. The new group of agents leading the Union." Seungho said solemnly. "Everything changed after a mission of going to back up our superior. It was a fake mission, done not only so heartlessly so much that it created this hatred but also because we almost lost our lives." He paused. "Our superior was a kind, strong and gentle man. His name was Jung Jihoon. We respected him, looked up to him and admired him. He was our idol. Of course, that didn't say much to the Union. They used him and threw him aside as thrash. Having been his student and part of his sub-unit, I will tell all of you here that Jihoon-hyung isn't at fault completely here. The Union must shoulder some of the responsibility."

Seungho stepped back, giving a curt nod to Jaebum. The old man looked down at the silent crowd. The crowd weren't very sure of the specifics yet but it was clear they were confused and were now hesitant to blame Rain any further without proof. 

"The Union used to be an organization to keep in check crime. We were the Law and Order of our city. When we sent two of our very best agents on a mission, a fake mission, in fear that they would abandon the Union and our society and pursue their own ideals instead, the Council of the Union decided to send them on a death mission. One would come out alive and the other would die. I knew Jihoon would choose to sacrifice his life for her in any case so the Council decided... To give the choice to his counterpart. She was a field agent, one that was supreme at almost everything." The old man sighed deeply. "We sent them there. The stealth mission was to steal back some important documents from a group of ministers who had gone corrupted. What they didn't know was that the documents in the possession of the ministers were fake and we needed the ministers out of the picture so..."

"So you sent Solbi and I?" Rain questioned. "You sent us to our deaths? You didn't tell us a single thing about those traps, guards and everything! I asked MBLAQ to come later only because I thought that there was no real danger in anything." Rain growled. 

"I am at fault. My apology is years delayed but... I still apologize regardless." The old man hung his head. "The fault is mine. Mine and mine alone. You were an exceptional agent, Jihoon but you still fell prey to evil and darkness." He whispered. 

"I was at scene when they gave you the mission. I knew all about the mission, about what Solbi-ssi was assigned to do and what you, Jihoon-ssi, was assigned to do." Jaebum spoke gravely. "I didn't stop it."

"You were just a small child back then, Jaebum." The old man said softly. "Don't take it too hard on yourself."

Rain laughed now, a mad sounding laughter. Everyone stared at him, bewildered. It was not the sort of reaction anyone would expect. "You expect me to believe all of this?" He snorted at last. "It doesn't matter anymore. Not to me." With swift actions, he easily got out of the hold of his two captors and grabbed one of their guns. He placed it at his temple and shot the gun just as a female screamed out from the crowd.

Rain never saw her. He was dead before his body hit the ground.


A/N: I just realized, after adding the chapter that the chapter before this wasn't that long so I added another one. O:

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mangotaengoo #1
hahaha you're welcome!! :-) btw update soon pleaseee I wanna know what will happen!
dont worry ill be waiting!!!! ^^*
mangotaengoo #3
I'll be waiting for your comeback!!!!!
chiie59 #5
waaaaaaaa.....very intriguing :D uopdate soon!
OMO i hope junsu oppa is ok! DONT DIE OPPAS!!!
ShiHanILuvB2ST #7
Omo, what happened to the three of them? Ahhhhhhhh update soon!!!! :D ^_^
Kyuna9 #8
It's interesting :D update sooooon!!