

These zombies were in a totally different league than the others that they had faced before. The ten zombies had been upgraded and modified in every way possible to be superior, to be extremely lethal and the eight already knew that they were unlikely to make it pass the ten zombies but their resolve was still as firm as before and took on one each. 

One each, it would have been equal and maybe even more advantageous for the agents of the Union. But there were ten. And that unbalanced the numbers and the odds, putting it in Rain's creations' favour. And with their backs against the closed lift doors, there was no place to run, especially when the zombies came in all directions, attacked them with spits, swipes and one even threw another zombie at them.

Upon that, the group of eight had sort of fallen apart, scattering slightly. Things were not going well. All eight of them knew that but they were determined to hold out for as long as possible. Hopefully, maybe one person might actually survive and manage to kill Rain.

"It's such a pity to see such young ones like you being put forward to face me. I never expected the Union to sink so low." Rain chuckled lowly. "You know, I used to be part of the Union, just like you but alas, it was never meant to be. The Union must appear all great to you, right? They aren't. They only strive to use you, to do their bidding, and to die for them. You wouldn't even know any of the upper officials, right?" Rain laughed.

"You're talking crap." Victoria hissed as she dodged another spit ball from the zombie she was facing off with. The zombie, in question, looked rather like a normal human, aside from its' abnormally long tongue which hung from the mouth and the empty sockets where the eyes were supposed to be at. 

"I don't. If you didn't know that I was part of the Union, well, that's to be expected then." Rain shrugged. "The Union definitely wouldn't want to let out that an agent is the one that's been causing this." He laughed. "The Union controls the world, ultimately. If the people found out that I, an ex-agent, had been the 'criminal', they would never trust the Union ever again." He chortled.

"Shut up! What do you know of the Union?" Jaebum snarled as he paused to reload his gun. "The Union has changed. It's no longer what you know of it."

"I have my sources. The Union remains unchanged. There's no way-" He was cut off by a loud engine sound and then he glanced at the tinted windows to see a helicopter. "What?" He stood up, his chair dragging, stunned at the Union's trademark helicopter outside his building. "That's impossible. They've never been..." He moved to the windows to see.

The helicopter was seen hovering in the air then it withdrew from the building as the door opened and a boy fired a few gun shots at some windows, causing them to break, before it drew nearer again and Rain could see no more, since the windows stopped him from looking out any further.

"Like I told you, every thing has changed." Jaebum smirked triumphantly. "Junsu will be saved and you will die." He hissed. 

The effect of the appearance of the helicopter had changed pretty much everything. The eight agents of the Union were now reassured and fought harder, their guns representing their firm resolve that never wavered and miraculously, the zombies were pushed back.

Rain looked constricted but he went back to his desk and pressed another button. All the zombies convulsed on the spot then they straightened and suddenly, fear went through the eight agents. Rain was smiling now. 

"Charming, really. I never thought you would put up so much resistance, for just eight little brats." He snorted. "The zombies have just been injected with a serum. The solution will empower them and immune them to your bullets." He laughed. "Really, why don't you just die already?" He said as he sat back down again.

The ten zombies now shepherded the eight agents against the elevator doors. They were clearly cornered, outnumbered and obviously going to lose. Their ammunition was already running very low and with this solution having somehow been injected into the zombies, the agents feared the worst.

The zombies slowly approached them. Their bullets worked no more. It was truly like how Rain had described it as, they were immune. Fear shrouded the minds of the eight young agents. A few more steps and the zombies would tower over them, since four were kneeling and the other four were standing and the zombies were also rather... Elongated.

'Is there really no hope left? At least... At least Luna, Taecyeon and Junsu got out safely...' Jaebum thought. He resigned himself to fate and braced himself for the impact and attack of the zombies. 'But I haven't even completed my true objective yet... I can't end like this... But...'


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mangotaengoo #1
hahaha you're welcome!! :-) btw update soon pleaseee I wanna know what will happen!
dont worry ill be waiting!!!! ^^*
mangotaengoo #3
I'll be waiting for your comeback!!!!!
chiie59 #5
waaaaaaaa.....very intriguing :D uopdate soon!
OMO i hope junsu oppa is ok! DONT DIE OPPAS!!!
ShiHanILuvB2ST #7
Omo, what happened to the three of them? Ahhhhhhhh update soon!!!! :D ^_^
Kyuna9 #8
It's interesting :D update sooooon!!