chapter 2!

We fell in love?

 Soon,they reached seoul studio. "Ji yeon,there's infinite,go say hi. That one with the white tshirt with black jeans is woohyun. You're gonna be his wife! Introduce yourself properly." manager said.


Ji yeon walked up to woohyun and tapped him. He turned around And got a shock! Ji yeon's eyes became really huge!  Ji yeon: "woohyun?!" Woohyun: "ji yeon?!" Ji yeon: "were you the one i bumped into?" Woohyun: "yeah,we're getting "married". (said as he rubbed the back of his neck.) Ji yeon: "oh nice to meet you!" Woohyun: "Nice to meet you too!" (shakes her hand)


Meanwhile,sunggyu walks over to her. "Ji yeon? You were the one we saw!" "Yeah! Hehehehehe!" ji yeon chuckled. "Aw,cute!" sunggyu replied. Ji yeon gave the the O.o face.  "Guys,wedding!" manager said. Okay then the wedding ceremony was over. Now,ji yeon had to go wherever woohyun went,and had to wear their rings at all times. Which meant ji yeon had to live with woohyun in another house. 


*cameras at all times also*


  "Honey? Let's go to our house and unpack shall we?" woohyun said as he held ji yeon's hand. "Babe,i don't have my stuff here,it's at my dorm!" ji yeon said. "We'll go get it then!" woohyun smiled.  -Reached destination's dorm- "Hi girls,woohyun,my "hubby". We're on we got married." ji yeon said as she greeted her members. "How handsome!" ji yoon said. "Shut up,don't flirt with my boy." ji yeon joked. 


"Okay,im done!" ji yeon said. Then they left for their house. Infinite were allowed to visit ji yeon and woohyun anytime,so was destination,but they cannot do so often as their dorm is very far away. "Ji yeon,filming will be until here for today. Tommorow then it will start again,you guys can get to know each other for now. You can go for a walk or whatever,just spend time together." the manager said as he left the newlywed's house.  "So,ji yeon,what shall we do?" woohyun. "Mmm,we should go for a walk,then go for dinner?" ji yeon said. "Okay,whatever my wife wants!" woohyun said as he smiled. Then they took a walk at the nearby beach-park. "My wife is so beautiful." woohyun chuckled.


"You know we're not filming now right?"ji yeon asked.  "I'm serious! I think everyone in infinite fell for you already! By the way,are you korean?" woohyun asked. "Nope! Singaporean." ji yeon replied. "Oh,cool!" woohyun answered. Then it was silence___ "Let's go for dinner?" ji yeon asked. "okay sure!" woohyun answered.  After dinner,they headed back to their house.


Ji yeon: "Today was good eh?"  Woohyun: "Yup,better than i expected!" Ji yeon: "Let's go watch tv. Wait,i need to go change first." As ji yeon was changing,woohyun was in deep thought. *why do i feel nervous when i talk to her,why do i have fast heartbeat?! But well,she's pretty!*  "Woohyun!" ji yeon called then he snapped out of his thoughts. then woohyun went to change. 

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Jessica_Sunhee #1
Thank you dear! :}
Kyaaa!!!so cute!!!
Jessica_Sunhee #3
Aww! But its completed! :O i'll try to edit it maybe tommorow. :}
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #4
keke, continue it unnie! I want to see Woohyun confess to Ji Yeon=)