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Taehyung's eyes had turned black and cold while sharing eye contact with Kai. Did they know each other? 

"Don't worry about washing my car, I have some urgent buisness I have to attend." Taehyung said before driving off in his expensive car. I was still holding the 300 dollars he had chucked at me when he first arrived here. I yelled at the car that was already far down the street, "Hey! What about your money!?" He was too far away to hear me though. I turned to look at Kai who was starring coldly at the distant Lamborghini. 

"Did you know each other?" I asked curiously.

"I guess you could say that..." He plainly answered, still not looking at me. Suddenly his mood changed to the cheery  bubbly guy I knew. "Hey! Let's not waste any more time and get back to work, okay?" He smiled. 

"Umm... sure, but what about the money-" 

"Keep it. You'll need it more than that rich snob for sure. Plus, you actually deserve it." I smiled at his reassuring words. He probably was a rich snob who was born in a rich family and gotten everything he ever wanted since birth while I have to work just to eat. It still felt wrong to keep the money so I planned on how to find that jerk again, however,  I didn't want to upset Kai about the idea so I lied. 

"Sure, I mean, I work my off for just a few bucks." I spoke confidently and walked over to the next car that needed washing. 


At college

I was walking over the large grass field of campus listening to my composed music when I noticed a familiar figure walking past me. It was Taehyung with a couple of girls by his side, constantly begging for his number. How did I not expect this stuck up guy to be in the best university in South Korea? Well, to my luck I won't be needing to search for him and luckily I had his money on me just in case. He noticed me looking at him so I took this opportunity to give him his money back.

"Hey, thanks for the hundreds of bucks back at the car wash but the price to wash a car was only 5 dollars. Plus, you didn't even wash your car so here's your money back." I held out my hand with the three hundred dollars in it for Taehyung to take, but he just scoffed at me.

"Are you being serious? Why would I need a worthless few hundred dollars? Keep them, looking at the fact that you wok at a crappy car wash already tells me that you need it more than I do." I felt slightly thankful that I was offered the money, but it was in no way a comparison to how offended I felt by his harsh words.

"Look you jerk, I might need the money but I don't accept it from pieces of like you who look down on hard working 2nd class students such as myself, so why don't you take the god damn money and go yourself?" I pressed the money against his chest and walked past him, not wanting to hear his follow up rude comments. I heard him call me while I was walking off.

"Oi, you!" I turned my head slightly so I could see him. He had a stupid annoying smirk on his face while he was letting the bills be taken by the slight wind. "It's a shame you didnt take the money, look where it's going now." The girls standing by his side started snickering to themselves. I growled at his inconsiderate rude actions loud enough so that he could hear, and stormed off. I turned to see if he was still there but they were gone so I took this chance to run after the flying bills. I found the 250 dollars but the other 50 were nowhere to be seen. I decided to give up and continue walking to my next lecture but as I turned around I saw taehyung and a few more girls starring at me and laughing.

"You look so pathetic, could of just taken the money when I gave it to you." Taehyung said before walking off with the rest of his followers rushing after him

Way to ruin my reputation with him...  

It was the end of the day at college and I was walking back home rethinking the whole day. I barely took in any information at the lectures I was attending because I was so tired from last nights party. The situation with Tehyung earlier on kept bugging me though. I felt so ashamed of my actions. How could I just lose my dign

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Yashila #1
Chapter 3: I actually started to like... no adore the story cannot wait till you update!!
Rain_Drops6 #2
Chapter 2: So far it's good! :)