Texting With Taemin


Every members collasped after they reached the dorm. Changmin and the others turned to Jaejoong and gave him puppy dog face.

"Jaejoong-hyung~ we're hungry!"They whined in unison. Jaejoong chuckled and shook his head.

"Okay~ okay, I will cook for you. What do you want for dinner ____-ah?"Jaejoong turned to you.

"Oh! I'm fine with anything oppa!"You answered smiling.

"Okay, wait here okay?"Jaejoong tapped your head and went to the kitchen. You grinned brightly as you held your head. Changmin turned at you and frowned.

"_______-ah? Why are you smiling like that?"Changmin asked.

"Nothing..."You walked away, went to your room. You laid down on your bed, still smiling. 'Jaejoong-oppa is so nice...'You thought. Sudden;y your cell phone vibrated.

Hey ____!! It's me, Taemin... ^^

'Taemin? How did he get my number?'You thought.

If u wondering how I get your number, I got it from ur brother...^^v

You laughed and replied him.

Haha, I knew it! So what do u want Taemin-oppa?

I just wanna chat with u....u don't want to chat with me? *pouts*

Omo! of course I want oppa! So what's up?

Talking to u....:D

Obviously ;p

Hihihi, I'm just layin down on my bed...how bout u?

Same with u, waitin 4 dinner...:)

Ohh! what's for dinner?? Can I get some? ;D

No. LOL, jk...I don't know yet...Jaejoong-oppa is cooking right now...:D :D

You seems happy when it comes down to Jae-hyung...

What do u mean?

You waited for an answer but Taemin didn't reply.

"____________!!!! Dinner's ready!!!"



A/N: Tell me what u think?? Needs at least 6 comments to update!! And don't forget to vote at my polls!!! Who do u want to ended up with...^^ Thanks...



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CutieWay #1
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PoingPoing #2
i'm wait for next update!! and i hope it will be a long chapter. :)
niacharles #3
Please update soon, thanks ! anyway its a nice story. keep on writing ! ^^
mirellagail #4
Please update soon! :D
aghniahr #5
ummm, I thought your story plot is too hasty, and '___' seems to take the fact that she is Changmin's sister too fast, even if it's my idol I would be freaked out if someone says that I'm their lost sister lol but nice story so far~ keep it up and update soon! ^^
aghniahr #6
changmin is giggling? it sounds so wrong lol
Jaejoong must be feeling jealous and sad ...... BTW , next update ! Update soon ~~~~
nao2483 #8
awww Joongie is sad :(<br />
*runs to hug him*
butterfly555 #9
poor jae ><
Hmmm... I think jae was sooo jealous!! Hahaha! Nice...!*thumbs up* Update soon~(so i don't need to read the previous chappy to remember what happened before)<br />