Star Fruit

Mail Order Leo

“Why would you do that?!” You ask Leo in annoyance; you wanted to date him, but you sure as hell didn't want extra complications in your life.

“He saw you in the dress.”

You rolled your eyes; you both knew well enough that that was just an excuse. Regardless, you still had your hand entwined with his, which spoke enough about the situation. Deciding to give up and move on, you reached into your purse with your free hand and pulled out the list of what you needed, letting the previous conversation drop.

“Eggs, cheese, sausage, wine.” You read off, getting the list in your head so you wouldn't forget anything. “But,” you asked, noticing Leo's handwriting at the bottom of the list, “What do we need wine for?” You looked at him in confusion, brows furrowed as you tried to figure it out. You didn't usually drink wine.

“There's a new recipe I was to try.” He looked at you, trying to figure out why you had let the issue with N drop so easily, but eventually gave up with a shrug. “It calls for white wine in the sauce, and I figured we might as well drink some while we were at it.”

Seemed a good enough plan to you. You stiffed the paper back in your bag and continued on, enjoying the warmth from Leo's hand in yours. “Are you going to cook it tonight?”

“I had planned to, unless you wanted to do something specific?”

“No,” you said, thinking of the myriad of meals he had made for you; they were all delicious. He could do whatever he wanted in your kitchen. “But what is it, exactly?”

He looked down at you, corners of his lips just barely turning up. “Secret.”

You let out an exaggerated sigh in fake exasperation, turning on him with a grin and letting go of his hand to bounce a few steps ahead.

“Well, we can't hold hands until you tell me what it is.” You joked playfully. Leo kept walking, offering you a solitary shrug as he tried to appear unperturbed. You grinned in his direction and continued forward, knowing he would follow you.

He came suddenly and quicker than you expected, leaving you completely unprepared for his method of attack-- kidnapping. He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you into his grasp, positioning you princess style in his arms.

“Leo!” you screeched in surprise in the luckily desolate street, grasping onto him with one hand to steady yourself while you used the other to hold down your skirt. He leaned forward and kissed you gently on the lips.

“As much as I enjoy holding hands with you, I have something much better-- all of you.” His eyes offered complete sincerity as he spoke, and you blushed but reached forward to kiss him back, if only briefly. As his girlfriend, you had that right, didn't you?

Leo wasn't through with you though; he moved you closer and rubbed his nose against yours, a cute stupid action that had both of you grinning and blushing like fools.

“I've always wanted to do that,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours.

“Me too,” you replied.


* * *


You went through the store and grabbed what you needed, excited for your night in with Leo. You had no idea what he was planning to make, but from the few things he had placed in the cart you figured you were going to love it.

“I'm going to go get the eggs, watch the cart, will you?” You asked distractedly as you looked over the short list again, trying to make sure there was nothing else you needed that you hadn't written down. Butter, maybe? You couldn't recall off the top of your head.

“Sure,” he replied, though he was paying attention to something he had picked up, brow knit as he read the back of the box. You couldn't tell what it was, so with a shrug you went off to get what you needed.

Upon returning, Leo was still in the same aisle. He was looking at something again, musing over the shelves, and the cart... well, the cart was nearly full of absolutely nothing you needed.

“Leo,” you asked in confusion as you put in the eggs and pulled out one of the random items, “why do we need star fruit?” You looked back and forth between the spiky item in hand and Leo. Where the hell had he even gotten it? You in the cereal aisle, produce was on the other side of the store. You had only been gone for a minute. You looked back to the cart. “And... what is this? Spam?” You picked up the small can, holding the fruit in the other hand as you made a what in the world face at Leo.

“...” He looked like he was about to speak, but said nothing. You motioned for him to continue. “They looked interesting,” he murmured, voice quiet. You laughed lightly at his expression, one that made him look vaguely like a lost, wide-eyed puppy.

“Well, pick one, we can't get both today. We can get one next time...” you glanced into the cart, but the rest of the things he had picked up looked like they would actually be used. He pointed to the star fruit, which you held up for confirmation, and he nodded.

“Okay, star fruit it is then.” You were pretty sure the grocery store only had it so that little kids would convince their parents to buy it, but you kept your mouth shut on that one, instead searching for the home of the Spam and putting it back. “Then, is this everything you needed?”

Leo glanced in the cart, thought for a moment, and nodded. “That should be it,” he said quietly.

“Great,” you took control of the cart and headed to the checkout. “We're off then. We should play cards tonight, too.” You added as you passed a display of children's games. How come you could just imagine Leo playing Old Maid and losing terribly? Or maybe Go Fish? They might not happen tonight, but you plotted about the future, glancing at him quickly. He would probably lose his cool really quick if he got stuck with the Old Maid. You snickered.

“What?” he asked, but you shook your head.

“Oh, nothing.”


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coming here to read this again after watching the kdrama absolute boyfriend starring yeo jin goo and min ah.
Chapter 64: such a lovely story! saving this as one of my favourites :)
144 streak #3
Chapter 64: This was such a cute story!! I really liked all the sweet moments.
First off I have to say that "Absolute Boyfriend" was the first manga I ever owned and has a very special place in my heart, I literally sobbed at the end and I am dying to reread it, but don't know that I could ever put myself through that again, but I love it so much. That said, when I came across your story, I was excited and nervous to read it, I honestly didn't want to, but I decided to take the chance because I absolutely love the plot. THANK YOU for not letting your story end like the original series, I don't think I could've taken it. I loved this, I loved it so much I've added it to my list of favorite VIXX stories, I loved it! I'm fairly new to VIXX and I've been trying to decide if I wanna write for them, so I've been going around looking for different interpretations of Leo and yours is one of my favorites so far. I read another story of yours and didn't realize it was you until I just skimmed your list of stories. You have yourself a new follower! Thank you again and I hope you come back soon, I'm hoping to request if you still take them! (By the way, I would've gladly taken Ken as my b/f, the girl who let him go was insane, clearly, his nose is one of the best things about him.)
Number2elf #5
Chapter 59: Rawr ;) ^-^
Number2elf #6
Chapter 58: Yay happy n :)
Number2elf #7
Chapter 51: I hope this isn't because of N
Number2elf #8
Chapter 35: I really need to stop binging stories... I especially want to continue reading this one
And that plot twist!! Very creative
Number2elf #9
Chapter 1: Ah this sounds kinda creepy but im interested in reading :p
Have you read cinder? It kinda reminds me of iko
Chapter 63: This story was really cute and I liked your take on the whole use of robots~