We are who we are

Find my heart

 "Well, well. Look at who we have here ? Just the students I was looking for. At least for the past hours or so." Inspector Choi said as the attention went to the 6 of you by the door of the class. You sighed. "Care to explain, where were the 6 of you ?" He said. "Personal problems." You simply said and that made him more angry. "And this problem needed the 6 of you to be solved ?" He asked and you couldn't help yourself. "What can I say ? It was a big problem." This guy really managed to piss you off easily.

"A big problem ? That's your excuse for 6 students sneaking out of school in the middle of classes ?" Jonghyun said taking the opportunity. "Inspector Choi, although they are from my class now, as the leader of class 210, i should do my best and i think it's my responsibility to ask for a punishment." He said playing his good boy act while you just watched as well as the rest. "We can't let students think it's okay to skip classes. Although it pains me, we need to think at what's right for the school." He finished.

"Do you have anything to say on your defense this time ?" Inspector Choi said and you looked at your friends who nodded before you turned to look at him. "Nope." You just said like it was nothing. He scoffed. "Well, then you won't mind the punishment to clean up and organize the music room after classes for the next month will you ?" He said and you could see Jonghyun's smirk from the corner of your eyes, you shook your head. "We won't mind it sir." You said and smiled slightly.

"Well, then please start now. Since this is the last class and you already lost the other ones, I'm going to let you go to your punishment earlier. Grab your stuff and come with me. Now." He said and you all went and got your stuff and you didn't miss Tiffany's y smirk but you just ignored it, or better her.

You followed Mr Choi all the way until you got to the music room which was already empty, he coughed and got your attention. "At the end, when you finished you can drop the keys on my office. I want everything cleaned and organized. Are we clear ?" He said and all of you nodded. "Here are the keys. Have fun for the next hour." He said and gave the keys to Suho before leaving.

"Let's get started guys." Suho opened the door and got inside the room. It definitely could use some cleaning and organizing, that's for sure. "Wow!" Taemin said and all of you nodded. "Come on, let's go guys. We have an hour." You said and all of you put your stuff together at a corner and started to clean the place while but finally after 40 minutes, everything was clean and organized perfectly but you all could only go out when the hour is finished so you still had 20 minutes before that so you went to sit down.

Sunny went to sit on the piano and she started playing 'Girl on Fire' by Alicia Keys while singing along. All of you were stunned by her voice and Suho had an idea and went to the drums and when the cue came, he started accompanying, you all looked at him and you walked to one of the guitar while Key went to the other and Taemin went to the bass and all of you started playing together and when the chorus came Dara sang the backing vocal and later all you dang together until the end of the song and then you looked at each other.


"Wow! That was amazing guys. I had no idea you guys played any instruments." Dara said and they smiled. "Neither did I." Key said. "We didn't know either. I mean Sunny Taemin and I have been friends for years and we didn't know about each other." Suho said and everyone smiled. "What about you Hyeri ? How do you know how to play the guitar ?" Sunny asked.

"Sensei taught me. He had a really old guitar and taught me how to play it and when you live in the streets without anything to do, playing became a habit. I would spend all day playing and apparently over the years, I got pretty good but one day we didn't had anything to eat for the three of us so Sensei had to sell it for money." You explained.

"Do you guys want to continue playing together ?" Dara asked and everyone nodded. "But we can't here at school if the Inspector finds out, we're screwed this time." Taemin said and everyone agreed with him. "I know Tae. Earlier this year, my parents gave me an apartment to make up for all the times they stood up on me like it would make it okay." She scoffed.

"Anyway, the point is the apartment is clear and it's mine to use it an way I want . If you guys are up for it, we could play there." She said and you all looked at each other. "Are you serious Dara ?" She nodded. "That would be amazing." Sunny said. "But we would have to buy instruments and to soundproof it." Suho said and you looked at him.

"I can't ask your parents to buy a guitar for me Suho, it's too much." You said and he smiled. "Don't worry, I'll deal with them besides they gave me some money, I'll buy it for you. Your guitar and my drums." He said while looking at you daring you to refuse it so you sighed before nodding. "Thank you." You said and he smiled.

"So it's settled. None of our parents are going to mind. Mine don't give a damn about anything I do anyway." Key said. "We'll meet up later, go buy instruments, everything than we're going to my apartment and get everything settled in. Okay ?" Dara said and all of you nodded and right then the school bell rang and you all grabbed your stuff and you all went home looking forward to the afternoon.


Thankfully, Jonghyun didn't say anything to his moms about what happened in school since apparently what happens in school stays in school. You all were having lunch together and as soon as he finished it, he excused himself to leave since he was meeting with his friends and girlfriend as he does almost every day. So since he left, Suho took the opportunity to talk to his moms about your wish. "Moms." He said and they both looked at him.

"What is it ?" Kahi said as you waited. "I was planning on usig the credit card you gave me, can I ?" He asked and they smiled. "Of course you can baby. That money is yours to use it, you don't need to ask for our permission to use it." Jungah said and he smiled. "Thanks Mom." He said. "What are you going to buy, just for curiosity ?" Kahi asked smiling. "I want to buy a few things for me and Hyeri." He explained.

"Hyeri too ?" She said and you looked at her. "If it bothers you, I don't need to buy it at all." You rushed to say it. "No, honey. We don't mind at all. We are just happy about how close you two have become. That's all besides our money is as much as Suho's or Jonghyun's as it is yours now. Don't forget that, okay ?" She said and you nodded and you all finished and later you two excused excused yourself and left the house on Suho's car towards a music store.

You two then called Dara and she gave you the directions towards her apartment so you made your way over there and when you went to the parking lot, everyone was already there waiting for you. He parked the car and you two got off. "Hey guys. We thought we might help you with the drums and the guitar and everything else." Key said smiling and you all hugged.

"Definitely, let's go." Everyone helped getting Suho's drums and your new guitar into the apartment that was already all sound proof. "I ask my driver to get it ready before we came here." Dara said and everyone started to get their instruments at place. You were finishing settling your guitar when you felt a tap on your shoulder and when you turned around you saw all 5 of hem looking at you.

"What is it guys ?" You asked turning to them. "Before you came into our lives, we were boring and stuck into our little world kind of people." Sunny said. "And I was the girl in a corner." Dara said. "I was the weird gay kid." Key said.

"And I didn't had a real sibling but most of all, we didn't have each other. Thanks to you, we are this family now and it's all thanks to you. So to express that gratitude, we got something for you." Suho said before Taemin came from behind holding an acoustic guitar. "For you noona. From all of us." He said and showed it before giving it to you.

 "Thanks guys. I... You all mean a lot to me and I'm glad we have found each other. But this is too much and not necessary besides it's must be ex..." You said and their shook their heads. "Please don't even say it, we are rich, we definitely have more money than we know what to do with, that's like buying a candy, not to brag or anything." Key said in his diva way making everyone chuckle including you. "We agree with Key, you need to accept it, you don't have a choice." Sunny said and you smiled. "Okay, okay. If you insist, I will accept it. Thank you." You got the guitar and they all went to hug you.gretsch_g5031ft_rancher_dreadnought_elec  350008955575-1.jpg(Your guitars)

vsx925c-in435-20aea42f553b6e5860364c0c22 (Suho's drums)

Keyboard%20Instrument.jpg (Sunny's keyboard. PS the black keys and the body of it, it's actually blue.)

1307718878-57159100.jpg (Taemin's bass)

High-Quality-font-b-EVH-b-font-font-b-Wo (Key's guitar)

TB-1-half-moon-tambourine-blue.jpg (Dara's tambourine)

"Okay, now that everything is settled, let's get into business." Suho said and you all went  towards your respective instruments. You went to your guitar, Suho went to his drums, Sunny to her keyboard, Taemin to his bass, Key to his guitar and Dara to her tambourine as all of you also had mics. "Guys if we are going to do this don't you think we should name this band something ?" Suho said and you smiled.

"Seeing that we all agreed on a color in common and we already have a name, I think we should call ourselves The Blue Resistance. What do you think ?" You said and everyone smiled. "Well I can pretty much say we loved it, captain." Key said and everyone nodded. "The Blue Resistance it is then." You said and everyone smiled. "Guys do you know 'Let it be' from The Beatles ?" Sunny asked breaking the silence and all of you nodded. "Okay so let's play this one. I'll start then you join." She said and you nodded. She started to play the chords and the music started.


When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

And in my hour of darkness 
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Sunny (with Dara):
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
(Whisper words of wisdom, let it be) (Dara: Hee!)

Hyeri (and Taemin):
And when the broken hearted people 
Living in the world agree
(There will be an answer, let it be)

Hyeri (and Taemin):
For though they may be parted
There is still a chance that they will see
(There will be an answer, let it be, hee!) (Taemin: Ooh!)

Blue Resistance:
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be, hee!

(Your solo)


Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be, hee!

And when the night is cloudy
There is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow
Let it be

Dara (with Key):
I wake up to the sound of music,
Mother Mary comes to me
(Speaking words of wisdom, let it be, hee!)

Taemin with Blue Resistance (Blue Resistance):
Let it be (Let it be)
Let it be, yeah, let it be
Oh, there will be an answer
Let it be (Taemin: Hee!)
Let it be (Let it be)
Let it be (Yeah, let it be)(Taemin: Oh, whoa!)

Blue Resistance:
There will be an answer
Let it be, hee (Taemin: Let it be, let it be!)
Let it be, let it be (Taemin: Oh!)
Let it be, yeah, let it be (Taemin: Oh, Oh!)

Taemin with Blue Resitance:
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be, hee!

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I miss this story so much. I want when we'll you update this.
Littlebrownie58 #2
Chapter 40: I hope there will be an update soon because this story is really good
Littlebrownie58 #3
Chapter 40: I hope there will be an update soon because this story is really good
BabyFnd64 #4
Chapter 40: i been reading this story all day from the beginning.... please update soon..
Aresbluelight #5
Chapter 40: Pls update soon
Still hoping for an update soon !! Such a great story
Kissing #7
Chapter 40: I hope you continue writhing it cuz I what know the end of the story plus a lot reader waiting for you..
Chapter 40: Baby come back v;
Chapter 40: Pls update!!!!!!! That's the greatest story ever and i want some updates plssssss!!!!!
Chapter 40: Comeback... Please.... I really like your story