The Moment of Realization

Find my heart

Inspector Choi walked up to the stage where the six of you were standing. "Well, by unanimous vote from the panel, we have ourselves the winners. What's the name of the band ?" He asked.

"We are the Blue Resistance." You said and everyone cheered. "Give a round a round applause to CNBLUE's opening act, The Blue Resistance." Everyone cheered, you were celebrating when you saw someone coming to you.

It was Jonghyun and his friends and he was holding her hand. She was looking at you with an unreadable expression. "Well, congratulations sis. I must say you can sing okay. Personally, I think you are not ready to be an opening act but the best of luck." He said as you crossed your arms on your chest.

"Thank you for your opinion bro. We'll certainly work even harder to be evn better." You said and smiled. "Hyeri !" You heard your name being called and the next thing you know, you're enveloped on a bear hug with no other than...

"Hani. Hi." You said finally hugging her back. "Oh my God. You were so badass and amazing. I didn't know that you could sing like this. That you had a  band, it's so cool. You're so cool." She got dangerously close to your mouth but you dodged it. "Yeah, I know. Thank you." You said and she smirked.

"The day of correct I'll be in front row with a banner with your name on it." She said caressing your arms. You shivered but you let her. Why ? You could sense Tiffany's jealousy on her stare directed at both of you. It's time for payback.

"My brother and his friend were giving us some tips to be better." You said and she stood by your side and held your hand, projecting her body on your side. Tiffany was watching with an anger that it was so hard to control.

"Well, I think there is no need to. You're already perfect, there's nothing to get better at." Hani said and you smiled. "Thank you for the compliment." You said and she smiled. "You two make a great couple." Leo said wanting provoke Tiffany.

"You think ?" She asked and they nodded. "Are you two together ?" Kris asked stealing glances at Suho's direction every move. "Now, we're not." You said. "But soon, we will be." Hani said and Tiffany swallowed hard.

"Everyone, it's time to get back to classes. Let's go." Inspector Choi announced even with the noisy, the students obeyed. The whole way from the gym to your homeroom and Hani didn't let go of your hand and if that's not enough, Tiffany and Jonghyun were right behind you.

Key was by your side and Jonghyun couldn't stop staring at his back. He loved the boy even if he didn't want to admit anyone, especially not to himself. Tiffany, on the other hand was controlling the urges to rip Hani away from you. She couldn't do that. Or could she ? She didn't know what to do. She was lost.

As you reached the class and everyone sat down Mrs Lee said that you had free time until the the bell rang. As soon as Mrs Lee said that Hani got up and went to sit on your lap. "Did you miss me ? Because I missed you." She said kissing your cheek only because she dodge the original destination.

Tiffany couldn't be there anymore, she was suffocating. She went out and waited for the bell indicating the end of classes. She sent as message for her friend Bora to inviting her over so they could talk about everything that's happening between you two and her friend said yes. She was relieved to be able to talk, open up herself to her best friend.


"She's right. Hyeri is 100% right to want you to choose between them two. Tiffany, you can't keep stringing them along. Neither one of them deserve that." Bora said after Tiffany told everything.

"I know. I know. Then why am I so afraid of doing it ? Breaking up with Jonghyun." She said walking around in front of her bed. "Maybe because you're afraid to hurt him. Maybe you're afraid of not only losing the boyfriend but also the friend." Bora said.

"Maybe. Probably. But I'm also afraid to make the wrong decision." Tiffany said. "Of being with him or with her ?" Bora asked. "I don't know, that's exactly my problem. I have no idea what to do. Or who to choose." She said pacing around.

"Can I ask you a question ?" Bora asked and Tiffany nodded. "Of course." Tiffany turned to her. "How did you felt when you learned about the times Jonghyun had with those ?" She asked.

"I didn't feel anything in particular. I just accepted because it didn't bother me." She said. "Then how did you felt with that girl throwing herself at Hyeri, sitting on her lap, trying to kiss her ?" Bora asked.

"Like I could kill her with my bare hands. How dare she hold Hyeri's hand in front of me, like she is her girlfriend ? And then she kept trying to put her dirty lips on Hyeri's perfect lips. On top of it, she had the guts to sit on her lap right beside me ? She kept flirting with my ..."

Tiffany stopped and realized what she was saying. "Your what Tiff ?" Bora asked smiling and Tiffany sighed. "My baby. That girl kept flirting with my baby. Oh my God." Tiffany answered and understood Bora's point.

"Do you have your answer now or are you that stupid ?" Bora said and Tiffany smiled. "Thank you for helping me Bora." Bora got up and went to hug her friend. "That's what I'm here for. Besides you know I only want you to be happy and for what I can see is with Hyeri that you can be truly happy."  She said. "Thank you so much." Tiffany said.

"Your'e welcome. But now I have work to do. Anything, just call me okay ?" Bora said grabbing her stuff. "Okay. Bye." Tiffany said and as soon as Bora left, she picked her phone and dialed a number and after a few rings the person finally picked up. "Hi, do you mind coming here on my house later ?" She said and the person agreed to go.


She was sitting on the bench on her mansion backyard when she heard steps coming in her direction. It was 6:00 PM, the time agreed to meet and the person arrived and she stood up. The person hugged her and she hugged back. "Hi Jonghyun. Thanks for coming." She said and Jonghyun broke the hug. "What is going on Tiff ? You seem worried." He said and she led them to the sit on the bench.

"We need to talk Jonghyun. There's something I need to tell you." She started and he nodded. "Okay. What is it ?" He asked and she inhaled deeply. "I don't have any other way to say this than going straight to the point." She prepared herself.

"I'm in love with someone else." She finally said and looked at him. He took a while to process the information. "You are in love with someone else ?" He asked and she nodded.

"It was not planned, believe it was most definitely not. It just happened and I finally found in me to be honest with myself and with you. I can't continue to be in a relationship with you if I'm in love with another person and want to be with her." She said and he looked at her.

"Her ? So it's a girl ? The person you're in love with it's a girl ?" He asked and she nodded. "Wow, I never thought you were in to that." He said and she nodded. "Neither did I. But it happened." She said.

"Let's be honest Jonghyun, we never loved each other that way. We were never in love or so to speak. We got into a relationship because everyone expected us to be in one, not because we wanted to have a future together. You know that it is true." She said and he sighed.

"If we were, you wouldn't have cheated on me so many times would you ?" He looked at her shocked. "You..You knew ?" He asked and she smiled. "It's okay, I was never hurt or even bothered by it and that's something that made me realize that hat I feel for you isn't that kind of love. It's a friendship kind of love." She said and he nodded.

"We have been close friend since kindergarten and as we grew up, we ended thinking that go into a relationship was the next step, like it was what we should do. Just like Kris and CL. We both know how crazy in love he is with Suho and the huge amount of girls CL slept with. But because of the pressure from their families, here they are on a fake relationship. Just like us." She said pouring her heart out.

"And you really love this girl ?" He asked and a smile appeared on your face immediately. "Like I never thought it was possible. She's everything I need and want. If i try to explain to words what I feel, I couldn't do it. She's just the one who stole my heart and once I realized that, I want to be with her more than anything." She explained and a tear fell down on her face.

"Well, after this, I can only wish that you are really happy with this girl." He said and she smiled. "So that means you're not mad and angry at me ?" She asked and he shook his head. "Of course not." He said smiling.

"You are my best friend Tiffany, I want nothing but seeing you happy and if it is with Taeyeon, so be it." He said and she was shocked. "Taeyeon ?" She asked. "Isn't she the girl you're in love with ?" He said and she shyly shook her head. "Then who is it ?" He asked.

"The person I'm completely in love with is... Hyeri." She said and if what she said so far didn't shock him enough, this new information certainly did the job. "Hyeri ? As in my twin sister Hyeri ?" He asked and she nodded. "I know but it was planned or anything, it just happened and I'm so sorry." She said afraid he would hate her now.

"No, It's okay Tiff. I just didn't see that one coming. AT ALL." He said and smiled and she relaxed a little. "Me neither. Believe me and neither did she." She said. "I thought you hated each other's gut but I guess it was the opposite." He said and she smiled.

"How long have you two know ?" He asked and she remembered your first kiss. "After that fight thing with 4B, we were arguing and the next moment we were kissing and after that we just realized what we felt for each other." She answered honestly.

"So I guess seeing Hani and Hyeri being that close helped you decided to break up with me, am I right ?" He said and she nodded. "You know me really Jong. You are my best friend and I don't want to loose your friendship. But I will understand if you..." She was saying before being enveloped in a hug.

"I will always be your friend Tiffany, no matter if we are in a relationship or you are dating my sister. Don't worry about that okay ? We are friends forever." He said and she cried while hugging him back, then she just laid her head on his chest as they stood looking at the stars for a little more.

Finally, she was in peace and free to be with you and most of all make sure that girl don't ever touch you, trying to kiss you, sit on your lap or anything of the sorts. Now, you would be hers, and only hers. And she couldn't be happier.

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I miss this story so much. I want when we'll you update this.
Littlebrownie58 #2
Chapter 40: I hope there will be an update soon because this story is really good
Littlebrownie58 #3
Chapter 40: I hope there will be an update soon because this story is really good
BabyFnd64 #4
Chapter 40: i been reading this story all day from the beginning.... please update soon..
Aresbluelight #5
Chapter 40: Pls update soon
Still hoping for an update soon !! Such a great story
Kissing #7
Chapter 40: I hope you continue writhing it cuz I what know the end of the story plus a lot reader waiting for you..
Chapter 40: Baby come back v;
Chapter 40: Pls update!!!!!!! That's the greatest story ever and i want some updates plssssss!!!!!
Chapter 40: Comeback... Please.... I really like your story