Finally the truth

Find my heart

The next day, you woke up feeling a little bit better, you got ready for school and went downstairs to the dinning room expecting to see Jungah to thank her for everything she did last night but she wasn't here, neither was Kahi, only Suho and Jonghyun who went out as soon as you went in. You just ignored him and had your breakfast with Suho then the two of you made your way to school.

You met your friends at the school's gate as usual. "Hey guys. How are you ?" Sunny asked but the bell rang. "Later." You said and went inside directly towards your classroom. You looked at your seat and saw Jonghyun and Tiffany kissing. You knew she said stuff like that would happen but you hoped it wouldn't happen today.

"Excuse me." You kicked his feet to get his attention and they both looked at you and you could see the guilt on Tiffany's eyes. "Alright everyone. Let's get started." Mrs. Lee said getting inside the class before he could say anything, so he gave her another kiss and got out of your seat. 

You sat down and dropped your bag on the side and tried to focus on class until you saw a little piece of paper slide into your side, you opened and there was a message written on it. 'I'm sorry. I only love you. T.'. You smiled a little and looked at her nodding. You accepted her apology and she looked up front and smiled really cutely.

And that way the rest of the first half of the classes passed by and now it was lunch time, you were sitting down with your friends and the new kids too. They were talking about something you were not paying attention at all until you felt a tap on your shoulder and you looked at them. "What is it ?" You asked and looked at them.

"What are you thinking about Hyeri ? You seem so distant." Key said and you sighed. "I was thing about my biological parents." You said and they got confused. "You remember them ?What they look like ?" Yoona asked and you shook your head. "I don't. I was only 1 when I was abandoned." You explained.

"Last night, I had a nightmare about them. I couldn't see their faces, I could only hear their voices and they were saying really mean things. I used to have this kind of dream when I was a little kid but it has been years since I had one." You said and they nodded understanding.

"It must have been really hard for you during your childhood." Jiyong said and you nodded. "A little but after a while I kind of accepted it so it became easier. But sometimes it still hurt really bad like last night. But I'll be okay." You said and the bell rang and it was the end of lunch time so you all went back to your class.


In the afternoon, you left to go practice along with Suho and when it was around 7:30 PM the two of you got home for dinner and this time everyone was already sitting there. "Hi Moms. Jonghyun." Suho said receiving a warm greeting from Kahi and Jungah and a grunt from Jonghyun. "Hyeri, I wanted to ask you since this morning but we couldn't so are really you okay ?" Kahi asked as you sat beside Suho. "Yes, I'm much better. Thank you." You said and dinner went with a few conversations here and there.

When everyone finished, Jonghyun excused himself but Kahi stopped him. "No Jonghyun, we need to talk to the three of you." He sighed. "Are you sure you need me too Mom ?" She nodded and asked for everyone to go to the living room. You three sat on the couch and they sat on the one i front of your so they could be facing you. "Okay, can you hurry up ? I have other things to do." Jonghyun said already impatient. Jungah nodded but Kahi was the one who started speaking.

"What we want to talk about is something delicate that has been kept a secret for years. We have waited for the best chance to finally explain a few things and this chance finally came so here we go." She took a deep breath and continued. "When I was about your age,19 years old, I lived in Chicago with a few friends and I was dating this guy who was 9 years older. His name was Choi Dongwook but all of his friends called him Se7en." She explained.


"He was the CEO of the Choi's enterprise in America and we dated fro 2 years but then I met your Omma at a party from the school I went and fell in love with her at first sight so I broke up with him to be with her. He was really famous, he couldn't take if people knew his girlfriend left him for another woman. He tried everything to make me come back to him, to make me change my mind, to break us apart."

"But when he realized that nothing would work, that I wouldn't fall for his traps, he decided to hurt me the same way he was hurt by me but it's not that easy to do it so he thought about something. A strike where he knew I would feel the blow. Through your Omma." Kahi looked at her wife who already had tears on her eyes. "One night, he called me saying that Kahi was in his house and that he wanted to talk to both of us, to make peace." 

"I was so naive back then that I believed him and went. Only I didn't know I was going towards my second worst nightmare. He me that night on his house. It took me 2 moths to finally press charges against him but I did, he went to trial, I testified and proved that he indeed  me. He got 60 years in prison and I also got something else. Something beautiful that came out of that nightmare. I got pregnant." She said and watched as Jonghyun's eyes started filling themselves with unshed tears at the realization that he is the product of .

"I thought that when he got sentenced, I was finally free and when I heard the news that I was pregnant, I thought that I would be happy despite that night. But things didn't turn out so simple as I thought they would be. At least part of it." She sighed and continued. "He, with his cell mates managed to escape prison. When he heard that I was pregnant of him, he came up with a plan to hurt us even more. He planned to steal my child." She said as Kahi whipped a few tears that fell down at the last part.

"And he did. On the day I entered the hospital to go into labor, he disguised himself as a nurse and entered the room I was in. As soon as the baby got out, the doctor without knowing anything passed the baby to him trusting he was a real nurse. He cleaned and was supposed to bring the baby to the nursery but instead he ran away with my baby wrapped in the blanket we had prepared beforehand." She said while tears continued to fall on her face.

"But there was one thing he didn't know. "She said and inhaled deeply. "I was pregnant with twins. A boy and a girl. The girl was the first one to come out and the one he kidnapped." She said and more gasps were heard. "Wait, are you saying that I have a twin sister who was kidnapped by our monstrous father ?" Jonghyun said and they both nodded.

"7 minutes later, you came out, handsome as always and you were handed to a real nurse who cleaned and bought you to my arms. It would have been the most beautiful moment of my, our lives if only your sister's kidnap hadn't happened. When the doctor said that she was missing, I knew he had something to do with it. It was both, the best and the worst moment of my life. The police was called, private detectives hired and nothing was found." She said really emotional.

"I really wished to die, many times. But I realized that he took one, I had the other baby who also needed me. You were the only reason why I would wake up day after day for at least the first 6 months, then we decided to comeback to Korea. After we arrived, our parents together with his parents, decided o join forces to search for him as they believed he was here." Jungah said. "I want you to know that your grandfather always stood by our side and against him, he never agreed with what his son did to us." Kahi said as a matter of fact.

"Six months after that, the police finally found him, only that he was dead. Overdose with pills and alcohol. His girlfriend at the time, she stayed alive and told us before she went to prison that she didn't know where our daughter was since she had convinced him to abandon her near a trash can 2 moths before that."

"We continued to search, we put posters around with her description and a reward for anyone who could bring her back to us but nothing. For 17 years. Until we got a call from the chief of police who is the same as the one back then. He called us saying he had a clue about where our daughter is so we went immediately and he asked for my blood to check if the sample they had would match."

"And after two weeks the results finally came and it was 99,9% match. He found my daughter, my baby girl. He gave us the address and we found her on a foster home recovering from a fight." She said and you all finally understood who she was talking about. Who was her long lost daughter.

"As soon as I saw you Hyeri, I knew you were my daughter. I just wanted to go and hug you, tell how much I waited for that moment but I thought I could scare you away and the chief advised me to take it ease, earn your trust, let you open yourself to me. And we planned to wait a few more weeks but seeing you last night ask me why your parents didn't want you, It jusat broke my heart and I knew I couldn't take it anymore." Jungah said crying.

"I need you to know that we always wanted you and that we always loved you even after these 17 years, we never, for one second, forgot about you." She said and you didn't realized you were crying until you felt Suho's thumb wipe your face.

"I-I-I need to get out of here." You said and got up walking away, Jungah was going to follow you but Suho assured her he would take care of you and keep them updated on anything. Jonghyun did the same thing a few minutes later, only that he said that he would spend the night at Tiffany's.

Jungah fell on the chair and cried while Kahi stood by her side. As she always did and promised she always would. "Everything will be okay. They are just in shock. It was too much information to digest all at once. You'll see tomorrow will be better. Let's get you to bed." She took her wife to their room and prayed that she was right.

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I miss this story so much. I want when we'll you update this.
Littlebrownie58 #2
Chapter 40: I hope there will be an update soon because this story is really good
Littlebrownie58 #3
Chapter 40: I hope there will be an update soon because this story is really good
BabyFnd64 #4
Chapter 40: i been reading this story all day from the beginning.... please update soon..
Aresbluelight #5
Chapter 40: Pls update soon
Still hoping for an update soon !! Such a great story
Kissing #7
Chapter 40: I hope you continue writhing it cuz I what know the end of the story plus a lot reader waiting for you..
Chapter 40: Baby come back v;
Chapter 40: Pls update!!!!!!! That's the greatest story ever and i want some updates plssssss!!!!!
Chapter 40: Comeback... Please.... I really like your story