Candies are sweet and sour

It's must be fate
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(A/N: Zavier POV)

Since that encounter with Irene noona, I went back and apologized to the members, of course I did not escape from Suho hyung tight hug and also Chanyeol hyung headlock but I didn't mind about those at all. So things had returned to normal, and yes, by normal, I meant Tao still despise me but he was cutting down his bullying act which I was extremely grateful for it. We were preparing for our comeback and we only recorded three out of nine songs so it meant we still had a long way to go.

However, there was still good news. All of eleven of us had moved to a bigger dorm with both EXO-K and EXO-M staying together in a one huge room in a certain apartment which the room was actually the whole floor of the condominium. Now we had each of our own room, no more roomates; and I was glad about this. Since last time when I performed my own song in front of everyone, I started to find interest in composing own songs, producing one made me felt great and it was like I achieved something. Last two days, I just sent two songs that I composed for Red Velvet to the members and seemed like they liked it. I was glad that they liked about it but I was kinda pity of them because they needed to rush in order to record the song since I was busy with the concerts and also the production of our new album.

"Ryu, just to remind you that you need to go to SM Ent. at three."

"Thanks, Chen hyung." I said and looked at the time. I had only one more hour left so I quickly saved the song that I was currently composing and went to take a bath. After that, I just walked to the kitchen and saw Kyungsoo hyung was washing some plates.

"Hyung, what's for lunch?" I asked.

"Kimchi fried rice. Do you want some?"

"Certainly!" I smiled

"You are lucky that Chanyeol hyung and Chen hyung stil remember to save some for you." Kyungsoo hyung put a plate of kimchi fried rice in front of me and ruffled my hair.

"Thanks." I said and started to eat the fried rice while glancing at the clock.

"How are you going to the company?" Kyungsoo hyung asked.

"Manager noona is sending me there since she need to fetch Baekhyun hyung from the company." Kyungsoo hyung nodded his head. I put the dirty plate in the sink before rushing out after I answered the call from my manager.

"Guys, I am going out! Will be back for dinner!" I shouted and ran toward the SUV. I quickly got into the car and apologized to my manager who just giggled and waved her hand lazily.

"It's fine. You are just in time." Noona said and drove toward the company. I gently patted my thighs and hummed to a ryhthym that came to my mind. Suddenly, the van stopped and I looked at the door which had been opened by Baekhyun hyung.

"Ryu~ Did you miss me? Because I miss you~" Baekhyun hyung hugged me as I smiled.

"Of course I miss you, hyung but you know, I need to get off since the staff need to meet me." I said as he pouted.

"Awwww, come on~"

"Baekhyun, work is work. You can play with him later." Manager noona said and I quickly got off the car. I walked into the company and saw Boa noona was smiling at me.

"Good afternoon, Boa noona." I said.

"Good afternoon to you too. Now how about having a cup of coffee with noona?" Boa noona asked.

"Noona~ I am the one that want to meet him~~" A guy appeared from nowhere and whined. I looked at him and widened my eyes, and bowed.

"Good afternoon to you too, Hongki-sunbaenim."

"Stop with the formality. You can just call me hyung like other people." Hongki smiled.

"Now now, Hongki-ah, what did you promise me just now?" Boa noona asked.

"I will remain silent and observe his composing skills." Hongki pouted.

"Good. Now, Ryu-ah, let's go have a cup of coffee before we go down to business." Boa noona said as I nodded my head and followed her to the recording room which had two cups of coffee waiting for us.

"I had order it for us. I hope you like latte."

"I'm fine with any kind of coffee, noona." I said.

"Good then. We shall talk about the important things while drinking the coffee then."

"Sure, noona. Noona, had you read through the lyrics and listen to the demo?" I asked and took a sip of my coffee. Boa noona nodded her head and played the song for Hongki hyung to listen to it.

"Wow, this song is looking good." Hongki hyung clapped his hand as I scratched my cheek and smiled.

"It's still need some more improvement." I said.

"Nonsense. This song is perfect. I can feel the love in first sight and the urge wanting to meet the person of your life." Boa noona said.

"Yeah, I think the song is perfect." Hongki hyung said.

"Thanks." I said and smiled.

"Now, I would like you to rap the song." Boa noona said as I tilted my head.

"Huh?" I blinked my eyes in confusion.

"Omo~ You are so cute~ It meant I want to feature you in this song." Boa noona said and giggled after pinching my cheek.

"C-can I?" I asked.

"Of course. I don't think there is any other person more suitable than you." Boa noona said.

"T-t-thanks noona!" I stood up and bowed.

"It's okay. It's your song afterall." Boa noona said as I smiled. Hongki hyung stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Now, you had prove yourself worthy. I want to request a song from you then." Hongki hyung said as I shook my head and my hands together.

"N-n-no, I don't think I am good enough to write songs for you, hyung."

"Nonsense! I want you to write a song or maybe two, not for me, for my junior, AoA." Hongki hyung said as I just nodded my head mindlessly.

"Good then! Noona, I need to go now. I can't wait for the songs then." With that Hongki hyung left the room, leaving me standing there alone, processing the information that I just absorbed. I needed to write songs for AoA, the angels of the Kpop industry.

"N-noona, I don't think I can do this." I said.

"You can do it. Just do your best, follow your inspiration. But for now, maybe we need to start recording this song?" Noona asked as I nodded my head. Both of us started to work on the song and by the time we finished it, it was already late evening.

"Now I can send this song to Sir Sooman. Thanks." Noona said when both of us were out from the company, cold breeze blew past us, reminding us that it was still chilly even though it was already the start of February. I glanced and saw noona was blowing hot air to her palms since she didn't wear any gloves. I took off mine and turned to noona.

"Here you go, noona. Take mine." I said as I shoved my gloves to her.

"B-but how about you?"

"I'm a young man, noona. This kind of cold can't beat me. Well, I better start to walk back to my dorm then. Please take care, noona. See you soon." With that, I ran away, toward the direction where my dorm was, after sending a message to manager that I was walking home.

(A/N: Author POV)

Ryu was running as he puffing out hot air from his mouth, catching each breathe. He was hoping Boa didn't catch a cold and used his gloves although it might be too big for her. He just stopped and thought for awhile before shrugged his shoulder; and continued to walk. He stopped suddenly when he heard some sobbing sounds, coming from the alley. He stopped and turned his head to look at the alley.

"I must be hearing things." He mumbled when he couldn't heard the sobbing noise anymore. He continued to walk but soon he turned around when he heard the sobbing noise again. He decided to go and found the source of the sobbing sound so he went deep into the alley. He walked into the alley and there he saw someone was sitting on the floor, face buried in their face and with the long hair, he deduced that it was a girl. He took out a handkerchief from his bag and walked toward the person. He stopped in front of the girl and kneeled down, handing out the handkerchief but did not make a noise.

"H-h-huh?" The girl lifted her head and stared at Ryu with a pair of puffy eyes but the pair of puffy eyes didn't hide her beauty.

"H-hey. I he-heard you sobbing so I figure that you would need a handkerchief to, you know, wipe your tears." Ryu said and smiled gently at the girl. The girl just nodded her head and took the handkerchief from Ryu, and used it to wipe her tears. Ryu just continued to stare at the girl and suddenly something flashed in his mind.

"Ah! I know!" Ryu exclaimed and the girl's body was tensed.

"You look like the desert fox! I had been thinking what animal do you resemble from just now." Ryu said and he didn't see how the girl's body relaxed.

"So may I know what's your name?" Ryu asked.

"Jisoo, Seo Jisoo." Jisoo said.

"Ah, aren't you the one who got into the scandal?" Ryu asked and he started to panic when he saw more tears flowed from Jisoo's eyes.

"W-w-wait, don't cry. I'm sorry. I

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Chapter 8: YOU UPDATED THIS YEAR?! I’m shook.

Please update more soon
Xiojin #2
Update please..... I really like in this your story..
Chapter 8: Update pleaseeeee
drecoxz12 #4
Plsssss update
drecoxz12 #5
Pls update until the month ends :)
drecoxz12 #6
Chapter 8: Pls update more often
drecoxz12 #7
Pls update
drecoxz12 #8
Chapter 7: Update more often please im begging you :( i love this kind of stories <3
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update
yunjae23 #10
Chapter 6: Update please