And All These Little Things

The Wolf I've Become: The Unwanted

It was a regular Friday morning and I decided to spend some time out in the football field.

I was alone today. Well, not really THAT alone because I still have some friends around, like Tiffany and IU. But if we’re talking about my best friends here then, Yuri and Yoona being both absent today would be the reason why I’m sitting out here, on the bleachers, alone, watching the university’s football team running around as they practice.

Yuri had some serious family business to attend to, while Yoona was awfully sick she couldn’t even get up from her bed earlier. I was thinking of staying in for today since it was weekends tomorrow anyways, so I could take care of her. But she said no. She knew how much school means to me, and that she can take care of herself. She also said I can entrust her to the maids so...


I abruptly whipped my head towards the left side (since the voice most probably came from that side) and squinted my eyes due to the sunlight. It took me a few more seconds before I finally made out the face of the person running towards me like a kid running towards her mommy. “Tiffany?” I blurted out and stood up from my place. Tiffany waved at me rather energetically. Well, someone’s in a good mood today.

As soon as Tiffany entered the bleacher’s area, she ran towards me and literally jumped at me I stumbled a few steps backward due to the impact, but I caught her nonetheless. She wrapped me in her tight embrace. And when I say ‘tight’, I meant real tight as if she was the life out of me.

“Did you miss me that much? We just saw each other earlier in the classroom.”

I wasn’t complaining, okay? I mean, I do love the feeling Tiffany gives off whenever she hugs me, or do any other skin contact with me or just be beside me, but I’m afraid that the longer we hugged, the more will my knees wobble and my lungs struggle hard to inhale and exhale oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Tiffany finally pulled away with a huge smile on her face. “No. I just felt like hugging you.” She says like it was a natural thing to say (to which it actually was since we’re... friends) I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. “Whatever you say, Miyoung.” I pressed on her Korean name a little more harder. She pouted at me and hit my shoulder with her closed fist. We both sat down after that. “Yah. I told you not to call me that.” I didn’t say anything in return, but smirked at her. She hit me again.

“Taetae~!” She whined.

I laughed and raised my hands in the air, levelled with my head. “Okay, okay! I’m not calling you that anymore.” I said to convince her, but she didn’t buy it. She shook her head in disbelief and said, “Liar~ I know you, you won’t stop teasing me until you want to.” To which was ninety-nine percent true. “OR until you hit me on the face, but yeah, I’m not going to stop. You’re so cute when you’re being teased~” I reached out to pinch her cheeks with my two hands. She playfully rolled her eyes and removed my hands from her face.

“Ugh! But seriously! Don’t call me that.”

“Okay, okay. I won’t. And this time, I mean it.” Tiffany pouted again. I turned away with that same stupid grin on my face. Seriously, this girl never fails to make me all giddy and... sh*t. “Stop pouting. It’s too adorable.” I said coolly and rested my elbows atop the higher step behind me. Tiffany chuckled beside me, and scooted closer. She lifted my right arm from its position and placed it over her shoulder. I tensed when she did, and stiffened even more when she leaned her head on my shoulder.

Suddenly, I’m having difficulty breathing and swallowing the lump in my throat.

“Umm... what are you doing here anyways? And how did you know I was here?”

Tiffany was playing with my fingers when she answered, “I asked those guys.” She pointed to the group of boys huddled on the other side of the field---hands gripping at the chain link fence, DSLRs hanging low on their necks, and screaming in a way you won’t be able to decipher. “Are you sure they’re... guys?”

I can tell that Tiffany almost laughed. “Physically, yes. But... I mean... okay, I get what you’re trying to say.” And that’s when we both burst out laughing. Especially when the guys standing by the fence were now hollering random names of which I assume as the names of the football players present here.

My heart suddenly raced inside my chest when Tiffany interlaced our fingers together like it was a natural thing to do. We’ve never held hands, at least not intentionally; more so intertwine our fingers. Then I remembered we still haven’t talked about our conversation last night...

Is this her way of telling me her answer?

I nibbled on my lower lip. Should I start?


Beep. Beep.

Tiffany fished her phone from her blazer’s front pocket and smiled the moment she saw a familiar name on the screen.

Sunny was calling.

I’m fine. I totally am.

“Hey.” She greeted the other party just as cheerful as she was with me. She pulled away and removed my arm over her shoulder. I was about to be disappointed but the feelings halted when Tiffany held my hand in hers instead. She ran her thumb up and down smoothly against the skin of my hand as she spoke to her best friend. Best friend. I would never have thought the two of them were only friends since the very first time I saw them, I always seem to notice how close they are. They were almost like... lovers.

They always held hands, they always hugged. There was even one time when I caught Sunny kissing Tiffany on the cheek. And they were always so intimate. That broke my heart into tiny little pieces because I assumed that Tiffany was already taken and I was too late. But when Tiffany confirmed to me that Sunny’s just her best friend and that it would stay that way forever, the hope inside me was fired up once again.

Though, I’m getting this tiny little feeling that Sunny doesn’t feel that way about her. It’s just... there’s something in her eyes when she looks at Tiffany. Especially the glare she sends my way when me and Tiffany are together. And her ignoring my questions and muses and just everything I tell her about Tiffany, is really... suspicious.

“No. I’m out in the field with Taeyeon.” Tiffany says, taking a glance at me the same time I did. She lets out a soft giggle, and I can’t help but burst into a smile. She’s just too irresistible no matter what she do. “Stop overreacting, Soonkyu. Taeyeon’s not going to me.” I whipped my head towards her direction and raised an eyebrow both at Sunny’s seemingly real name and at the word ‘’.


Tiffany laughs wholeheartedly. I kept my face the way it was until Tiffany bids Sunny goodbye, shuts her phone, and looks back at me. “What’s with that face?” She asks me. I scoffed. “What’s with this ‘Taeyeon’s-not-going-to-me’ thing?” Tiffany laughs for the second time. “Sunny’s overreacting; that you’re going to do something to me and stuffs like that.”

My byun mode is back.

“Why? Does she want me to?”

Tiffany slaps me softly across the face right at that moment. “Shut up. And I gotta go.” Now, it was me who pouted at her. “Don’t do that to me. That’s not gonna work.” She finally stands up and swings her bag over her shoulder. She went down on the bleachers, and that’s the time a stood up. “I’ll see you later, Taeng.” She tells me the moment we were face to face again.

It always baffles me how she even manages to do such things to me, completely unaware of the side effects of her actions. this sh*t...

What she just did to me, you may ask? Well, she only pulled me by the jawline and placed a kiss that left a loud smack when she pulled away. Her eye-smile nearly threw me off the edge. She left me hanging with my mouth literally hung open as she sashayed away from me.

I can still feel her lips on my cheek.




After having lunch with IU and Luna, and rehearsing our homework up in the music room, we went straight to our next class, which was music, apparently.

“Is Yoona unnie going to be alright?” IU turns to me when we entered the elevator. I smiled at her. “Yeah. It was just a simple tonsillitis. She’ll get better in no time.” I tell her. The elevator dings and the three of us step out onto the hallway. “The song you rehearsed, to whom was it for?” Luna nudged my arm repeatedly while grinning. Of course, I didn’t tell them about Tiffany. It’s not that I don’t trust them, but I’ll just let Yoona and Yuri know for now.

“Just... someone.”

“Aye... Taeyeon unnie likes someone eh?” IU mused. And I can’t really explain but I’m having a weird hunch that somehow, IU might’ve known about me liking her Tiffany unnie. I don’t know. I just feel it. I feel like she knows something. And if she did, she doesn’t let me find out.

When we entered the classroom, that’s when we figured that we were just in time (and that means we were just a minute away from being late) All of our classmates were already inside and are chatting noisily towards each other, and our teacher had just arrived.

Tiffany waved frantically towards us, and we waved back and started making our way towards them. The class starts the moment we settled in.

“Alright! So, who’s ready to go first?”

The whole class were gathered in a u-shape inside the room, and in front of that formation stood our music professor. He was babbling about our completion on our homework and something like who wanted to go to the centre and perform their song of choice. I wasn’t really paying attention. Well, since Tiffany was obviously trying her best to keep my attention on her.

I saw Hongki---our punk classmate who has a distinct liking in metal rock music, and prefers biker jackets over the school’s blazer uniform. He stood up from his chair and positions his guitar in front of his torso. He started singing right when Tiffany and I engaged ourselves back into the conversation we were having.

“What song are you going to sing?” She whispers to me, and I lean in and whisper back directly to her ear. “Do you know Ryan Cabrera?” I asked her, and she nods. “One of his songs.” She lightly punch my arm and pouts at me afterwards. “Give me more hints.” I shook my head at her and stuck out my tongue. She glared at me. How cute.

“Okay then, to whom are you singing it for?” My heart raced at her question. But of course, I quickly collected myself and didn’t let her know how nervous I really am right now.

“It’s for a very special person. Don’t try aegyo-ing at me for this, I won’t tell you no matter what you do.” I said even before she could attempt acting cutesy in front of me.

Without any warnings, Tiffany clings into my arm and leans her head onto my shoulder; completely oblivious about the fact that Sunny’s glaring sideways at me. Her tongue visibly roaming around inside ---a gesture I seemed to know of when she’s pissed or agitated. Something like that.

You know, sometimes I wish Sunny would be just a little more be comfortable around me. I mean, we do have mutual friends, and I can’t see a reason why the hell not. But then, there’s Tiffany.

“Taeyeon, you’re up!” Mr. Goo exclaims enthusiastically partly to catch my attention and partly to keep the whole class alive and kicking.

Tiffany rises from my shoulder and squeezes my hand lightly before I stood. I grabbed my guitar from the side and positioned it over my frontal upper body. I took a deep breath. My own personalized guitar pick on my right hand; fingers on the other hand hovered over the strings (forming a F#) I started plucking the guitar strings into the intro, and then started the first verse.

I won't talk
I won't breathe
I won't move till you finally see
That you belong with me

You might think I don't look
But deep inside
In the corner of my mind
I'm attached to you

I'm weak
It's true
'Cause I'm afraid to know the answer
Do you want me too?
'Cause my heart keeps falling faster

I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

Ever since I started singing, Tiffany didn’t tear her eyes away from mine. And again, I was having a hard time breathing. I don’t even know if I can finish the whole song. But I would. I have to. So I look away from her and eyed everyone in the room, who had their eyes on me the whole time. In the corner of my eyes, I can still see Tiffany staring at me like the first time she did.

I continue,

You don't know what you do
Everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move

I'm weak
It's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know you met me?

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

My strumming gets more powerful by this part. And my eyes involuntarily shift to look at the girl still looking back at me; the same girl I’m dedicating this song to. I do hope she knows that. That in my whole life I’ve never been this in love with a person. That I’ve never invested so much time and so much feelings towards a person I just met two months ago.

Tiffany has done so much to me, and I hope she’s aware of that...

I know when I go I’ll be on my way to you
The way that's true

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited

This is true

My classmates clapped right when I hit the last note. Some even cheered wildly. But it’s not like I didn’t appreciate it, it’s not like a didn’t care, but I was only interested in Tiffany’s reaction at this moment.

Tiffany was looking down on her hands when I was singing the last chorus earlier and my look didn’t waver. She was still like that right now. She was chewing on her lower lip while fiddling her fingers. She didn’t look up even when I sat back down beside her and put the guitar away.

Is something wrong with my singing?

I bit my fingernails and contemplated on asking her what was wrong or no. I’ve gone for the first one. “Hey---“

“The song was for me, wasn’t it?” She cut me off the moment I opened my mouth. I was going to say something, but unfortunately, nothing came out; not even air. She chuckled at the expression that washed over my face. Okay, truth to be told, this wasn’t really the ideal reaction I was expecting. “H-How did you know?” it. Why did I stutter? Why now?? “I felt it.” Okay. everything.

Just before I could utter another question, she stood up and went in front of the class. She was looking elsewhere but at me. I would’ve been guessing that was her answer but I couldn’t think straight. Things Tiffany Jung does to me, really. ‘Ugh.’ Tiffany smiled slightly at the people around us, and I was almost thrown off of my seat when she looked at me straight in the eye (that probably went right through my soul) without warning. I didn’t have time to think so I just smiled. An awkward one.

Well, good job, Taeyeon.

Seohyun---who was standing right beside her---started plucking the guitar in her hand into a familiar intro, and Tiffany moves slightly around; not knowing where she should place her hands while she sings. I almost snorted if not for her looking directly at me. Then her lips moved, and a melody and lyrics started pouring out.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind, it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me...

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly

I won't let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
But if I do
It's you
Oh it's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things

My lungs seemed to malfunction when I suddenly notice how much pressure she puts in the ‘I’m in love with you’ part. I might be being delusional right now, but It’s like she was singing it for me. Considering the gazes she occasionally throws at my direction and that little smile that shows whenever she looks at me. I’m trembling from head to toe like the first time I saw her in front of the classroom; like the first time she ever spoke a word to me.

Maybe I’m not being delusional at all. Maybe she really is singing that song for me. That might be the only way she could tell me her answer.

I won't let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you
It's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all your little things...

I tore my gaze away and looked down on the polished floor, like what she did earlier after I sang. I felt a shift beside me and figured it was her. As weird as it is, I feel the heat of her stare on my side. And it had been that way even after the others had sang and the classes were coming to an end.

“Okay! So as you all know, midterms are coming up in two weeks-time and I want to ready all of you for a group performance as your exams. You can pick your own members, but it has to only be three. No more, no less. Capisce?” He tells us last and we nodded in obedience. Then he tells the words “you’re all dismissed” and that’s when everyone crams and goes out the two doors of the room.

“Tae, we’ll be going ahead.” Luna pats me on the back; as well as Hongki, Kyuhyun, and IU. I bob my head towards them and said my goodbyes. “Okay. See you guys on Monday.” And then, they were off. They offered me to join their Friday escapades, but I remembered I still have an ill deer to take care of in the barn---err, house. I hurriedly stacked my things back inside my snapback and swung the straps over my shoulders. I was halfway through the door when someone pulled me back.

My breath was once again taken away from me when I ended up a few centimetres away from kissing Tiffany. ‘Oh why did I thought about kissing again?!’

“You think you could walk away from me just like that?” She said; a hand above her chest as she fakes a pained expression. I chuckled at her. I took her hand in mine and we headed towards our lockers, which was located at the end of the hallway.

We stood silent there, letting the occasional clanks of metal and ripples of paper the only sound being heard between us. I was staring at her side profile, and she didn’t mind. She does the same to me anyways so it’s fair enough. I cross my arms by my chest as the sides of my lips quirk up into a grin.

“The song was for me, wasn’t it?” I mocked her sentence from earlier, and that seemed to take her by surprise. She looks at me with wide doe-like eyes. Almost like Yoona’s. A sly giggle. “Are you mocking me?” She spat back in English. I mentally face-palmed. English, here we go again. “Half yes. Half no.” I’d tried my luck, and I can see she was amused. Well...

Tiffany shakes her head with that same smile plastered on her face, and closes her locker. “It wasn’t for you.” She states, walking away from me in wide strides. I quickly caught up. If I was discouraged, I didn’t let it show.

Tiffany cut me off again when I was about to say something like she always knew what I was going to say. “It was for that someone whom I met two months ago. That person did everything for me to notice her, and when I did, she did nothing but make me smile. She’s like a portable joy box. She brightens up my day.” She displayed her eye-smile at me. ‘You brighten up my day.’ “Who is she?” I dare ask.

By the time we came out in the parking lot, she was already gone from my side; sprinting towards her and her sisters’ car. I took a moment for me to battle myself out if I should go after her or not.

‘Screw it.’

“Fany, wait!”

She stopped in the middle and turned to me. “What?” She yells the same time I ran to her side. “You haven’t answered my question.” I said in between pants. Tiffany and I gets lost in each other’s brown orbs for a long while until she suddenly takes a step forward. And I forget how to breathe.

If it’s possible, the corners of Tiffany’s pink lips goes a notch higher.

“Why do you want to know?”

I shrugged indifferently. “Because... I’m your friend?” Saying the word ‘friend’ in front of Tiffany suddenly feels foreign. Tiffany takes two more steps forward; the tips of our shoes touching.










“It’s you.”

Then, she leans up and kisses me on the cheeks for the third time now. And I was frozen the way I was the first time. I didn’t know how many seconds passed, because Tiffany was now standing beside their Jeep Cherokee with a lone hand on the handle of the passenger side door. She flashed an eye-smile at me last before she went inside.

I felt my lips slowly stretch upwards.

I’m satisfied with the answer she gave me today.


NOTE: Here's the link of the song Taeyeon sang: It's entitled 'True' by Ryan Cabrera. One of my fave songs of all time tbh :))
And of course, I bet you all know the song 'Little Things' by One Direction. That's what Tiffany sang. Obviously lol here's the link anyhow:

Oh and one more tidbit: The scene where Fany kissed Taeyeon on the parking lot (scroll up) Tiffany didn't let her sisters see that. Of course, then Seohyun and Jessica would lecture her for that.

Anyways, as always, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the support you guys have given me. I wouldn't make it anywhere if it wasn't for you guys *ugly tears* LOL but srsly, thank you gheis! :))) I love you all! <3

So, until my next update~
See you soon, pitches! xDDD


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Chapter 11: Dude, i know you live them 'boys' (u know who i mean :P) but seriously? Hahaha gotta respect XD

looks like you did finish this before 22 hahaha, good luck for classes!!

*More Support from a Reader XD
Chapter 11: uh, 1D? that was unexpected. hahaa. waiting for the sequel. ^^
Chapter 11: omaigawd! more more! i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo crazy for taeny mahahahaha *squealing like mad*
Chapter 11: Yay sequel! Not really a fan of 1D but hey, SNSD!! XD
hamcheese #5
Chapter 10: I didn't catch up this chapter, and I didn't see when tiffany gave Tae her last word ..or may be im poor at Eng
tipco09 #6
Chapter 10: TaeNy should be the ending chapter.
Chapter 10: um, was kind of lost & confused with all these fast time skip story(?) lol. need taeny moment in final chapter. :)
Chapter 9: Damn! Even if the story relates to Twilight a bit , it was still so good!!!! <3

Upfate!! ;)
Jmylimerence #9