Morning Sickness

"I'm Not Me"

Hey! It’d been a long time since I updated, huh? So, I guess you gonna hate me now for making Taeyeon pregnant on the previous chapter. I skipped the night moment because…okay! Seriously, this is a 2MIN story and if I write a 2MIN boyxgirl scene, it’ll sound weird, y’know… And if you noticed it, the morning moment even sound a bit gay-ish when it supposed to be a boyxgirl moment. Anyway, read this update. (Taemin here is Taeyeon...I'm soo lazy to even coloured it..Sowy!)


SHINee was back in Korea after their scheduled-trip at Japan. They were tired but their company wouldn’t let them took any moment to rest. President Ahn called every member of SHINee to their meeting room to discuss about their comeback. SHINee was being hyper about it but not everyone. Taemin had been quieter than his bubbly personality would be. Onew was worried about the sudden change in their maknae.


“Taemin, are you okay? You look pale…” Onew stared at the tired boy.


“No, hyung. I’m okay. Just a bit tired.” said him, over and over.


 They walked to the meeting room. Onew leading them while Key being clingy, jumping up and down happily on Jonghyun. Taemin just walked, looking at his shoes, uninterested. Minho never stopped stealing glances at the young boy. He knew why the boy changed and he felt guilty about it. It was his entire fault. If only he be more careful on that night, maybe this wouldn’t happen.


“Oh! My lovely SHINee!” exclaimed President Ahn as SHINee entered the room.


“Morning.” greeted Onew, simple.


“Please sit, boys. I got some good news for all of you.” said him.


All of them sat on the chairs around the quite-big meeting table. Key couldn’t help but to grin every second since he knew about this matter earlier than others…secretly. President Ahn took a deep breath and exhaled it out loud.


“You guys are going to make a comeback. And I’m sure it’ll be a jackpot.” announced him.


Onew smiled happily. ‘Finally, we’re making a comeback. With Taemin officially in it. Kyaa! ~ I can’t wait to know more about it!’ Onew fangirled in his mind.


“Hehe! I can’t wait to practise the songs and choreography and much more things like we done before…I missed it.” said Jonghyun.


“When will we do the teaser images photoshoot?” asked Minho, bluntly.


Jonghyun, Onew and Key nodded at Minho’s sudden question. President Ahn glanced at every face of them and grinned. Taemin didn’t felt good about it. And somehow, the feeling switched to his stomach. He felt different again. Something was making mess in his stomach. He could feel some kind of liquid making their way to his mouth.


He stood up and covered his mouth tightly. He shut his eyes tightly and immediately went out of the room. Minho was shocked with Taemin’s escape. ‘Oh my…she’s having the morning sickness again. Is she really pregnant or she ate the wrong food just now? I need to check on her…’


Minhostood up from his chair and followed Taemin. He ran as fast as he could to the toilet. ‘She should be at the toilet…’ He kicked the toilet’s door harshly and looked around it for any figure but found nothing. Minho started to panic. ‘Where’s she? She’s not here...’  Minho heard puking sounds from the other side’s door. He frowned.


“Minho? Where’s Taemin?” asked Onew from his back.


‘GOD! Come on! Why Onew appeared now? He’ll mess things up. Taemin maybe was too sick to even think which one she should enter…I can’t possibly enter the ladies.’Minho started to panic.


“Onew, is Tae okay? Aigoo~ I’m worried…” said Key.


“Yeah, where’s he?” asked Jonghyun.


‘Good! Just good!’ Minhoignored s. He shamelessly entered the ladies and found Taemin at the sink. His head lowered down while water running out of the tap. Minho walked over to the vulnerable maknae and looked at his face. Taemin looked so pale. He looked like a vampire out-of-stock blood. His eyelashes hanging low. Minho pulled the figure into his warm hug. The boy felt so thin and fragile.


“Tae…why are you becoming like this? I’m worried…” exhaled Minho.


“I think…I’m really…pregnant…” whispered Taemin softly.


“No! You’re not, Tae.” denied Minho, patting his back.


“The symptoms are coming. I’m really pregnant, Minho.” Taemin whispered again.


“Tae…” Minho called warmly.


“I am. Morning sickness. Getting tired easily. And my taste starting to turn different. Do they explain it well?” explained Taemin weakly.


“NO, TAE! YOU’RE NOT PREGNANT!” yelled Minho, denying the obvious fact.




“What did you just said, Minho?”


Minho turned around with Taemin in his arms. Three of them were already at the door. Eyes widen. Jaw hanging on the floor. And looking shocked. ‘!’


“Repeat it again, Minho.” said Onew.



I’m sorry if this chappie . Yes, it is. Technically, I didn’t plan to do any update but I just wrote this and posted it RAW. And I’m having writer’s block. It felt soooo . Maybe I should rest for a while and write better chapter on next update. See you soon! And sorry for short update~

(Don't blame me! Writer's block just came all over me suddenly. Maybe I should leave typing stuff for a while or this story for a while. I think it'll be okay soon. I'm going to check out 2MIN videos to make me feel better..Haha!~



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-I'm Not Me- So, the polls result is most of you wants brutal scene. So, I'm going to start typing now. Hehe~ I really hope you want it and you really do.


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Chapter 56: Just read this story again <3 Thanks for writing :* :)
Chapter 48: Omgggg, so sad ToT I almost cried because minho is such an as****** (although he's my favourite in shinee) it was so obvious that taeyeon was lying and he just didn't notice it ! But it's really well written ;)
Chapter 56: so happy to read this.............well I expected 2min..............I don't know how to say it...........but I do really like.............thanksssssssssssss
Shizzness #4
awesome story! \…/
ilabya15 #5
Oh cool. It's like "to the beautiful you" :)
shanlovetaminie #8
Chapter 56: hey um its pretty interesting but some is just confising and some is kinda boring but other than tat its soo awesome :)
Chapter 56: I love your story. Can you make other more? And the character is 2MIN. Please :)
Chapter 56: Kind of confusing sometimes...not really 2min