Now! I Got The Answer!

"I'm Not Me"

Annyeong! How are my readers today? Hope you’re in a good mood. Usobwa! =D Did I make you feel anxious of what Taemin did to Minho? Let’s ease your anxiety. Jump to the story! Enjoy!




Taemin tiptoed himself and pressed his pinky lips against Minho’s soft lips gently. It happened unexpectedly and was so fast. Somehow, Minho didn’t refuse at first for a fraction of a second. Till he realized the person whose he’s kissing was his first kiss. And he’s guy for god sake. Minho pushed Taemin hard. Taemin’s body bumped to the wall and he went unconscious for the rest of the day. Taemin collapsed on the floor with his eyes closed. Minho glared at the passed-out guy in front of him.


“Yah! Taemin! Wake up! There’s no drama scene here.” shouted Minho as he kicked Taemin’s legs lightly to wake him up.


No response~


“Lee Taemin, seriously!” shouted Minho again.


No response~


Minho was so furious. He felt like burning with anger. First, his first kiss was stolen by a namja? And now, he’s unconscious. He felt like biting somebody right now, right here.


Suddenly, the door was parted opened by Onew. His smile faded away as he saw the scene. Taemin on the floor, unconscious and Minho leaning against the wall, acting innocent. He stomped as he entered the door.


“No wonder you guys went to the toilet for half an hour!” shouted Onew, as he scowled at Minho.


“30 minutes?! !” said Minho.


“Now, you go and tell Jonghyun and Key we’re going back no matter what. You gonna explain to me what happened to Taemin after this.” said Onew as he bent down beside Taemin.


“! He did to me but I’m suppose to explain?!” said Minho as he stormed back to the night club.


“Yah! He’s drunken. He’s not conscious of whatever matter he done to you. PALI!” shouted Onew.


Onew carried Taemin bridal style and climbed the flight of stairs carefully. He went out of SHawols using the back door. He walked to the SHINee’s van and put Taemin inside. He called for SHINee’s manager and waited for them outside the van. 5 minutes past, Onew saw Jonghyun, Key and Minho walking toward the van, including the manager behind them. As soon as they arrived, he pulled open the door and let them inside. He sat at the behind with sleeping Taemin.


Jonghyun and Key drifted off to sleep as soon as the car started moving. Minho was staring at the window idly while Onew was taking care of Taemin. Worried expression was still plastered on his face. Onew tapped on Minho’s shoulder.


“Minho-ah. Explain to me what happened.” said Onew.


“Waeyo?” asked Minho, annoyed.


“Both of you didn’t fought, right?” asked Onew, hoping he’s right.


“Ani. I asked him to climb the stairs by himself and he slipped and falls off.” lied Minho.


“You sure?” asked Onew, disbelief with Minho’s explanation.


“Nde! I’m sure that happened!” said Minho.


“I don’t trust you but even if I ask him tomorrow, he’ll probably not remember at all.” said Onew.


“That’s nice.” muttered Minho silently.


Onew looked at Taemin and caressed his cheek. He spotted something he shouldn’t. He stared at Taemin’s pink lips for a moment. It’s wet.


“He didn’t drink anything after you went with him, right?” asked Onew, examining the lips.


“He’s already drunk that time!” said Minho.


“Then, why his lips were wet?” asked Onew.


“I…I don’t have any idea.” stuttered Minho, recalling what happened.


Nobody should know about the incident. He needed to talk about it to Taemin tomorrow. He needed to know whether he did that purposely or not. He needed to know because his so-special lips just lost their ‘ity’.


“Well, okay then.” said Onew meekly.




They arrived at the dorm 30 minutes later. Onew carried Taemin to the dorm. He put Taemin on his bed and locked the door. He undressed himself and went to the bathroom to do some wash-up to get rid of the stink alcohol smell. After the wash-up, he wore his chicken pajamas and went on bed. He covered both Taemin and him with the blanket but he couldn’t sleep because Taemin was still smelling alcohol.


He sat up and went beside Taemin. He took off Taemin’s jacket and stockings. He wiped Taemin’s only-exposed body with wet towel. As he was wiping his hand, he accidentally pressed on Taemin’s chest. Somewhat, it felt soft, not as stiff as the man’s. His chest also had a slight curving at the upper body, like a … lady. Onew’s eagerness to find out risen. He did thought of ripping of his clothes but that’s too violence. After thinking for some times, he got an idea on how to prove he’s right about Taemin.


He put the wet towel on the table and went back on his bed. He covered himself and Taemin with the blanket and drifted off to the dreamland.




The next day~


Onew woke up earlier than usual. He stretched his body and looked at his side. The kid was still sleeping. He went to the toilet. He brushed his teeth and washed his face.


“Ah~ now I feel fresh.” exclaimed him at the reflection of the mirror.


Onew went out of the bathroom and switched off the light. He stared at Taemin’s sleeping figure in front of him.


“Now, I need to start the plan.” mumbled him to himself.


He waited for Taemin to wake up. In about 15 minutes, Taemin started moving. His closed eyes started to open slowly, letting the light entered his pupils. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Can’t he be any cuter?! He looked at the anxious Onew in front of him.


“Hyung?” said him as he rubbed his eyes again.


Onew ran to Taemin and sat beside him. He started questioning him as if he’s some kind of suspect.


“Gwaenchana?” asked Onew, anxious.


“Nde, gwaenchana.” said Taemin.


“Why did you passed-out last night?” asked Onew.


“I…I don’t… I don’t remember.” said Taemin as he endured with the light headache as he’s trying to recall what happened.


“Are you sure?” asked Onew.


“Nde, hyung. Did I go drunk yesterday?” asked Taemin.


“AH~ yes.” answered Onew meekly.


“What an embarrassment. Did I blurt out anything I shouldn’t?” asked Taemin, blushing.


“I’m not sure about it. You’re with Minho.” said Onew.


“Minho?” repeated Taemin.


Taemin felt uneasy as he heard Minho’s name.


“But you’re okay, right? You’re not beaten anywhere?” asked Onew.


“Ah~ never mind. I’m okay.” said Taemin.


Onew pulled Taemin into a bone-crushing hug. He hugged him tightly and now he knew everything.


“Thanks God, you’re okay.” said Onew.


Now, he got the answer…




Chapter 13 completed. Okay, guys! Remember about the bad news I mentioned? Well, it’s not a bad new but kinda. I’m not going to update as often as I did now starting next chapter. T_T (Tsk…Tsk…) Maybe I can update once a week or two. It’s quite frustrating but I’ll try my best on updating coz I don’t want my readers wait too long. Sorry to tell you about it. Jeongmal bianhe!

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-I'm Not Me- So, the polls result is most of you wants brutal scene. So, I'm going to start typing now. Hehe~ I really hope you want it and you really do.


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Chapter 56: Just read this story again <3 Thanks for writing :* :)
Chapter 48: Omgggg, so sad ToT I almost cried because minho is such an as****** (although he's my favourite in shinee) it was so obvious that taeyeon was lying and he just didn't notice it ! But it's really well written ;)
Chapter 56: so happy to read this.............well I expected 2min..............I don't know how to say it...........but I do really like.............thanksssssssssssss
Shizzness #4
awesome story! \…/
ilabya15 #5
Oh cool. It's like "to the beautiful you" :)
shanlovetaminie #8
Chapter 56: hey um its pretty interesting but some is just confising and some is kinda boring but other than tat its soo awesome :)
Chapter 56: I love your story. Can you make other more? And the character is 2MIN. Please :)
Chapter 56: Kind of confusing sometimes...not really 2min