I Want Us To Be Friends

A Love Stronger Than Any Other

 “Hey Princess”.

 Yuri’s eyes widened at the familiar voice whispering in her ear. Choi Minho! He smirked at her being alarmed by his presence. “You know I really missed seeing you like this. I have been craving to see you.” he exaggerated craving.
 Yuri stood frozen, being held against her will. “I-I-I, thought y-you were….” she stuttered her words. “Think again princess, ‘cause now I’m going to get pay back.” he said almost menacingly. Yuri shook with fear. She could feel his breath against her neck and his lips brush against it. Yuri turned her head from him getting any closer to her lips. Minho only smiled.

 “You like it princess?” he asked. Yuri shook her head hurriedly. Minho softly rubbed her shoulders but they only tensed even more.
 “I hope you don’t too. Because hell, starts now.” Minho said with a devilish smirk. “Now, I’m going to make it easy on you. You hide first, I count, and we’ll see who is it.” he whispered into her ear. Minho let go of Yuri and she hurriedly ran from him.
 “1, 2, 3, 4.…” he counted loud so Yuri could hear. Yuri ran as fast as she could, but she felt as if Minho’s count was getting louder and louder. Minho ran faster then Yuri so he was right beside her, but kept his distance so Yuri couldn’t see him. Yuri was running to her palace, but she had gotten lost. She looked around and couldn’t find a place of light.
 “… 5, 6, 7, 8.…” he called out. Yuri again ran where she could not hear his voice, but she felt him following him.

 Yuri had suddenly tripped and fell, causing her to rip her night dress. Now it had revealed her leg openly. She quickly got up but was quickly pushed by a foot on top of her back. “…9, 10. Well, I can’t say you’re the best hider, but you are a good runner. You haven’t done this before did you?” he said playfully. Yuri tried to get up but Minho kneeled her down with his knee and pressed on her back, hard.

 “You know you have caused me and my brothers a lot of crap these last few days. Now I want to settle the score, make it about 50/50.” Yuri could only grunt at the pain she was being given.

 “Don’t squirm. I’ll only make it more painful.” he commanded. Yuri only squirmed more. Minho in his cheeks and grabbed Yuri’s hair and pulled hard so Yuri could stop. “Just as you know, this is torture you give to peasants. Are you a peasant, miss Kim Yuri?” Minho asked, mockingly being nice as others would probably do.
 Yuri grabbed all her wits to speak out to him. “Well who knows? I have the power to make you become a peasant, Prince Minho.” she said confidently.

 Minho furrowed his eye brows at her sudden confidence. But then the prince became flushed with anger. He then turned her over and landed on top of her.

 He took his knife out for a threat, a threat for now. Yuri quickly starred at the knife in front of her face and shut . Minho smiled in satisfaction. “I’d like to see you try hard enough.” he whispered. Yuri took her chance in pushing Minho off her and again starting to run as fast as she could. Minho cursed under his breath as he got up to chase the princess again.

 Yuri went back the way she came and followed her steps of where she came from. Minho still ran faster then her. He quickly caught up to her and snatched her arm and cut her arm revealing a small sized mark on it. The mark had quickly started dripping small drops of blood. Yuri held her arm to stop the bleeding. “Still think I’m kidding?” asked Minho. Yuri slowly flushed with anger. “I don’t understand you Choi brothers. When I had only wanted my ring back I didn’t think you would react like this. Like some barbarian.” she fought back with words.

 “Barbarian? No, you don’t understand. I don’t like when like you mess with me like that. You have no idea what that does to my reputation.” he said narrowing his eyes. Yuri snatched her arm away from his hand. “Well maybe I just wanted to get something back than was rightfully mine! You just taking away my engagement ring does not fit very well with me.” she yelled.

 “Well pulling off such a big plan as to get a crow to brake in entering is just a little out of your league.” he yelled back.

 Yuri widened her eyes at him. “Oh and I guess your parents are proud of you to be sneaking out to my kingdom and threatening me with a knife.” she spat back to him. Minho took her arms and pushed them behind her back. He set the knife near her neck only centimeters away. “One more word out of your mouth and the kingdom will be wondering why the princess has gone missing.” he snarled. Yuri swallowed at his words. She slowly gathered herself and calmed down. She looked him directly in the eyes.

 “You are of the same age as I am, would you really try to kill me?” she pleadingly asked. Minho smirked at her. “You think I’m afraid?” he asked. Yuri pursed her lips and bravely continued looking him in the eye, even though she didn't want to.

 “Well, truly I wouldn’t want to kill you. You may be the son of my fathers greatest enemy, and of to be said to be salvaged from the devil as well as your other brothers, but in my eyes I see none of that.” she said softly. Minho furrowed his brows and looked at her as if she was out of her mind. “What are you talking about pauper princess?” he said still holding his knife to her neck. Although, he had to fight the feeling of lowering it.

 “I don’t believe in everything that everyone else is saying. I know you have a heart and a conscience that tells you not to do this.” she said. Minho could see the softness in her eyes. She didn’t say this to get out of it, she was really telling the truth. Yuri continued to talk calmly to him, to lessen his tenseness. “I just want you to think less likely of me. Truly I don’t want this feud to happen between our families. I want to make peace. If you would to kill me now, I would forgive you over a lifetime.”

 Yuri felt Minho’s hands slowly loosed her hands free. Instead of running off like she could have done, she slowly carresed his face with her hand not covering her bloody arm and gave Minho a warming hug. Yuri was just as surprised as he was.

 “I just want us to be friends. I don’t like it when the people closets to me are mad or sad.” she muttered. Minho didn’t hug her back and stood there in her arms confused of her actions and words. For some reason they had reached his heart and squeezed it. Yuri let go of him and set her hand on his cheek. “Don’t do anything you would regret, I don’t want you to get anymore bad reputations.” she said. Yuri set her arms to her sides and slowly backed away with a slight smile on her face. She turned around and scampered back to where she started to find her way back to her palace. Minho stood dumbfounded in his spot and dropped his knife.

 Yuri finally got out of the woods and found her window. She ran near her window and saw a ladder. She used the ladder to climb back to her room and closed her window. It took her an hour, but she fell asleep.


 Mnho had climbed back from his window and set himself exhaustingly on his bed.
 Beside him Taemin had sat up from lying down. Minho looked at him weirdly. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Switched beds with Onew, now I’m your roommate. So, what happened when you tortured the princess huh?” Taemin asked anxiously.

 Minho was thinking of what Yuri said he had forgotten most of the torture. He couldn't tell Taemin about it. That'll just turn into some kind of fight. 
 “I’m tired Taemin, let’s talk about it in the morning.” he said. Minho took off his shoes and just set him self in between his sheets.

  Taemin’s brows knitted together at his brother. Rather then begging for him to tell him what happened, he went straight back to sleep.

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Chapter 35: I've just found this story.. And I must say it's so amazing.. I like the way you make it flow smoothly.. I hope you can update it soon.. Also your other story of minyul..
yehet-ohorat- #2
Chapter 35: I love this story ❤️❤️
Chapter 35: i'm so happy this story is still on going. i hope you continue updating. this is a really nice story.
Chapter 34: Hope you update soon ^^
Mkillas #5
Chapter 34: Pls update soon...
Chapter 33: Woah~ I can't believe all these!
That was such an intense chapter for both Minho and Yuri I almost thought they were about to fight and leave each other..
But.. Minho confessed.. And they even kissed!
Goodness gracious! I hope Fany doesn't turn into an all evil witch after turning into one.
Because it seems she showed signs of turning bad at the end of the part.
Update real soon!
Chapter 33: oh my god you updated! My minuul heart needs this badly. thank you for this.
Chapter 31: Ahhh~ yuri is finally gonna meet up with Minho after all the magic!
update soon!
minyul8 #9
Chapter 30: Waiting for your update~
Chapter 30: update soon :D