Chapter 3


If there’s one thing Kyuhyun has learned so far about the Resistance, it’s that they don’t waste any time. He has one day of preparation, jam-packed with strength exercises (with an overenthusiastic Siwon), flexibility challenges (with an overenthusiastic Sungmin), and firearms training (with a less-than-enthusiastic Eunhyuk). Then it’s time for his first mission with the other members.


It also includes Sungmin dying Kyuhyun’s hair the shade of brown that Heechul had suggested, but that’s a relatively painful experience that he doesn’t particularly want to remember.


To be fair, it’s not all the members who are coming along; the mission isn’t large-scale enough to require everyone’s assistance. Shadow Squad plus Heechul make up their current party, the latter so that he’ll be in range of the group’s earpieces and can coordinate a strategy with them in real-time. It’s Shadow Squad’s job, by Shindong’s request, to locate and hack into one of the satellites that broadcast government frequencies on an encrypted channel.


Right, Shadow Squad. Kyuhyun’s placement is sort of an important detail. It’s not exactly a surprise, considering Donghae had mentioned the position when Kyuhyun had joined up, but it had been nice to make the role official. And things had only gotten better after that; he’d thrown out that he was good with computers (omitting that this was mainly due to logged hours of gaming), and he’d gotten a quick “oh, thank God” from Shindong.


“You have no idea,” Heechul had agreed, looking just as relieved. “Eunhyuk only pretends to know what he’s doing, Donghae only has a talent for breaking technology, and Yesung...actually, I have no idea. Are you any good?”


“Umm...not really?”


“My point stands. See, Kyuhyunnie, you’re fitting in already!”


So now Kyuhyun is the Geek Squad of his team. It probably doesn’t do him any favors with the already strained relationship between Eunhyuk and himself, but hey ━ he’s here to kick and take names, not please everyone.


The Resistance members, sans Leeteuk, see them off that morning, and from there they walk a short distance to one of the Clusters, where a traveling merchant hides them amongst the cargo in his wagon. As they’re brought to the Capital, Donghae explains the smuggling system: generally, there’s one particular merchant who would bring them into the city for no charge, having been friends with one of the lost Resistance members. Today, they’re getting in with a sizeable bribe from Sungmin’s cash supply, since they had to enlist the help of a different merchant who could theoretically turn them in at the Capital’s entrance...or leave them stranded in the city without an escape once the mission was completed.


They get through the gates without a hitch and unload themselves in a secluded area near one of the residential areas, giving the merchant half of the payment with the promise of the rest once they’re picked up. Heechul breaks off from the group to find his lookout spot, and the rest follow behind Eunhyuk as he leads the way to their goal.


Kyuhyun has never been inside the Capital until now, only seen it from a distance. He supposes under better circumstances it would be impressive ━ it’s not as large as, say, Seoul or Busan had been, but the infrastructure is still largely intact (even if it’s still strange to see the absence of cars after gasoline reserves had been depleted). The only problem? It’s so...dead. Like they’re walking through the shell of a place that wasn’t meant to survive the end of the world.


“We’re right outside the restricted area. Watch for guards,” Eunhyuk says quietly. He presses a button on his earpiece. “Heechul, can you see us?”


A voice crackles in through Kyuhyun’s own earpiece, “Yep, and you’re in luck; I don’t see any guards in your area. Just don’t let the camera at the gate see your faces.”


“Got it. We’re going in.”


The gate at the entrance is propped open, making it more than easy to waltz in. Kyuhyun figures the initial security is lax since the citizens would never dream of breaking and entering. That, and there isn’t much you can gain from trespassing on a minor broadcasting station’s grounds...unless you knew a genius like Shindong.


First building on your right,” Heechul tells them. “You’re still clear.


“Understood. Maintain radio silence until I call in again. Yesung?”


The raven-haired man steps forward, drawing a small tool out of his pocket and kneeling in front of the building’s door. Kyuhyun doesn’t even count to ten before the lock slides open with a click.


Well, that would explain why he’s on Shadow Squad.


Eunhyuk puts a finger to his lips and motions them inside.


The ground floor is silent. Considering this building’s only purpose is to provide roof access to one of the satellites, it isn’t a big shock, but Kyuhyun still breathes more easily. Getting caught before the fun part starts would put somewhat of a damper on his first mission.


With careful footfalls, they make their way up the spiral staircase in the center of the room, coming to stop when Eunhyuk holds up a hand. He goes up the last few steps, disappearing from view. There’s the sound of a sharp crack!, followed by a thud, and finally Eunhyuk’s voice calls, “It’s clear.”


The second floor looks identical to the first, save for the body slumped halfway out of a seat in front of a computer.


“I only knocked him out,” Eunhyuk clarifies. “We’ve got plenty of time before he wakes up.”


Donghae points to a door on the opposite side of the room. “There’s our roof access.”


“Good. Let’s go, and Kyuhyun his thing, or whatever.”


Kyuhyun wants to point out how he’d said he was good with computers and not satellites, but he keeps his mouth shut. Which turns out to be a good decision, because a few minutes later when he’s elbows-deep in wires with two screwdrivers clamped between his teeth, he finds that it’s a surprisingly easy task to implant Shindong’s self-made device into the satellite.


That, or he’s just a genius.


Kyuhyun relays his success to the rest of the team, Eunhyuk radios in to Heechul, and they start back down to the building’s entrance.


“I can’t believe this is actually working out,” Eunhyuk says, eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, it wasn’t supposed to be an impossibly hard thing to do, but...I don’t know.”


Kyuhyun shrugs. “We could always rob a few places on the way out, if you’d prefer to get chased.”


“Very funny.”


“Well, I think Kyuhyun’s our good luck charm,” Donghae says. “That was really impressive with the satellite.”


Kyuhyun does his best to imitate a haughty tone. “It’s a burden I have to bear, being so much better than everyone at everything.”


“Hey, not everything.”


“Really, now?”


“Race you back to the gate!”


Donghae takes off down the stairs, and Kyuhyun makes a split-second decision to run after him, ignoring Eunhyuk’s yell of “Yah! Come back here!” in favor of acting like a ten-year-old.


The two have just burst out of the doors, starting toward the gate, when Heechul’s voice shouts through the headset, “Everyone freeze! Eunhyuk and Yesung, don’t go outside; Donghae and Kyuhyun, get on the other side of the building. There’s a guard coming, and he’s spotted the two of you.”


The latter pair quickly comply, slipping around the building’s corner.


“Why can’t we just run?” Kyuhyun asks Heechul, eyeing the gate that’s just a short sprint away.


“Because if that one guard confirms that you’re a threat, he’ll alert the security for the entire Capital, and then good luck getting out. Just convince him you wandered in by accident and don’t knock him out. Another guard is sure to find the body before you’re out of the city.”


“What kind of excuse are we supposed to give?” Kyuhyun asks with a huff. “I don’t think ‘whoops, I got lost’ is going to cut it.”


Heechul snickers. “You want to make it vaguely believable and extremely uncomfortable for the guard? I know what I would do.”


He can’t actually mean━


Donghae spares Kyuhyun an uncomfortable glance before he clicks his headset. “ it okay if━”


“Just do what you need to.” Eunhyuk’s tone doesn’t exactly suggest he’s anywhere close to being ‘okay’ with the suggestion, but he cuts the connection before he says anything more.


Very funny, subconscious. I’d like to wake up now.


“Kyuhyun.” At least Donghae’s making an effort now not to look completely uncomfortable. “If there’s not a better option, and you’re okay with it…”




Donghae takes a breath before he seems to make up his mind to just get it over with, and suddenly Kyuhyun’s back is against the concrete wall and Donghae is dangerously close to his personal space.


Do NOT do this to yourself, Cho Kyuhyun. It’s just a mess waiting to happen.


He stops Donghae just in time, hands firmly pushing back on the other’s chest. “Wait,” he says. “I have a better idea, okay? Just follow my lead and be the one to do the talking.”


(Kyuhyun tries not to be too offended by the immensely relieved look on Donghae’s face.)


With hardly a moment’s hesitation, Kyuhyun drops to his knees, doing his best to slip into the role of mentally unstable civilian. If he can pull off some sort of panic attack, it might be believable enough of an excuse for them to be here. If they’re very, very lucky.


“Kyuhyun, what…?” Donghae starts, but he seems to catch on that it’s for show before he can finish the question.


Kyuhyun nearly thinks the performance is going to be for nothing before a nearby voice shouts, “Hey, you two! What do you think you’re doing?”


Kyuhyun hears the guard’s footsteps approaching, but he doesn’t dare look up. He pours even more effort into his performance, body twitching and hands clawing at his head.


Luckily, Donghae slips into his role without a hitch. “Sorry, sir, is there a problem?” he asks, eyes going wide and innocent.


“This is a restricted area! What were you thinking wandering in here?”


“Restricted? Oh, I’m so sorry,” Donghae apologizes, briefly bowing to the other man. “My younger brother...he gets these mental episodes where he loses control of himself.” (Kyuhyun spasms again to emphasize the point.) “I ran after him when he started having seizures, and we ended up here. I had no idea it was restricted.”


The guard gives them both a critical once-over, eyes lingering on Kyuhyun’s still-shaking form, before he lets out a frustrated grunt. “Look, I really don’t have the time to deal with this right now. Take your brother and I’ll the two of you out, so you can stay out. If someone else catches you here, they won’t be nearly as lenient.


“Thank you, sir. I understand.”


“If you’ll follow me…”


It worked. It actually worked. Kyuhyun’s heart stops trying to pump itself out of his chest, and he does his best to look only half-crazed as Donghae pulls him toward the gate. He’s apparently a better actor than he’d thought.


“Get out of here, you two,” the guard tells them after they’re through the gate.


“You won’t see us again.”


The gates close behind them, leaving the two standing in silence. Silence, that is, until a crackle of static sounds through their headsets.


“Well, damn, Kyuhyun,” Heechul says, sounding genuinely impressed, “who knew you could act? Five out of five stars. Eunhyuk, once the guard disappears, you guys can come out of hiding. I’ll meet up with all of you two blocks north of our drop-off point, and then we can go home.”


“Copy that,” Eunhyuk responds flatly, and Donghae also radios in an affirmative.


A few more beats of silence pass before Donghae speaks up, not quite looking Kyuhyun in the eyes when he does. “Thanks for the quick thinking back there. And thanks for...not going with Heechul’s plan. It wouldn’t have been an issue, but I still appreciate it.”


Kyuhyun gives him a tight smile. “Of course.”


The others walk through the gate soon after, and it takes Kyuhyun a minute to wonder why Eunhyuk is suddenly acting so distant before he remembers: Heechul is the only other person who had a visual on him and Donghae. The Shadow Squad leader is still under the impression that Kyuhyun’s lips were all over Donghae’s just a few minutes ago.


Thankfully, he doesn’t have to explain that this isn’t the case. He sees Donghae walking over to Eunhyuk, ignoring the cold shoulder being sent his way, and trusts that things will work out.


And as far as Kyuhyun’s own feelings for Donghae? He doesn’t even feel conflicted, much less jealous. It’s something closer to guilt: who is he to nearly step all over a committed relationship that’s been going on for years? Donghae is not, and will never be, his in that way, but Kyuhyun will more than happily take his friendship.


That’s great, Kyuhyun. You’re a changed man. Now focus on getting back to the Bunker instead of your miserable excuse for a love life. You are, after all, a genius. Act like it.


Good to see you’re still a smartass, internal monologue.




Shadow Squad’s success doesn’t go unnoticed; they return to cheers and congratulations from all those who had seen them off that morning. Shindong even pulls Kyuhyun up for a piggyback ride around the main room, much to the amusement of everyone else present.


When he’s back on the ground again, Sungmin is the first to give him a tight hug. “I knew you could do it, Kyu!” he says with a wide smile.


You knew?” It’s Heechul. “Please. I met him first, and I was also the first one to predict his potential.”


“Technically, wouldn’t that have been Eunhyuk, then?”


Heechul’s eyes narrow. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Sungmin. But speaking of our wannabe superspy...Eunhyuk!”


“What is it now?”


“Before you run off to have make-up with your boyfriend, can you go up and tell Leeteuk how the mission went?”


If looks could kill, Heechul would be stone-cold dead. “And you can’t do it because…?”


“I have to talk to Kyuhyun. Besides, it was your mission, Mr. Shadow Squad.”


Eunhyuk hasn’t even finished stalking upstairs before Heechul grabs Kyuhyun’s arm and pulls him down the hallway toward the kitchen.


“Heechul, what the hell━?”


Ssh, don’t talk.”


“I’m still pissed off, you know. Throwing out that stupid idea earlier when you knew I had that stupid crush on him.”


Heechul snorts. “It inspired that brilliant performance of yours, didn’t it? And now you have closure.”


“It was still a move, you━”


A finger against his lips cuts off the insult, and Kyuhyun realizes they’ve made it to the kitchen. And Heechul is...he’s actually really close to Kyuhyun’s personal space. Like really close, to the point Kyuhyun takes a step back, and christ, he’s backed against a wall again. Is this going to be a regular thing?


“So,” Heechul says, a sly look on his face. “You’re probably aware that I occasionally provide certain...well, let’s call them ‘services’ for some of the members.”


He draws a slip of paper out of his pocket and slides it into Kyuhyun’s own. “Here’s my card. It’s good one time only, but if you ever want to have drinks together and make use of any of these services…” He trails a finger down Kyuhyun’s chest, stopping just above his waistband. “...just let me know. I’m weirdly attracted to your sarcasm, even when you seem to enjoy testing how far you can push my patience. Go figure.”


Another moment and he’s gone, leaving a wide-eyed Kyuhyun in his wake. Gingerly, Kyuhyun pulls the card back out of his pocket and reads the handwritten scrawl.


You’re welcome.


Kim Heechul


On the back, there’s a gaudy red lipstick kiss, and a question starts to form in Kyuhyun’s mind before he stops himself.


When it comes to Heechul, it’s probably better not to ask.




Kyuhyun retires to his and Ryeowook’s room early that evening, preferring to get a few extra hours of sleep instead of sweating in the training room with the others (or cleaning up the kitchen, as Ryeowook’s case is. Or...whatever Eunhyuk and Donghae are up to). He’s already changed into a loose-fitting T-shirt and sweatpants, and he’s just about to pull back the covers when a knock sounds at the door.


With a sigh, Kyuhyun goes to open it. “I said I was fine, Ryeowook. You didn’t have to…”


It’s not his roommate; it’s Leeteuk, who looks away as soon as they make eye contact. It makes Kyuhyun more than a little nervous. The last conversation he’d had with the Resistance leader had been less than pleasant, not to mention that the last time someone had wanted to talk privately with him...well, he’d had to start yelling at his brain’s overactive imagination every time he saw Heechul.


“Can I come in?” Leeteuk asks.


“Umm...sure? Here, you can sit down.”


Kyuhyun steps away from the doorway to pull the chair out from the desk, sliding it to face the bed where he himself takes a seat. Leeteuk follows him slowly, looking unsure as he sits.


“So.” Kyuhyun doesn’t know where to start. “What’s this about?”


“Two things. First, you can move into Kibum’s old room ━ you’ve more than earned it.”


Kyuhyun immediately perks up. “Really? Thank you; I’ll move my stuff in a little while, but...Kibum?”


“That brings me to the second thing,” Leeteuk says, confidence seeming to deflate. “An apology. I’ve been awful since you showed up, and you haven’t deserved it. Just one of the reasons I’ve been a sad excuse for a leader lately.” He sighs. “Someone told you about the mission two months ago, I’m guessing.”


“Ryeowook only vaguely mentioned it.”


A fond smile appears on Leeteuk’s face. “Oh, Ryeowook, always too kind for his own good. He probably tried his best to defend me, even if I don’t deserve it.” The smile fades as quickly as it had appeared. “Kibum was a Resistance member, along with Han Geng. They were part of our last direct attack on the Capital. I made a bad call...and they paid for my mistake with their lives. The others will deny it, but I’m sure they still blame me. The things Heechul screamed at me, the way he cried in his room for days…”


“Heechul? Really?”


“It’s hard to believe now, but he and Han Geng...they were so in love. I’d never seen Heechul care that much about someone before they met. And as for Kibum…” He meets Kyuhyun’s eyes with difficulty, as if it pains him. “You’re so similar to him, Kyuhyun. Everyone immediately liked both of you the moment you showed up. Kibum had only been with us for a few weeks when I sent him on that mission; it was his third. I couldn't help but think that history would repeat itself.”


Leeteuk shakes his head. “But it was childish of me to treat you the way I did, just because I thought the same thing would happen to you. I thought if I didn’t get attached, it wouldn’t hurt when you were taken from us. And for that, I’m truly sorry, Kyuhyun.”


The sincerity in the other man’s voice makes it hard to keep holding a grudge. Yes, what he’d done had hurt, and it would take time for the sting of his earlier words to fade. But it’s not unfixable; Kyuhyun forgives him.


“It’s alright. I accept your apology.”


“No, it wasn’t, but...thank you. I know we had a rough start, but if you ever need anything or have any problems, you can come to me. And Kyuhyun?” He lets his smile show again. “I didn't get to congratulate you earlier, but great job today. You made the Resistance proud.”


And as much as Kyuhyun appreciates the leader’s kind words, he’s just as thankful that Leeteuk doesn’t find it necessary to push him into another wall.


It’s the small things in life.




Two doors down, the atmosphere isn’t as pleasant. Instead, it’s tense. And much too quiet. Eunhyuk doesn’t like it one bit, even if it’s mostly his fault.


He had not, as Heechul had so tactfully put it, dragged Donghae away for make-up . They hadn’t even spoken since they’d gotten back to the Bunker, even as they mechanically brushed their teeth and changed. It makes the silence that hangs over them now, as they lay on opposite sides of their bed, even more pronounced ━ and unsettling.


But what is Eunhyuk supposed to say? How is he supposed to express the building storm of frustration and insecurity that had reached its this morning? He doesn’t want to be mad at Donghae; what he really wants is to go and yell at Kyuhyun for a few solid hours. Maybe slap some sense into that insensitive, entitled little━




One word, and Eunhyuk already knows that staying angry is a lost cause. Some things never change.


“Are you still angry with me?” Donghae asks in a small voice.


The automatic “no” that’s about to roll off Eunhyuk’s tongue stops halfway out of his mouth. If he’s not honest about this now, he risks losing Donghae entirely, by stooping to be ━ just like that bastard Cho Kyuhyun had accused him of ━ a coward.


“Honestly, yes. And not just at you.”




Eunhyuk feels the mattress shift as Donghae turns toward him, but he refuses to move. If he looks into those eyes, he’ll fall apart.


“This is about Kyuhyun, right?” Donghae continues. “Nothing happened between us earlier, so I don’t know why you’re this upset.”


“You’re not an idiot, Donghae. You’ve seen the way he looks at you.”


“I have. And I think I’ve made it very clear that I’m not interested in him like that, even without saying it to his face. This way he can move on and still have his pride intact. You know you’re the only one for me.”


Eunhyuk’s hands clench into fists. “Don’t say things like that when I’m trying to be mad. It’s cheating.”


“But it’s true.I told you once, and I’ll tell you again: I don’t have any feelings for Kyuhyun.”


“Then why did you ask my permission to kiss him?”


The last traces of a smile vanish from Donghae’s face. “It was for the mission, Hyukjae, and you know that. If it was the best option, I was going to take it for the sake of the group, no matter how cruel it would be to Kyuhyun.”


“I understand that,” Eunhyuk says, voice tight.


“Then please help me understand what has you so angry, because it’s hard to say sorry when I don’t know what to apologize for. Is it Kyuhyun? Is it me?”


A frustrated scream builds in the back of Eunhyuk’s throat, and the sudden urge to lash out threatens to overwhelm him until he drives his fist into the bedsheets, punch absorbed by the mattress.


“It’s not either of you,” he says, voice too sharp. “I’m angry at myself. It’s hard to explain, but I just…” He feels angry tears threaten to escape, which make him feel even worse.


“Talk to me, Hyukjae,” Donghae tells him, voice softer than before.


He wants to, he really does. But it’s hard to get past the wall that tries to block the words from escaping, making him feel ashamed even before they escape his lips.


“I’m angry at myself,” Eunhyuk repeats, “for thinking that you would turn your back on me and run off with someone else, even after everything we’ve been through together. What kind of person does that make me?”


There’s a brief silence before fingers brush against his back, and Donghae asks, “why would you be afraid of me leaving?” He doesn’t sound angry, but Eunhyuk can’t imagine he’s not hurt. Eunhyuk would be, if the person he loved admitted to his face that they thought he was perfectly capable of being a cheater.


The easy way out is to pass this all off as a moment of weakness, but Eunhyuk won’t put his pride ahead of the trust the other man has in him. Donghae comes first. He always has, and always will. So instead, he says, “I guess I thought it was inevitable, you leaving for someone better. So when I saw that Kyuhyun was interested in you, I just kind of...turned away and hoped nothing would happen, even though I expected the worst?”




“I know how stupid it sounds. I know I shouldn’t be this immature about it. But...Okay, I realize that it’s an ongoing joke to make fun of my looks. ‘Oh, Hyukjae, you’re one to talk with a face like that.’ ‘Maybe the Drones will run away if we put Hyukjae’s ugly mug up front.’ I get it. And most of the time it doesn’t bother me.”


“I can ask them to stop.”


“No, it’s fine. I just get into these moods sometimes’s not like I’ve ever considered myself that attractive, you know, so I wonder: what does a guy like you see in me? And if you ever realized how much better you could am I supposed to go on without you?”


The question isn’t one that’s meant to be answered, but Eunhyuk still expects something. Donghae is so quiet that for a few moments it seems like the other man has fallen asleep, until his soft voice murmurs next to Eunhyuk’s ear.


“Look at me, Hyukjae.”


Never one to deny Donghae anything, Eunhyuk turns over, and finds his vision filled with warm brown eyes. The light from the bedside lamp is dim, but it’s more than enough to illuminate the serious expression on Donghae’s face. That seriousness alone is enough to grab Eunhyuk’s attention, so different from the laughter that usually dances across Donghae’s face.


A hand pulls on Eunhyuk’s own, bringing it to rest in the space between them, fingers intertwined.


“Do you trust me?” Donghae asks.


“More than anyone.”


“Then trust me when I say that there’s no one for me but you. And even if I have to remind you every day for the rest of my life how beautiful and incredible you are, I’ll make you see it, too.”


Eunhyuk nearly forgets how to breathe. He tightens his hold on Donghae’s hand and hopes that even without words, the younger man can feel the extent of his gratitude. Had it really been but hours ago when Eunhyuk had doubted him?


“I’m sorry I’ve been such an idiot.”


Donghae gives him a brief smile. “Not an idiot; just jealous. And I’m sorry I ever gave you a reason to doubt me. Maybe I should have had a talk with Kyuhyun before the mission.”


Eunhyuk sighs. “I should apologize to him, shouldn’t I?”


“That depends on what you want to apologize for.”


“Being a complete , mostly.”


“Fair enough.” A grin blossoms on Donghae’s face. “Not going to apologize for being in love, though, are you? Last time I checked, you had a boyfriend who would feel very put out.”


Humming in agreement, Eunhyuk matches the teasing tone. “Is it ‘boyfriend’ now, Hae?  I don’t think I was consulted about this.”


“It’s easier to say than ‘that guy who happens to be the love of my life and who no one else gets to have,’ don’t you think?”


Donghae laughs as Eunhyuk groans, burying his face into the pillow.


“You say the cheesiest stuff,” He mumbles, voice muffled.


“Only because I love you.”


Eunhyuk only makes an unintelligible noise, prompting Donghae to jab him in the side with his free hand.


“What?” Eunhyuk asks, detaching his face from the pillow to turn back to the source of the prodding.


“I’m going to keep bothering you until you say it back, you know.”


Is he seriously━? Who am I kidding, it’s Donghae.


“I love you, too, you massive dork.”


To his surprise, Donghae shakes his head. “Sorry, Hyukjae. I’m not convinced.”


“You don’t remember my melodramatic, soul-bearing confession from years ago? What are you━? Oh.”


It’s easy for Eunhyuk to catch on to Donghae’s game, considering the exaggerated way the latter is puckering his lips. Eunhyuk supposes he has no choice but to lean forward and fulfill the request.

(A while later, after they finally separate, Donghae will concede ━a bit breathlessly━ that yes, he supposes he believes him now.)


A/N: As always, thanks for reading, and I absolutely love every single one of your comments. Sorry for the slight delay in posting the chapter - there were a few last-minute edits I had to sort out. Hopefully the chapter length helps make up for it?^^ Next update soon!

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Chapter 12: The members' reaction is like their real reaction when he joined them as SJ's new member specially Leeteuk's except the absence of Bummie and Geng.

I wonder why people's number one coping mechanism to something tragic that happened to them is to themselves out.

Drones' halt is very very right on time!

Question: Why would you let Hangeng be alive while Kibum isn't?
Chapter 2: Who is the Mayor Park? Is Leeteuk related to him? Grandfather, Father, Uncle, Brother or a Cousin, maybe???
Chapter 14: Okay, so this story is so beautifully written and it made me cry so many times. The characters are beautifully constructed and the things they go through make the readers' hearts break for them. Also, I was looking for Hanchul stories when I found this one and when I read that Hangeng was dead, I was devastated. But then the last chapter... It was so heartwarming. And I also really love endings like this, happy, but not perfect endings. Because life is not perfect. No matter how much we wish it to be.
homeformyheart #4
Chapter 14: Glad you're feeling better~ And as the trusty editor of this story (therefore completely unbiased......or something), while it was amazing before, Immortals is even better now! CHEERS
cc_kouga #5
Chapter 12: Oooh, I finally finished reading this fic. It was awesome. I love your characters, especially the snarky kyuhyun. His internal monologues are priceless.
Personally, the highlight of this story for me is when they were trapped inside the warehouse and had ran out of ammo. I literally cried at the part where Hyukjae and Dinghae had their foreheads pressed together and they looked at each other. It was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. To face the end together, knowing that your loved one will be the last thing you'll see.
Hyukjae's proposal was awesome although I felt a bid sad that the capital citizen weren't really accepting of them. But i'm glad Chullie gets to be reunited with Han Geng. He deserves it. I still have few things to say, but I don't want to bore you, so i'll stop here.
I'll be waiting for Novocaine. ^^
cc_kouga #6
Chapter 10: Gosh! Lucky i'm a late reader, otherwise i'd go ballistic over that cliffhanger. *smugly clicking the next button*
cc_kouga #7
Chapter 3: Oh this is a great story. So far i'm totally loving it. Your version of Kyu is my favourite so far. All that snark and hilarious internal monologues just crack me up every time.

I'm off to read the next chapter. And if it was possible to vote more than once, I would definitely abuse the upvote button >.<
Chapter 13: this was so adorable. omg.
great work<3. ;;