Strange Feelings

The Right Choice

After they paid for the food and went back to their seats Kai had been rather quiet which made Areum think that something was bothering him

- Ya, Jongin are you okay? - asked Areum poking his head several times

- Why.. stop.. stop. Im fine .. I was just really hungry- said Kai holding Areum's hand as a reaction. 

Areum got surprised by his sudden action, 

-Uhm, Kai, I think you need to calm down a bit and let go of her hand- said Kris touching Kai's shoulders with a firmly voice.

- Yeah yeah, sorry as I said, I get a little anxious when Im hungry- Kai responded with his lame excuse. It was the best he could come up to. He hadn't notice since when Park Areum had started to get trough his thoughts everyday.

- You are to dramatic- said Sunmi eating a slice of pizza- You act more like girls than us. 

But Areum couldn't help to continue to feel something was off, she had this kind of intituition as she called it. She could feel when people where lying, and most of the time she was right.  When they finish eating and going trough different shops (Which was only exciting for the girls) Sunmi leave first with Kris when Sunmi's dad pick them up, they were neighbors and everytime he could Sunmi's dad will pick both of them up. As much as Kris denied it, they all knew Sunmi's dad like him as a couple for her daughter, but Sunmi could only laugh to the ideas of her father. 

Kai on the other hand, owned a car, and since he lived closed by he always offered her a ride. He had work really hard to get it, two summer jobs and he could finally bought it. He and Areum walked to the parking lot, when Kai put his arms around Areum's shoulders.

" So, Reum-Reum, its just the two of us agaisnt the world" said Kai flashing a smile to his friend

"I swear you come with the most stupid nicknames, first it was Reumie, which I hated, then it was Areumie, and now Reum-Reum, really?" she said, trying to get a hold of his hand to get out of his embrace. She didn't made it, instead Kai hold her hand. "He's so warm, this fuzzy feeling, its like a hole in my stomach" Areum thought. 

"Come on i know you like my nicknames, you should get one for me" he said in an enthusiastic voice,

"You already have one, K A I" she said emphasizing the last part. 

"But thats how everyone calls me, if we are gonna be best friends we have to created our own nicknames" he said looking at her with puppy eyes.

She started laughing and she felt she couldn't breath, The warm fuzzy feeling spread to her whole body, it was like she could forget about every problem, like  his presence took all the loneliness away. 

Kai just smile at her, he was happy to see her be more easy-going, that had been his plan since he saw a cold-minded, logical shy girl. He decided he would be the one to make her change. 

"You are truly crazy, thanks I dont remember the last time I laugh this much" she said wiping some tears that had appear at the end of her eyes. 

They finally got to the car, and Kai started driving and started singing to his favorite music, and continue to act like a total clown just to see her smile. It was like a hidden treasure was discovered, It just made Kai even more curious of who could have hurt her that bad to make her hide and shut down her emotions.

As Areum was already getting out of the car as they got to her home, Kai suddenly grap her wrist.

"I want a goodbye kiss" he said as he put his index finger in his cheek, 

"Not in a billion years, my friend" Areum said

"GIVE ME A K I S S , or I'll make a scene, you know what Im capable of" Kai said smirking. 

"NOT HAPPENING" she said in a moking voice. 

Kai still holding her wrist pull her again in the car and kiss her on the cheek. She blushed, no she definitely turned into a tomato, before giving him a furious look and walking away from the car.

"One day Park Areum, I know you will do it on your own will" he said looking at her enter the front door of her house. 

Was Areum going crazy? She could still feel her heart racing, she could feel the heat on her cheek, "He's so gonna die" she mumble before touching the place he had kissed her. She could just not feel this way about him, it was wrong, it was weird, it was nice.Yes, really nice. She didnt remember the last time she had feel so complete, so happy, it was like he could see trough her armour, and her thoughts and she didnt mind it. 

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junghy12 #1
Chapter 3: CUUTTTEEEEE ><
i can't wait for the next chapter..
update soon^-^)/*
kimnana27 #2
I am curious!