Brand New Start-

The Right Choice

First day at college, it was supposed to be an exciting new journey, but for Park Areum it was the most terrifying day she could remember. Nobody from her high school had chosen that career, and she was really anxious on how the hell she was gonna make friends again.

Great, I have to start from zero, and Im awesome at that” she thought as she walk to the building where she would take her classes. The campus was gorgeous, she couldnt even think it wasnt a private college, it had a park in front of her building, many places to hide and pretend to not exist, or even the big library she had seen while she took the tour before choosing where to assist.

She look for her schedule in the administration office, and started to look around for her classroom. “Just dont get lost on your first day Areum, like seriously” , she repetead on her mine while looking for the numbers on the doors.

When she finally arrived, she saw people talking alredy “ How can they already be talking? It hasnt even started yet… Im gonna die” she said to herself while she took a sit near the window.

Before she could start daydreaming, her teacher enter the classroom, with a wave of people that was on the hallway also rushing to get to their seats. The teacher started with the usual introduction, and what Areum hated the most

“So now each one of you, please introduce yourself” … “Damn” Areum just let a big sigh , while she watched how the first people started to talk about their hobbies, age, and why they choose that career.

“Hi, I'm Kim Jongin, but everybody calls me Kai” a tall, boy with gold-ish hair, started speaking “ I'm 19 years old, I like to dance, and I choose this career so I can have a better understanding on how I can connect with other people through dancing”

The career itself wasn’t a defined one, It was about about how to communicate correctly, but through art, it could be dancing singing or painting you name it the have a class for it. In Areum's case it was writing, that was her passion since she was little. She wanted to be able to connect with the readers and transmit her feelings to her stories.

She was still thinking in what to say when another guy started talking,

“Hey, Im Wu Yifan, but I go by Kris most of the time” a deep voice resounded in the room, he was taller and had a more mysterious look that the other boys in the classroom. “I like music, but also have a passion for acting and well sports are important to me to.. Oh yeah I'm 20 years old” he finished and sat down without making eye contact with anyone.

It was finally her turn “ Hi, my name is Park Areum, I'm 18 years old, Writing is my passion, I like to read and uhm, I like music also and learning languages” she said almost mumbled before just crumbled in her seat.

“Great I see we have a very diverse group, it would be very interesting” said the professor smiling.

The hour ended up more quickly of what Areum tought, the teacher was picking up his books, and she just stared at the window imagining what kind of story she would be able to create with that kind of view that look like a fairytale land. She was interrupted when a girl with silky red hair approach her with a friendly smile.

- Hi, I'm Sunmi nice to meet you, I like learning languages too, do you know their a language center in campus? We should totally apply for one of the course- said the girl in a really enthusiastic voice

Areum just smile and said yes, it was weird that people would approach her that fast, and she wouldn't like to mess up and be the antisocial one in the classroom.

- By the way, did you notice the amount of handsome hot guys in our classroom, like that guy Kai- said Sunmi whispering to Areum's ear while they were walking behind him

Areum couldn't believe she was already checking boys out, but she couldn't deny she had felt a little nervous at the moment Kai, and Kris had talked, they totally caught her attention.

- Yeah, but in a million year I would be able to talk to them, I'm used to being just quiet- she had to learn no hide her feelings, just put an exterior shell, and show what she wanted. And boys were a dangerous subject. They are not like most of the people stereotyped them, they do have feelings, but somethings they just prefer to be what the world expect them to be.

At night, when Areum was ready to sleep, she stared blankly at her roof while thinking about those “hot guys” she closed her eyes, and the images of Kai's smile and Kris' smirk continue to appear in her mind like a bad movie. Different scenarios started playing in her head and she got so mad at her creative though of being almost too real. “just go to sleep brain, please” scream Areum internally, but I wouldn’t be an easy task. It was just the beginning of her torture.


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junghy12 #1
Chapter 3: CUUTTTEEEEE ><
i can't wait for the next chapter..
update soon^-^)/*
kimnana27 #2
I am curious!