
The Right Choice

It had been already one month since Areum started college and as she predicted she hadn't even make eye contact with any of those handsome boys. On the other hand Sunmi who was way extroverted would randomly talked to them and had try making Areum do the same, but she would just run away the moment she saw Sunmi's intention.


“So today we are changing a little our methodology for this class” one of her least favorite teachers suggested. “What would he have in mind” sighed Areum. “We are gonna have a mentoring project, Im gonna assigned each of you a mentor, he or she will be your pair for the rest of the semester, at the end of it you should present a report of how communicating with each other have helped you improved the way you express to others, and Yes! I saw your faces when I said I will choose the pairs” said her teacher “ But if I let you choose that wont be fair, you need to start talking to more people” it was like she was talking directly to Areum, or at leat she took it that way.


Areum as usual started to look to Sunmi, and she knew she wouldnt be her pair, its the law of life at any time when the teacher chooses your partner. She just hoped that destiny would be good to hair”


“So let's see, uhm I will call you and your partner's name” said the teacher.

Few minutes passed and

“ Gyeong Sunmi and Wu Yifan” said the teacher, Sunmi's eyes grew in shock and did a sad face towards Areum.

“ Kim Jongin and Park Areum” all eyes were on Sunmi, she could swear most of those eyes came from girls, “ Miss Areum aren't you gonna go next to your partner” ask the teacher.

“Oh.. yeah, sorry” she almost whispered and took her bag and look for the the sit next to Kai.

“Uhm.. Hi” Areum said looking at Kai

“Hi, so mentor huh” said Kai smiling. Areum was startled with that scene, it was like a spotlight rest on his face.. everything got brighter with that kind of smile.

“So, I guess we need to start knowing each other don’t you think” Kai said with a wide smile “As you should know I like being called Kai, uhm dancing is what I do most of the time, planning on getting my first car, looking for a girlfriend… what else … I think it that’s most of what I want you know for now”

Wow, this kid has problems” thought Areum… “Well, nice to meet you Kai, I like writing a lot, uhm reading is what I like doing the most, and well I like pink a lot” said Areum smiling without thinking too much, after realizing she sounded to childish she went back to her cold image.

Kai continue smiling “What is she trying to hide, being so sarcastic”.

“What would you like to improve in yourself” Areum suddenly asked. Kai was shock by the question and was quiet for a moment

“I think that I would like people to recognize me for my talent not just my looks,” He said pushing his hair back. Areum couldn’t help to laugh, more like a loud snort after that confession.

“What's so funny Miss. Areum” ask her teacher. Areum started to get red as soon as she noticed all the eyes focusing on her. “I told a joke and she laugh, I think this project is gonna be great” Kai say while he put his arm around Areum's shoulders. This made Areum get even more red if there's even a name for a color like that.

Areum couldn't help but to feel a warm feeling near Kai. It was like he spread a kind of joy or playfulness that Areum hadn't seen in a long time. She was starting to think that she should open up more, maybe saving all her feelings in a box wasn't what she wanted, and maybe she was so tired of trying to be cold, she felt that it was a time for a change.










A short update but thank you for reading and I hope to upload more chapters soon ^^

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junghy12 #1
Chapter 3: CUUTTTEEEEE ><
i can't wait for the next chapter..
update soon^-^)/*
kimnana27 #2
I am curious!