Changes can be good

The Right Choice

As weeks go by, Areum started to get closer to Kai, it wasnt on her own will, but mostly because Kai would come from nowhere and started talking to her. He was the outgoing popular guy, she was just a regular girl trying to be as invisible as possible. 

- Why dont you wear dresses, or heels? You would totally look awesome in those- Kai said with a smirk. Areum just roll her eyes and punch him in the arm. - Yeah it's because you are a boy I just remember- said Kai before he started running to avoid being hit by Areum. 

Today, they were at the mall, they were going to meet with Kris and Sunmi, since they started doing the mentoring program, the four of them had being hanging out a lot, they even started to get noticed at college, but more because of the jelousy some girls had towards Sunmi and Areum.

Areum couldn't help but to laugh to the idea of falling in love with either of them.. "If they knew how gross, inmature, weird and crazy those boys are they wouldnt be acting like that" she thought.  

Kai suddenly grab her hand and started walking with her like that. She flinched and he noticed she was acting uncomfortable. "HEY! can you let go of my hand? People is gonna think we are something else" Areum said covering her face with her other hand. She wasnt used to this kind of contact as minimal as it seemed. 

"I do not care what they think. Its better for me, they would think i have a beautiful girlfriend" he said smiling,

" i hate you so much Jongin" she said gritting her teeth. 

Kai has asked too many times why didnt she like being hugged or even hold hands with him or Kris. "It's none of your business" she would always answer but Kai knew that when she was ready she would open up. Right now he just enjoy bothering her trying to take her of the comfort zone she had around herself. 

They finally found Kris and Sunmi on the foodcourt, and they started chatting until Kris and Areum decided to buy pizza and some smoothies. While they were gone Kai got as close as he could to Sunmi , without she even noticing him because she was on her phone. It wasnt until Kai's face was so close to hers she jumped on her chair. "Damn it, Kai was wrong with you what do you want"  she said putting one hand over her chest. 

Kai couldnt help but to laugh by her reaction and go on to the real question he had "Uhm Sunmi, have Areum talk to you about why she doesnt like people well.. why does she feel uncomfortable with boys" ask Kai in a very serious tone while watching Areum with Kris on the line. 

"Actually she hasnt, but I do remember when she told me she had trouble talking with boys, saying they were all the same, I just assume maybe she had trouble before"  said Sunmi. Kai was even more intrigued than before. 

"Thanks, I guess I'm just gonna wait till she feels good around me so I can ask her" responded Kai with a sigh. Sunmi was curious about Kai's attitude she could see that behind all the egocentric playboy guy act, he was actually a good friend. 

Areum and Kris had been talking for around 10 minutes when it came their turn.

"One pepperoni pizza, one chicken pizza and a lasagna" Areum ask with a smile to the cashier. 

" Uhm lasagna?" ask Kris "Who wants lasagna"

"Me, i love lasagna, any problem Mr. Wu?" said Areum moving her eyebrows. Kris just sighed, Areum had a strong character and it was better not to mess with her. "Not at all Miss Park" he said ruffling her hair, she couldnt help to feel so little next to him that she just stuck her tongue out. 

"Such a nice young couple" said the cashier "No,nhph" Areum couldn't finish her sentence because Kris covered "Thank you mam" he said. 

"You and Jongin are seriously make me go crazy," Areum said while she stood with her arms crossed around her chest. 

She could feel the changes in her life, Kris and Kai had been taking that fear she had slowly without she even noticing, she was still afraid but maybe just maybe, they could help her fix her heart. 

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junghy12 #1
Chapter 3: CUUTTTEEEEE ><
i can't wait for the next chapter..
update soon^-^)/*
kimnana27 #2
I am curious!