Chapter 7

I won't let you fall
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a/n : I have a funny habit of writing when i have exams going on so here is something i didn't proofread at all omg bye




The afternoon was sweltering hot; the smell of heat and sweat lingering in the air. The summer interschool match was coming up and Kris was worried his team hadn’t practiced enough.

“Stop thinking so much Kris, I can literally see your ugly frown like from a mile away.” Luhan shouted and Kris threw a ball at him.

“I’ll stop by your house later.” Kris said, picking up his bag as he walked out the gym doors.


He checked the poolroom before turning towards the hallway. Luck was on his side as the detention room opened; a bunch of students strolling out. Kris had thought up this plan last night, and he could only wish for it to work out like it had in his wishful thinking.


As always, Baekhyun was the last one out with a bubblegum in his mouth and a scowl on his face. He saw Kris standing by the door and immediately turned the other way, his backpack loosely slung over his shoulder.


“Hey wait!” Kris called after him as he jogged ahead but Baekhyun didn’t stop walking. His obnoxious demenour either made everyone hate his guts or adore, almost idolize him. Kris knew which team he belonged to, but for Chanyeol he was willing to bite back his bitterness.


“Baekhyun, stop.” Kris grabbed his shoulder and Baekhyun sighed loudly, halting in his path.

“What do you want?” His tone portrayed annoyance, like he was doing the world’s biggest favor by lending Kris his invaluable time. He turned around, raising his eyebrows. An unsaid question written in his eternally disdain facial expression.


“Chanyeol is in the pool room.” Kris pulled back his hand, letting it drop to his side. He masked his face with a worried expression. Baekhyun gave him an incredulous look, frowning.

“So?” The arrogance was painfully blatant.

“I saw your scrawny gang walking towards the pool room as well.” The panic in Kris’s face seemed to stir something up within Baekhyun because he was starting to look worried as well.


It was in his homeroom class when he’d heard about the junior pool incident. Rumors are always spiced up and the exponential nature of news spread, more often than not, makes these hearsays lose their essence. But for some reason, Kris wanted to believe that Baekhyun in fact wasn’t in the wrong. Not this time. Not with Chanyeol.

He couldn’t help but smile in sweet victory when Baekhyun scuttled away towards the poolroom, without saying another word. The satisfaction of that knowledge itself made it seem like all this was worthwhile after all.


Chanyeol didn’t have the faintest idea of Kris’s mindful tactics so it came as a pleasant surprise when Baekhyun hurried towards Chanyeol who was the only one wearing his school uniform sitting on the stairs. Everyone else in the room were stretching in their swimming trunks, some other practicing as well. Without warning Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol out of the room by his wrist.

“Isn’t one time good enough for you?” Baekhyun frowned with his lips pressed tight. Chanyeol, confused, just stared at Baekhyun’s fingers wrapped so firmly around his wrist.

He couldn’t decide which was louder, Baekhyun’s breathing or his own thundering heart. He didn’t reply because he didn’t really hear the question, his eyes trained towards their hands, more specifically towards Baekhyun’s hand.

Baekhyun followed his gaze before letting go, taking a step back. He looked exhausted and Chanyeol wondered why. “I—” Baekhyun sighed loudly. “Just don’t go back in there.”

“Why?” Chanyeol asked.

“Just… don’t.”

“I have swimming practice.” Chanyeol said pointing at the poolroom door. “Have had for the past week or so.”

Baekhyun visibly deflated, puzzled of sorts. “Oh… I uh... I didn’t know that.” He said, slightly taken aback. His mind wasn’t processing normally anymore. “But you—”

“I want to learn how to swim.” Chanyeol spoke with conviction and Baekhyun looked up at him. He was fidgeting with his hands, trying to look at everything that wasn’t Ba

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im sorry i removed the prologue i'll incorporate it into one of the future chapters tho i just didnt like that prologue tbh


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otpsaddicted #1
Is the fic complete or not ? :)
Chapter 8: I just finish reading this TT TT My poor Baekkie~
Chapter 8: Awwww poor Baek T_T I hope they would get back together again....
I missed this story... wish you'd update more often. Thank you for updating!
Chapter 8: Oh my poor baby baek. They left him when he needed them the most ㅠㅠ
Nice chap. Thank you:)
Good luck with your exams:)
the-orphan #5
Chapter 7: how is this annoying?!?!
no I love it
I wish I knew a dorky little sehun that needed saving
I'd help him out alright (totally not being a ert rn)

baek and his mom made me cry tho

dragonshrimp #6
Chapter 7: omggg poor baekkie let me huuuug uuuu (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ and no chanyeol baek might be mean but he wasn't trying to drown you he saved youuuu omgggg (;△;) the angst is strong with this chapter 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 two more chapters? I'll miss this fic, but I really want to see them get closure as well (◞‸◟;) thank you for the update author <3
Chapter 7: Poor baekkie:( aww just two more chapter? Looking forward to read them^^ thank you:)
Chapter 7: looking forward to the next chapter! hope you'd update soon!
jesselee #9
Chapter 7: Hopefully they get closure ^-^
dragonshrimp #10
Chapter 6: yikes I'm late ;Д; anyway, hello author! the truth has been revealed, at least to Chanyeol. and it isn't disappointing author, don't say that (;*△*;)
I love little baekyeol they were so cute and fluffy together TωT and Baek is still somewhat mean I see, but he's changing (*´・v・) thank you for the update author, I'll see you soon ৲( ᵒ ૩ᵕ )৴♥