Chapter 1

I won't let you fall
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“Both of you need to go outside, right now!” Baekhyun’s mother yelled from the kitchen where she was busy making a dinner of fried rice, shrimps with leek and spinach.

Baekhyun retorted back in varying octaves of displeasing groans, whilst playing a game of Mario Kart with Chanyeol on his fairly new playstation.

The afternoon was warm and the air was morbidly dry.

They’d been playing video games all afternoon and now that it was nearing sunset, Baekhyun’s mother was fretting about how their eyes would pop out of their heads if they continued this sort of unhealthy habit.


Chanyeol suffered from Myopia causing him to wear thick nerdy glasses since he was 7 and Baekhyun’s mother feared her son would meet the same fate if they kept up their frivolous behaviour.


“Your mom is right though. We should stop really.” Chanyeol said absent-mindedly, his full concentration remaining of the game.


“Yeah whatever. Don’t listen to her.” Baekhyun replied just as he beat Chanyeol’s character in the game.


Baekhyun fist pumped the air and started jumping on the couch.


“I beat you two games in a row and I’m gonna make it into three.” Baekhyun laughed; excitedly he sat down to begin but he heard his mom’s footsteps coming to a halt behind the couch.


Wordlessly they both turned around to meet the angry adult behind them.


“You both stop the game right at this moment or else no dinner will be served. And I’ve especially made your favorite today.”


Baekhyun’s mouth salivated at the thought of fettucine with meat sauce. It’d been ages since his mom had made that and as much as he wanted to rebel and play the video game anyway, his brain buzzed with the delicious image and he quietly got up to turn off the playstation.

“Okay fine.” Baekhyun dejected threw his controller down.


“That’s my good little boy.”


“Mom I’m almost 14! Stop calling me little!” Baekhyun wriggled his face out of his mother’s grasp who was admittedly squishing his cheeks with her palms.


Cleaning up the living room, they got up and raced upstairs towards Baekhyun’s room.


Baekhyun’s room was a large one with a bunk bed in the corner and posters all over the wall.

Some were peeling off and Baekhyun had clumsily taped them back. The window next to his study table provided a very valid reason for distraction.

He was more than happy to study with Chanyeol who, unlike Baekhyun, took his school very seriously.


Baekhyun plopped himself on his bed laying on his stomach while his feet were left dangling from the edge.


“Oh no.”


“What? What is it?” Baekhyun asked as Chanyeol’s eyes grew wider as he spoke.


“We have our literature assignment due tomorrow and I left mine at home.” Chanyeol gulped, visibly looking distressed.


“Well congratulations because that’ll royally screw up your grades this year if you don’t submit them.” Baekhyun groaned as he flipped himself over.


Chanyeol let out a huge sigh, face-planting himself next to Baekhyun, on his pillow.


Every day after school Chanyeol would ride his bike to Baekhyun’s house and they’d spend their time playing video games or studying until Chanyeol’s mom would come to pick him up mostly after dinner time.  


Baekhyun’s family had no problem with him having dinner at their house because they knew Chanyeol’s single mother had taken up multiple jobs rendering it impossible to make him dinner. Chanyeol was like their second son ever since Baekhyun had befriended him at school when was 6.


Some days his mother would be so tied up with work that Chanyeol would have to sleep at their house instead of his own.


And today was going to be one of those days.


Chanyeol thought about asking his mom to pick him up or get him his assignment from their house. She’d do th

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im sorry i removed the prologue i'll incorporate it into one of the future chapters tho i just didnt like that prologue tbh


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otpsaddicted #1
Is the fic complete or not ? :)
Chapter 8: I just finish reading this TT TT My poor Baekkie~
Chapter 8: Awwww poor Baek T_T I hope they would get back together again....
I missed this story... wish you'd update more often. Thank you for updating!
Chapter 8: Oh my poor baby baek. They left him when he needed them the most ㅠㅠ
Nice chap. Thank you:)
Good luck with your exams:)
the-orphan #5
Chapter 7: how is this annoying?!?!
no I love it
I wish I knew a dorky little sehun that needed saving
I'd help him out alright (totally not being a ert rn)

baek and his mom made me cry tho

dragonshrimp #6
Chapter 7: omggg poor baekkie let me huuuug uuuu (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ and no chanyeol baek might be mean but he wasn't trying to drown you he saved youuuu omgggg (;△;) the angst is strong with this chapter 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 two more chapters? I'll miss this fic, but I really want to see them get closure as well (◞‸◟;) thank you for the update author <3
Chapter 7: Poor baekkie:( aww just two more chapter? Looking forward to read them^^ thank you:)
Chapter 7: looking forward to the next chapter! hope you'd update soon!
jesselee #9
Chapter 7: Hopefully they get closure ^-^
dragonshrimp #10
Chapter 6: yikes I'm late ;Д; anyway, hello author! the truth has been revealed, at least to Chanyeol. and it isn't disappointing author, don't say that (;*△*;)
I love little baekyeol they were so cute and fluffy together TωT and Baek is still somewhat mean I see, but he's changing (*´・v・) thank you for the update author, I'll see you soon ৲( ᵒ ૩ᵕ )৴♥