Chapter 6

I won't let you fall
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The smell of strong pungent chemicals wafted through the air and Baekhyun found it unbearable to stay in the room.

“Are you going to pay attention or what Baek?” Yixing nudged Baekhyun who seemed to be spacing out a lot with no cause.

Lifting the beaker, he poured the concentrated solution into the test tube. The bubbling liquid brimmed with a quiet hiss before subsiding down.

“Pass me that funnel.” Yixing held out his hand but Baekhyun was in his own little world.

“Byun Baekhyun!” Yixing growled at his lab-partner, breaking him out of his reverie. “What’s wrong with you today?”

“Oh— sorry.”

Baekhyun didn’t budge for the rest of the class though, keeping his attention focused on the two boys across the room whilst Yixing kept fuming along with their experiment throughout the hour.

For some reason, Baekhyun’s heart panged with anger whenever Chanyeol looked his way. He didn’t know what he expected from Chanyeol but this wasn’t it; whatever this was.

Almost a month had passed by and Chanyeol'd spent most of it either with Sehun or Kris. Whenever their paths crossed each other's in the hallways or in shared lab classes, he’d look at Baekhyun as if he despised him or found him repulsive.

‘It’s supposed to be the other way round’ Baekhyun’d think to himself.

Sehun kept messing up their chemistry practical but Chanyeol helped him all the way through.


Baekhyun wanted to rip Sehun to shreds.


“You know if you’re so interested in your little pet, why don’t you partner up with him instead?”

Baekhyun scowled at Yixing because Sehun was the last person he wanted to be paired up with.

“Shut up, I’m not interested in that low grade creature.”

Yixing sighed with exasperation and Baekhyun excused himself out of the class when he saw Sehun walking out.

The hallway was quiet apart from the faint classroom murmurs as he walked behind Sehun.

Entering the restroom, Baekhyun rushed forward to grab Sehun’s collar as he pushed him against the restroom wall.

“Looks like you have a death wish huh?” The harsh shove against the bathroom tiles, startled Sehun immensely and Baekhyun found himself enjoying the look of fear in his eyes. Sehun’s glasses slipped down on his nose bridge as Baekhyun gave him a rough shove into the wall again.

“Let him go.” The familiar voice reached Baekhyun's ears as he turned around, letting go of Sehun who promptly fell down on the floor. Chanyeol glanced at Sehun cowering on the floor and then back at Baekhyun.

Sehun quickly stood up, scrambling towards Chanyeol as he ducked behind his shoulders.

Baekhyun couldn’t believe his eyes as he scoffed, shaking his head. “What are you now, his savior?”

Chanyeol sighed loudly and asked Sehun to leave. Sehun tried to protest but after a moment of hesitation he quietly left the restroom leaving them alone.

Chanyeol walked towards Baekhyun and tried to look as intimidating as he could make himself look.

“Stay back.” Baekhyun’s voice was low and menacing as he stood his ground. Leaking faucets dripped steadily as water trickled out in large droplets.

“That voice doesn’t scare me, if that’s what you’re trying.” Chanyeol pushed forward. “You don’t’ scare me.”

Chanyeol came closer as Baekhyun swallowed thickly, backing away until he collided with the wall behind. Grabbing his wrist, Chanyeol spoke through gritted teeth.

“Don’t you ever dare touch Sehun.” Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun who was breathing heavily with pursed lips.

“Do not ever touch him.” He said, walking out without another word leaving Baekhyun angered and breathless with fury.






“What are you doing?”

Baekhyun turned around to face his mother who looked tired and worn out.

“You’re back early today.”

Years of har

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im sorry i removed the prologue i'll incorporate it into one of the future chapters tho i just didnt like that prologue tbh


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otpsaddicted #1
Is the fic complete or not ? :)
Chapter 8: I just finish reading this TT TT My poor Baekkie~
Chapter 8: Awwww poor Baek T_T I hope they would get back together again....
I missed this story... wish you'd update more often. Thank you for updating!
Chapter 8: Oh my poor baby baek. They left him when he needed them the most ㅠㅠ
Nice chap. Thank you:)
Good luck with your exams:)
the-orphan #5
Chapter 7: how is this annoying?!?!
no I love it
I wish I knew a dorky little sehun that needed saving
I'd help him out alright (totally not being a ert rn)

baek and his mom made me cry tho

dragonshrimp #6
Chapter 7: omggg poor baekkie let me huuuug uuuu (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ and no chanyeol baek might be mean but he wasn't trying to drown you he saved youuuu omgggg (;△;) the angst is strong with this chapter 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 two more chapters? I'll miss this fic, but I really want to see them get closure as well (◞‸◟;) thank you for the update author <3
Chapter 7: Poor baekkie:( aww just two more chapter? Looking forward to read them^^ thank you:)
Chapter 7: looking forward to the next chapter! hope you'd update soon!
jesselee #9
Chapter 7: Hopefully they get closure ^-^
dragonshrimp #10
Chapter 6: yikes I'm late ;Д; anyway, hello author! the truth has been revealed, at least to Chanyeol. and it isn't disappointing author, don't say that (;*△*;)
I love little baekyeol they were so cute and fluffy together TωT and Baek is still somewhat mean I see, but he's changing (*´・v・) thank you for the update author, I'll see you soon ৲( ᵒ ૩ᵕ )৴♥