
Midnight Runway

{Angela’s POV}

{Continuation of flashback}

           We arrived at the place of the photo shoot 10 minutes later, and like usual, I was the first out of the car while everybody else was holding their stomachs to keep from retching. “Yah! If you need to throw up don’t do it in my car!” I yell at them.

               “How the hell did you get a license? You’re still underage, we’re all underage!” N asks, still grasping his stomach, and slowly stepping out of my car.

               “I’ve got resources.” I smirk and walk towards the set. “Yonshik-ah! We’re here!! I brought my friends too.”


{Narrator’s POV}


               “She’s one hell of a crazy driver.” Ravi says, trying not to hurl up whatever was coming. “No wonder she asked if we were ok with roller coasters. I thought I was going to pass out from in there. Look, Ken, Hongbin and Leo are still in the car looking like they’ve just seen a ghost.”

               “Eunbyung, how do you ever get used to this?” N asks a sick looking Eunbyung as she stepped out of the car.

               “Who said I ever got used to her driving? I’m pretty sure even in the future I’ll never get use to it.” Eunbyung says towards them, and then she soon follows Angela to the set, to set up her camera and hook it up to the system.

               “That was actually fun though. I don’t get why you guys are feeling sick. Angela’s right, that did feel like a roller coaster, and it was soooo much fun.” Hyuk says, stretching his arms as he stepped out of the car.

              “Look who’s got all their confidence back after the girls walked away.” N smirked, “Now who is it? Who is it that makes you fall to your knees Hyuk?”

              “Leave the poor boy alone, he has his own life like the rest of us. Now we should probably follow after the girls unless we want to spend the rest of our day talking about who Hyuk fancies.” Hongbin says as him, Leo, and Ken got out of the car. N smirks at him too and admits defeat. So the 6 boys then walked after the girls.
              As Angela was modeling, the boys were staring intensely at her, mesmerized by her beauty and such smooth transitions from one pose to another. When she finally had a little break, the boys approached her and started gushing about her modeling.


{Angela’s POV}


              “Holy Angela. We knew you were a model, but we didn’t know you were that good.” Ravi said.

              “Thanks?” I say, not sure if that was a compliment or not.

              “What he’s trying to say is that you looked stunning, we have never seen a model at work before, especially someone we know personally.” N says, while everyone else in the group nods.

               I smile at them, “Thanks,” and then I look around to see one person missing. “Where’s Hongbin? I thought he was with you guys earlier. Wait he got into the car right?” 

               N smirks, “He’s checking out your friend right now. All he has been doing was watching her take pictures of you, pretending that he’s more interested in the camera than the person who’s taking pictures with the camera. I’m pretty sure Eunbyung and him are going to hook up pretty soon.”

               “Awe. So poor N don’t have a chance? That’s sad. I thought N had a chance with Eunbyung too, because after all, that’s all that he stares at. Don’t think I haven’t been watching N. We all know that you are interested in Eunbyung too. Or is it Angela?” Ken smirks as N turns a bright red, and everybody starts laughing at him.

               “Angie!! Come on! You have to get back to work! Or else snakes are going to appear from Yonshik’s hair again!” Eunbyung yells at me from behind her camera.

               Before I could leave though, N grabs my arm, “Don’t tell Eunbyung anything about what we were talking about.”

               “Awe, are you shy N. I have no promises.” I smirk at him, “Eunbyung!!! I have something to tell you!!” And then N starts covering my mouth as Eunbyung looks at us, so out of pure reflex, I bit him real hard to let go of me.

               “Ow!!” N yells, grabbing his hand that I accidentally bit. “Why did you bite me?”

               “Sorry!! I did it on pure reflex, my older brother would make me practice with him that if anybody were to grab my mouth as if they were about to do something to me I would bite them. You can blame that reflex to my older brother.” I say, “Are you ok? Once again, I’m sorry!!” I say while checking his hand, which was bleeding where I had bit him. “Oops… Yonshik!! I accidentally bit this guy because of Mark teaching me this reflex, and I bit him a bit too hard. In other words he’s bleeding.” Yonshik runs over and starts scolding me about that habit while the boys behind us were laughing like crazy at N.

                Soon, Eunbyung came running towards us. “Are you guys ok? I heard a scream. Are you hurt Angie?” 

                The boys started to laugh harder and finally Ken could say, “That scream you heard was N!” And the boys started laughing harder as N turned a scarlet red.

                “Ahhh. Oops. Sorry N. Let me guess, did Angie bite you? Yeah her brother somehow made her become like that.” Eunbyung said, chuckling a bit herself. “Now come on Angie, you have to finish up with the photo shoot. I’m getting hungry, let’s get some bulgogi after! The boys can come to if they really want to…” 

                “We want to go!!!” All the boys yell in unison.

                “Ok, we can get some food after this then.” I say, giving into Eunbyung and the group of boys who we had just became friends with.


{Three months later}

{Angela’s POV}

                 Three months passed since Eunbyung and I had become friends with VIXX, and they weren’t how we originally thought they were. N we thought was originally the responsible one, but it turns out that he’s the one always being bullied by the others. Ravi we originally thought was scary, but he ended up being this happy wonderful mess that could always change someone’s mood to a smile. Ken, we just thought that he was a pretty boy but it turned out that his personality was similar to Ravi’s and he could make any one smile or laugh. Leo, our impression of him is still the same, a quiet and conservative person. Hongbin, our impression of him was correct, he was a kind, compassionate boy and once he treasures something, he means it for life. Hyuk….was the same ever since I met him. He was still quiet but I got to know him more. He’s a sweet boy that Leo picked on a lot and was somehow always flustered when Eunbyung and I were always around him. We were telling the boys about what we first thought of them and what we still think of them and I realized that hanging out in this empty classroom is a lot more fun than I had imagined it to be.

                 The next day, something unexpected happened. Eunbyung and Hongbin didn’t show up at the classroom after school. “Told you guys. They hooked up. Now they left us all so lonely now!! UGH!!”  N said, while stretching his back.

                  “And like I said, look how upset N is now that his little crush is taken away by Hongbin.” Ken says, breaking each word for N to quiver under. 

                  “N, did you really like Eunbyung?” I ask N, curious.

                  “N-n-n-no.” N said a bit too forcefully, which makes me smirk a little.

                  “Oh, really. Then what was the big deal of me calling Eunbyung and about to tell her that you liked her when I first took you guys to watch me model? I thought that when you don’t like someone, you wouldn’t care if someone said that you like someone.” I say, watching N carefully.

                   “Oh, really. I never knew that. I thought that the misunderstanding would make her feel uncomfortable.” N says, looking at the ground. And then out of nowhere Leo comes from behind and hit N really hard on the back of his head.

                   “Stop having your heads in the clouds thinking that she’ll chase after you. Be a man and tell her your true feelings.” Leo says bravely, and loud enough to shake the room, which was the first I had ever experienced from Leo.
                    A few minutes later, in walked Hongbin with Eunbyung at his side. Nothing was surprising until we looked down to their hands which were holding them so close. They were holding hands, but not the usual way, the couple way. Hongbin was smiling from ear to ear and Eunbyung was looking at the ground with her face flushed a deep red.

A/N: Admin T here, so I realize at the pace I'm going at, the next few chapters are going to be flashbacks. Admin T out.

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