
Love and its Opposite



"You called Uber or what?" Yoongi remarked at Taehyung jokingly, the white mini cooper having driven away a moment ago. The latter boy shook his head vigorously with a broad smile. "Whatever," Yoongi shrugged off, "I'm going to buy some beer so you guys continue without me," and with that, he walked out into the dark quiet street.

"That seemed like one pretty lady, where did you catch her?" Jungkook smirked, his eyes concentrated on his microphone that he was fixing. The younger boy was wearing short sleeves and it was hard not to notice his prominent veins. Does Yoona like veiny hands? Which girl doesn't, huh, he thought nonchalantly. He plopped down on the old sofa in the corner, the dust coming off the pillows beneath him.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you found some older female to date," Jimin joined him on the sofa, pulling Taehyung closer by dragging his neck down with his arm, "You've been hooking up with girls from our school for two months and that's definitely not typical for you!"

Taehyung sighed, silently agreeing with everything Jimin had said. Taehyung had experienced more serious relationships than anyone else in the band, but it had been over two months since he last dated someone. Hooking up with girls had become his way of fulfilling his ual needs and while it was pretty much fun and adventurous at beginning, now it turned out to be rather bothersome for him. It appeared to him that most of the girls he slept with thought there might be some mutual feelings between them, when in fact, all he wanted was a good, quick . No, he didn't intend to get the title of school's heart breaker, but the girls he hooked up with weren't the type he would date. The girls he hooked up with were indeed physically attractive, but they were way too materialistic and simple and there was no way he could hold a longer conversation with them. Intelligent, quirky girls with a good sense of humour were the type of girl he went for. 

"She's got a boyfriend, guys," Taehyung stated, "Heck, she's also an actress. I got no chance."

"Woah, sounds like she's out of your league. Or anyone's of us here," Jungkook ran his hand through his bangs, "You said she's working already? How old is she?"

"I have no idea, she looks young though," Taehyung protested, but the boys didn't seem to be very convinced by his statement so he went on, "I don't know, man. But she is honestly so attractive. She's amazing. And hella pretty." His mind was wandering somewhere else and he was unaware of the words escaping his mouth. However, the sudden noise of exlaims made him fully conscious again and his back was met with a strong slap by Jimin's hand.

"What the hell, Taehyung? Is she ing wizard or what, that you are so enchanted by her?" Jimin was laughing so hard, wiggling himself around on the sofa.

"Ahh, stop it," Taehyung whined, his cheeks beginning to heat up.

"You forgot to tell us where you met her. We want details!" Jungkook, who had been grinning at Taehyung this whole time, spoke up.

"She's, ugh, my new neighbour. She's just moved to the apartment opposite to mine."

"Woah, you are one lucky bastard, Kim," Jimin said bitterly, but added soon, "but hm, she’s an actress and older. Sounds like you can't really date her."

"And hey, she’s got a boyfriend," Jungkook pointed out, his slender fingers playing with guitar strings.

"It’s just a silly crush. I’ll forget about her soon," Taehyung said recklessly. Little did he know that what he had just said was a total lie.


"Here you are,“ Yoona’s hand reached for the red sack of potato crisps. Extra wasabi flavour, her favourite. The grocery store was playing summer bops and the elderly shop assistant was sweeping the vegetable leaves away from the floor to one pile. She threw a quick look at her trolley cart before to make sure she had taken everything she needed before heading to the counter desk. But as she was about to take the turn to the left, she halted still to prevent from bumping into a person in front of her. She glanced up, she was met with a pair of halzenut eyes and a familiar, sun-kissed face. "Taehyung! Glad to see you again, neighbor," the corners of widened immediately.

"Ah, Yoona! You are shopping too?" he withdrew his hands behind his abruptly, causing Yoona to advert her attention to them. She let out a short, but clear laugh.

"Are you seriously hiding beer in front of me, Taehyung?"

"No, I am not!" he protested, surprised by the older girl’s blunt comment, returning the clutching hand to its the normal position beside his hips, "I’m legal, I swear."

"Don’t panic, I drink alcohol too, you know," she snickered, throwing a glance at beer cans in the trolley cart. Taehyung was suddenly reminded, that Yoona (although her young looks confused him) was a grown-up person and beers, parties and relationships were a natural part of her life. But somehow, he imagined her in a different light; dressed in tight yet decent dresses, attending more formal events in contrast to loud, wild parties he went to and drinking and chatting in sober state, something many people of his age didn’t know how to do.

"Yeah, of course. I just – I thought you might not like drinking. You didn’t offer me any, when I was at your place," he said jokingly, because that was the first sentence he could think of quickly. The truth was that he didn't desire any beer at that moment.

"Ahh, you should have told me! I wasn’t sure whether you had 18 already. Or you do want to come join me again tonight? We could have a few drinks together," she suggested nonchalantly, not realizing how it could be interpreted by a teenager. 

Taehyung straightened up and his eyebrows flinched for a second. She was inviting him to come to her place and drink together? Was she flirting with him? She sounded quite naive for not being single. But she was older than him and probably talked like this to most of the people. With a cleared mind, Taehyung replied, "I would love to."

They then proceeded to pay for the groceries individually. They put the bags into the backseat and got into Yoona’s car. In the middle of ride, Yoona asked Taehyung if he had a driver's license to which he replied that he didn’t. "I'm not planning on getting a driver's license yet in the near future. It’s not like parents would buy me a car,“ he explained, gaze set on the road and how skillfully she outrode the slower cars.

"I get it. Where do your parents live by the way?"

"In Gyeongnam with my little sister. I moved out from my hometown to Seoul, when I was 16 to get familiar with a bigger world. I lived here with my grandma for over a year, but then she passed away due to  cancer," Taehyung said in a low tone.

"I’m sorry about that... she must have endured a lot. But I’m sure that having you along her side must have made it all much easier for her,“ Yoona replied softly. Taehyung only nodded. 

When they arrived in front of the building, Taehyung insisted on carrying half of her bags, which Yoona gratefully accepted. 

They headed to his door first to let Taehyung put his bag inside. But as he was about to lock his door already, Yoona recalled that she had something inappropriate tossed all over her sofa. A friend of hers had stopped by her place this morning, surprising her with a bag of rather provocative lingeries.

She had handed them to her, saying something along the lines like, "They are a little too tight around my chest now so I thought of giving them to you. So that you can spice it up a little with Sanghyuk ," her friend purred. Yoona had smacked her arm playfully, but had accepted the present nevertheless. It had been a while since she got intimate with Sanghyuk. He was more experienced and successful in acting than her, which meant much less time for his private life. When he wasn’t shooting, he spent most of his time meeting people from the entertainment industry.

But the current problem was that the lingerie set was still laying on the sofa, visible to any eye. She couldn’t let Taehyung see them! She stopped him in whatever he was doing by grabbing his wrist and blurted out, "Ah, Taehyung, why don’t we stay at your place instead? If you don’t mind."

"You want to?" he asked and she nodded assuredly, "Well, make yourself comfortable here then," he smiled and opened the door again, letting her step inside first.

She had seen the main room twice before, but only now did she realize that the furniture was standing on the exact same spot like over her place, yet the overal atmosphere was so different. The sagging sofa on the right side looked a little worn out, but it looked comfy anyways. The blue walls were decorated with photos of him, his family and bandmates. They weren’t framed, but sticked with a yellow masking tape instead. It was done recklessly, but she thought it looked cool. There were a few glasses scattered on the kitchen counter on her left side.

"I'm starting to feel nervous with your eyes roaming all over room. It looks pretty miserable here compared to your apartment," she heard him speaking up behind her back.

"No, I was actually thinking about how cozy it is over here."

"Is that so? Thanks then,“ he laughed, "Take a seat, I’ll bring the glasses."

"I don’t mind drinking from the cans directly,“ she said and he couldn’t help, but grin at her heartily.

He plopped down beside her and handed her the beer can. They opened the lids almost simultaneously and clinked the cans (which was ironic, since none of them barely did that with others) before taking the first sip, "The first gulp always tastes the best," she claimed.

"Couldn’t agree more." He leaned down for the remote control to turn on TV, "Wanna watch something?"

Yoona her lips as she stayed silent for a moment. Something was flickering in her mind, but she couldn't take the grasp of it.

"Ah, Taehyung! Switch it to the NT channel!“ He was startled by her sudden exclaim, but did as she ordered him.

"What are they airing on there?"

"The drama I’m playing in! It’s kicking off today, how could I forget that!“ She groaned loudly, clutching the beer can nervously. Her body was now leaning forward, eyes glued to the screen.

It fascinated him how she could convert from a cheerful mood to such a professional attitude in a blink of the eye. He followed her stare and switched his attention to the drama itself. The information caption on the screen showed him that there were twelve minutes left to the end. He was clueless about the plot, but the fact that Yoona (though he didn’t know how important her character was) played in it made him focus on it more.

After less then five minutes, she finally showed up in a scene with a middle-aged guy. The stylists opted for a casual look, she was wearing a leather jacket with a white tight T-shirt underneath and skinny jeans. Her petite lips covered with a bold red. Her looks were on point. He continued to observe the dialogue between her and the guy with sleek hair and black suit, but he found the words not as half captivating as the upcoming scene. 

The guy suddenly pulled her closer, yanking her waist to his hips. The background music started playing and the camera zoomed in Yoona's lustful eyes. He then whispered her to wrap the legs around him. She jumped on him effortlessly and he set her down on the table behind her. Taehyung gulped hard, when Yoona opened her legs for the guy to settle between them and then a sensual, heated kiss followed. Taehyung was used to seeing these scenes so why did this scene arouse him more than it should? 

He didn’t realize how dry his throat had become until he took a big gulp of the drink. The kiss kept on going. The male character bit her bottom lip and she let out a throaty sigh in response. Why is she playing such a naughty character for 's sake, Taehyung cursed to himself, swiping the sweaty hands on his pants. His body froze as soon as he realized his hand had just brushed against something unexpectedly hard. He looked down and a seocnd later, his body froze. He was having a ing in front of Yoona. He thanked God that he had decided not to get rid of his horrible-looking cushions and put one directly on his crotch to hide the prominent bulge. Not only the fact that his neighbour turned him on was bad, she was sitting right next to him! His heart was beating heavily. He didn’t dare to look at her, afraid that he would spot her mocking or even worse, disgusted expression. He was afraid that she had seen his problem and was now making a bad picture about him. If all of that was true, he was screwed.

He took a deep breath. The episode was going to end in no time and he needed to calm down as fast as possible. His eyes were now fixed on the wooden floor, he couldn't care about what was happening on the screen anymore. But at the same time, it was hard not to think about how kissable her lips looked, how her eyes reflected lust so well, how she played the scene so realistically. He could not get the image out off his head.

"Taehyung?" He turned to her side quickly, "Haha, why are you still so focused? It has ended already." She was right. The previous background music was now replaced with a theme soundtrack and the closing credits were running on the screen.

"Y-your acting is really good," Taehyung stuttered, locking his eyes with hers. The weight of his arms shifted on the pillow, trying to look as natural as he could.

His puzzled expression didn't go unnoticed though and Yoona immediately regretted making him watch the drama. He must have not liked it, he could have been even grossed out by watching it, she had no idea.

Both were drowning in their own thoughts, but none of them dared to take their eyes off the other ones. 

However as Taehyung kept on staring at her, he noticed how different she looked on the screen compared to the real life. While she managed to have a perfectly neat hair and her skin glowed with one bright skin tone in front of the camera, her cheeks were now painted with a light rosy blush and the few strands of hair were covering her face. She looked so much real, so innocent. But why did she seem so flustered? , she really saw through me, he thought. His forehead was starting to form beads of sweat.

The awkward silence in the room was suddenly broken off by someone’s ringtone. Taehyung exhaled and brushed his hair with his hand as Yoona excused picked up the call. 

"Hi, love- you are here? Where?" a brief pause passed before she replied, "Oh my, just stay there, I’m going over to you." She hung up, standing up from the sofa in process.

"Something happened?" Taehyung questioned worriedly. He was about to stand up, but remembered about his .

"No, my boyfriend is waiting in front of my apartment. He doesn’t know I’m here,“ Yoona chuckled. She was putting her white slip-ons on already. Taehyung took the opportunity to stand up and propped his arms on the head of sofa, the back of it covering his bottom part of body.

"Ah, tell him hi then," he replied mindlessly.

"Sure thing. And sorry for leaving you so abruptly. And for making you watch such an awkward scene. I didn’t think beforehand how much it might disgust you. I was watching it from a point of an actress after all," she said and smiled at him pitifully.

"No, I wasn’t disgusted at all! I just- how do say it-," he was searching for some right, acceptable words, but couldn’t make up anything in such a hurry, "Ah, don’t forget your bags here, “ he ended up saying, when he spotted her shopping bags left on the kitchen counter.

"Oh, right! Can you pass it to me, please?" Her hand was reaching for it, but she didn’t make a single step towards it as she had boots on already.

"I don’t mind you stepping on the floor," he replied hastily, covering the fact that he didn't want to move anywhere. 

"Oh, okay then," without any further asking, she walked across the room to grab her things. "See you around, Taehyung," she reached for the door knob and waved at him.

"Bye, Yoona,“ he said with a smile and after hearing that, she closed the door behind her. Taehyung hid his face in his palms and screamed loudly enough to get rid of tension built inside of him, but at the same time quiet enough not to let her hear him. 

As soon as Yoona left the apartment, she felt herself getting pulled into a warm backhug, hands wrapping around her body, "Sanghyuk! What are you doing here?" She turned her head to the side, their noses brushing against each other.

"What, can’t I visit my girlfriend? I wanted to surprise you, but you weren’t home!"

"I’m sorry, love, I was at my neighbour’s place. I missed you," she turned around to face him and gave him a peck.

"I noticed that. What were you doing there?"

"I was watching my new drama with him," she replied, opening the door.

"Him? How old is he?" His breath fanned on the skin on her neck.

"He’s younger than us, love. He’s really cute-" 

"What is that doing here, baby?" Her sentence was cut short as soon as Sanghyuk‘s eyes landed on the set of white lingerie tossed on the sofa. 

Yoona registered how his jawbones showed up as he gritted his teeth in silent confusion. She expected an opposite reaction from him so why was he acting so weirdly? And then it clicked inside her head. "Sanghyuk, you don’t think this has something to do with the neighbor, right?"

Sanghyuk examined her serious face and let out a sigh afterwards.

"Sorry, babe, we just haven’t seen each other for a long time and then when I found out you were spending time with your cute neighbour and later on saw this kind of clothes… I received some bad signals inside my head."

Yoona shook her head and held her boyfriend’s hands tightly, shaking them lightly, "I would never cheat on you, Sanghyuk," she stated.

"I know, I trust you ," he responded and kissed her forehead, "now, won’t you try the lingerie on for me?" He whispered hustily and Yoona blushed, surprised by his sudden change of theme. The couple made sure to catch up with everything they had been missing on that night.

Meanwhile Jungkook had stopped by Taehyung’s place only to hear him confess about the embarrassing incident. It caused the whole room to be soon filled with Jungkook's laughter. 



Author's note: I managed to write a longer chapter in a shorter span of time yaay, please write down to the comments section what you think about the story so far! <3

























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Chapter 10: Can you update this? PLEASEEEEE TT TT
Chapter 10: Vyoon I want them together
Chapter 10: I just read all the chapters and this is really very beautiful !! I did not know this impressive story.
Good work author nim! Fighting ♥
Chapter 9: ughhh this prolly isn't gonna get updated looking at how far the date is from today
but this book is

Chapter 9: As for Taehyung it breaks my heart he's a strong one. Even if he's hurting. I just hope he doesn't use Sana as an outlet. As friends its okay but if he's trying to forget it'll only hurt both of them in the long run.
Chapter 9: I know you this story isn't completed or you haven't updated in a while (writers block is understandable), but I just came across this story and decided to read it anyways and I really love the struggles. Yoona struggle within her own relationship but chooses to stay in the relationship because its familiar and safe. Scared of changes. However there's a point in a relationship were its both having to give themselves to their partner. Although Sanghyuk gives to Yoona. At some point in their relationship he probably stops giving on a personal level. Yes he care but he seems to forget you sometimes have to given in to the other partners needs and wants. As Yoona gives herself to Sanghyuk she loses herself. It doesn't seem like their in the relationship 100%. The pairing of Yoona and Taehyung is unique. I love that they can connect despite the age difference. Although I would like Yoona to give Taehyung a chance I would rather have them together when she feels like she can commit and isn't in the relationship with Sanghyuk. I hope she can later see that she's staying in the relationship for the wrong reasons.
WingHeart6543 #7
When are you going to update again?
Where's the update???
Chapter 7: Here is a new reader: 3
This story enchants me from the beginning ❤ I hope you update soon author nim !! Fighting
Thaaanks TuT
WingHeart6543 #10
Chapter 7: i love it!!❤