Move on

Love and its Opposite

Move On


“… , and then she told me she liked me. But she obviously didn’t like me enough to break up with Sanghyuk.” Taehyung went on explaining the situation to Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi. They all a Messenger video call as soon as Taehyung wrote in the chatgroup that he had something to talk over. Taehyung ran sweaty fingers through his messy hair.

“But wait. Did you say liked or likes?” Jungkook asked.

“Well, she said she likes me now, but doesn’t know if it isn’t just temporary. And she also said, that she will get rid of the romantic feelings for me or something in that sense. It’s ed up.”

“Geez, that , bro,” Jimin’s voice indicated how much he felt sorry for Taehyung. Everyone felt.

“And you know what annoys me the most? That I didn’t even get a chance to try! Not even a single date to make her feel something more.”

“She’s got that guy already; do you think she would have cheated on him?” Yoongi replies back with a tint of sarcasm.

“Of course not,” Taehyung spits out the words. “She would never do such a thing. It’s just…”

“Not being able to do anything about the reciprocated feelings,” Jungkook finished the sentence.


A short silence that followed was interrupted by Jimin’s question, “And what about now? Will you still hang out together? Or are you going to ignore her.”

“Well, we agreed on somehow forgetting about this all and just moving on.”

“What the heck? That’s going to be awkward when you guys meet,” Yoongi pointed out.

“I have no clue how I’m going to talk to her normally, but still better than not ever seeing her anymore.”

“Soo…” Jungkook blinked several times, collecting everything he had heard so far, “she said she will suppress the feelings and do as nothing had happened. And you? Will you try to fight for her?”

“I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable around me plus she believes I won’t try to flirt with her, but… I guess I will always somehow try to get my way to her unless I find a more charming girl.”



Naturally the boys wanted to help Taehyung. And they thought of a great plan on how to make it the both feel comfortable in the same room. So a week after Taehyung had told them about the unsuccessful confession, Yoongi invited the whole band and Yoona to his house to have dinner together.

“You can just cut it straight, dude. It’s not like we are going to decorate my place with it,” Yoongi laughed at Taehyung who was in a very-time-consuming process of cutting cucumber into weirdly-looking shapes and then proceeding to put them systemically on a large plate.

“It’s supposed to be flower shapes,” the younger boy replied, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration.

“Someone wants to impress tonight,” Jimin said, placing bowls and chopsticks on a table. A series of chuckles could be heard across the kitchen.

“When she comes, no more comments. I’m getting nervous.”

Jungkook, who returned from the restroom, patted Taehyung’s shoulder from behind.

“Oh guys and just act as if it was Taehyung’s birthday tonight. I lied to Yoona,” Yoongi said nonchalantly.

“Are you kidding me?” Taehyung stopped from cutting the cucumber and turned immediately to Yoongi. “Why?”

“Well, she didn’t really sound like she wanted to come at first, when I invited her so I had to make up something really important so that she couldn’t dare miss here tonight. So Tae, happy birthday, bro!”

Both Jimin and Jungkook laughed loudly.

“Yoongi, that’s terrible! She surely bought me a present! I can’t accept it, when it’s not my birthday.”

“Don’t worry, I told her clearly not to buy anything.”


Yoona arrived right on time at 7PM with a white box in her hands. The sight at the present suddenly caused boys to feel guilty about lying to Yoona and each whispered cautiously into other’s ears whether to tell the truth or not. But everyone just kept on acting.

“Yoona! I told no presents! What is that?” Yoongi said, clearly dissatisfied.

“You said no to buying presents! This is homemade, I didn’t put a single penny down for it,” Yoona retorted with a wide, sly smile.

Taehyung just stood there and stared at her, finding her incredibly cute and having no reasons to explain it. When her eyes diverted to him, his body flinched and he was sent into a panic mode in no time.

“A-h, hi, Yoona.”

“Hi, Taehyung. Happy birthday,” she congratulated.

“Ah, thank you.”

She sent a smile with a nod raised at him, but what truly she meant by it, he did not know. Was she asking how he was feeling?

“Let’s eat! I’m getting really hungry,” at Jungkook’s exclamation, the two broke off the intimate eye contact.

The dinner went on with a cheerful atmosphere and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Taehyung was especially happy, when Yoona commented on the cucumber slices.

“Someone must have put a lot of effort into cutting these! Looks like… err, flowers?”

Yoongi bursted out laughing, “You are actually the first one, who recognized that. I had no idea what that was supposed to be.”

“Well, two out of ten slices look like flowers so yeah,” Yoona explained with a chuckle.

“I made them,” Taehyung spoke up.

The girl let out a sound of admiration. “Good job, Taehyung. You got some real culinary skills.”

He giggled in true joy, “thanks.”

After washing the dishes, which took little time since everyone was helping out, it was time for the present Yoona brought. It was clear to everyone that she had baked something, but no one expected the birthday cake to be so pretty, when she was opening the box.

“That’s too fancy to be eaten!” Jimin exclaimed and took out a phone from his jeans pocket to take a photo of the cake.

“It’s really, really pretty, Yoona,” Taehyung praised the girl and hugged her with one hand from aside.

“Thank you!” She turned to him and for a moment, they were so close to each other, that both of them unconsciously made a quick step further, distancing from each other because of shyness.

Yoona coughed several times, indicating the boys something, but they seemed clueless. “Guys! What about the birthday song?”

“Ah yeah, almost forgot about that!” Jimin said and nudged Jungkook. Taehyung tried to hold his laughter as the rest started to sing the birthday song. It did not last long though as Yoongi bursted out laughing, waving his arms in the air to stop everyone.

“Man, this is ridiculous. Yoona, Taehyung doesn’t have birthday!”

“Whaat?” Suddenly, she looked like a lost puppy and the room was soon filled with loud laughter.


Since Yoona went to Yoongi’s place by car, she offered to give the three other boys a ride home. But because neither ways to Jungkook’s and Jimin’s house were not convenient for her, the two turned down her offer, even though it was indeed appealing.

Taehyung was not feeling like talking about Sanghyuk, his rival, but could not think of another topic so he decided to just stay quiet as Yoona was riding down the empty streets.

“I had fun today. You too?” She finally broke off the silence.

“Yeah,” the corners of his lips raised up.

“But I don’t know how to feel about the lying part. Pff, clever of Yoongi to say that.”

“It won’t happen again, noona.”

He turned ninety degrees left and saw her beautiful profile, smiling delightly.

“We are okay, right? I feel like this will work.” She said.

“I feel so too.”


Author's note: Update after x ages! I hope you like it and please tell me your opinions on the story through comments, I love reading them! have a nice dayy

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Chapter 10: Can you update this? PLEASEEEEE TT TT
Chapter 10: Vyoon I want them together
Chapter 10: I just read all the chapters and this is really very beautiful !! I did not know this impressive story.
Good work author nim! Fighting ♥
Chapter 9: ughhh this prolly isn't gonna get updated looking at how far the date is from today
but this book is

Chapter 9: As for Taehyung it breaks my heart he's a strong one. Even if he's hurting. I just hope he doesn't use Sana as an outlet. As friends its okay but if he's trying to forget it'll only hurt both of them in the long run.
Chapter 9: I know you this story isn't completed or you haven't updated in a while (writers block is understandable), but I just came across this story and decided to read it anyways and I really love the struggles. Yoona struggle within her own relationship but chooses to stay in the relationship because its familiar and safe. Scared of changes. However there's a point in a relationship were its both having to give themselves to their partner. Although Sanghyuk gives to Yoona. At some point in their relationship he probably stops giving on a personal level. Yes he care but he seems to forget you sometimes have to given in to the other partners needs and wants. As Yoona gives herself to Sanghyuk she loses herself. It doesn't seem like their in the relationship 100%. The pairing of Yoona and Taehyung is unique. I love that they can connect despite the age difference. Although I would like Yoona to give Taehyung a chance I would rather have them together when she feels like she can commit and isn't in the relationship with Sanghyuk. I hope she can later see that she's staying in the relationship for the wrong reasons.
WingHeart6543 #7
When are you going to update again?
Where's the update???
Chapter 7: Here is a new reader: 3
This story enchants me from the beginning ❤ I hope you update soon author nim !! Fighting
Thaaanks TuT
WingHeart6543 #10
Chapter 7: i love it!!❤