Euphonious Voices
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February 21st, 1999


          A girl in her soon-to-be five year old walking happily to her mother whilst twirling in her toes, as if she was like one of those princesses in Disney's movies she usually watched, looking so fascinated by the cinderella dress she'd put on as her mother told her to wear for today's special occasion. The dress had puffy blue sleeves with white ruffled edges, and its bottom was white, with more ruffled edges. Cinderella is the most Seungwan's favourite charcter of princess, it was because cinderella had a godmother fairy that could magically transformed her into a pretty princess and Seungwan really wanted to be as lucky as her.

          "Mommy!" Seungwan addresed her mother excitedly, still twirling in her toes.

          Her mother who was still busy decorating the living room averting her attention to the little bundles of joy in front of her now, who had this happy glowing aura emitted throughout her little frame. The mother was so proud of herself because the dress she had bought weeks ago hugged Seungwan's frame cutely and made her little princess looked like those sweet little princesses in fairytale, if not her daugther was more prettier. The dress was really fit to her Seungwan. What made her more happier than any mother in the world was because her little princess seemed so appreciated her mother's gift for her. There was no other happiness that could compare the joyous feelings she had now with anything in this world.

         "Mommy, are you my godmother fairy? this pretty dress is for Wanbie, right mommy? right? right?" she inquired dreamily, awed by the beautifulness of the dress she worn.

         "Awww," Mrs. Son coed at the sight of Son's family little princess. "Uri dal is so pretty just like her mommy" She said as she bent her body to reach Seungwan's tiny frame whilst Seungwan's smooth black-jet hair. "How is it? Do you like it? And yes, today Mommy is specially turned up as your godmother fairy, Cinderella! So you have to be happy princess, Alright?"

        "Really?!" Seungwan's obsidian beads lit up at the sudden revelation of her mother being her godmother fairy today, her dream had finally come true!  she thought.

         "Uh-huh" Her mother said with an even excitement. 

         "Yeayyyy!" Seungwan squealed with so much happiness whilst skipping around merrily.

         Their heartily laughter echoed throughout the room. 

        "Thank you so much, Mommy! Today, Mommy will grant anything that Wanbie wants! Yeaaay! Mommy is the best! I love Mommy so much!" Seungwan said as she kissed literally every inch of skin on her Mommy's face, then hugging her really tight to show her thankfulness for everything her Mommy had been given to. Seungwan was really happy today.

        With that, Mrs. Son suddenly feeling so emotional, her eyes teared up, feeling so grateful to God for giving Seungwan to this family and not only that but also a beautiful one, she couldn't thank enough for that.

        Today, 21st february was the day when the cute little girl named Son Seungwan was born. And for Seungwan's fifth birthday today, it would be so much different than any previous birth they ever celebrated, because this birthday was celebrated in the house of Mrs.Son’s parents, who were Seungwan and her Oppa's grandparents by the way. So for that, Son's little family had gone from Seoul, which where they actually lived on, all the way to Daegu.

        This was actually their grandparents wish, which was to see their precious granddaughter turning to five years old this year. They didn't want to miss this special moment since Seungwan was their one and only granddaughter. And because of that, today, the classic ethnic traditional house of Kim family (Mrs.Son’s parents) was turned into a dream land like a castle which princesses usually live on. This thanks to Mrs.Son with her mother's art skills, everything had been patched up on its place. 

        Whilst Seungwan's mother braided her long hair and put on a light make up on her baby face, the little one suddenly asked something which suprisingly Mrs. Son had been prepared before for that either. Because today Mrs. Son had many things up on her sleeves, she wanted the best out of her daughter birthday. 

         "Mommy, if Wanbie is going to be a Cinderella and Mommy as Cinderella's godmother fairy, so will there be a prince today?" Seungwan asked curiously, tilting her head slightly.

          Her mother let out a knowing smile, seeming as if she had planned for this one too. Her eyes lit up mischievously seeing her baby girl puckering her small lips adoringly as if she was thingking hard, which made her want to pinch her chubby cheeks.

         "What do you think, dal? will there be? Do you want him coming, hmm?" Mrs. Son said as she brushed her bangs tidily.

         "Eung!" she nodded eagerly. "I want him to see my beautiful dress, Mommy" She said adorably.

         "Let's see, promise Mommy you will always be a good little girl to everyone, than Mommy will grant your wish." She tucked out her tiny finger to make a pinky promise to her beloved mother slash godmother fairy.

         "Promise, Mommy!"

         "That's my baby girl!" Mrs. Son said as she also linked her big one onto the small one to legalise their promise.




          On the other side of another Kim family, there was this particular boy who was now agitatedly pacing up in his own bedroom, feeling so nervous because her mother declared that today they would come to a beautiful princess' birthday party named Son Seungwan. This was his first timebeing honourably invited to meet a beautiful princess. He felt so happy that there was a beautiful princess wanted to meet him. So, today, he would be a prince for her. He would dress up handsomely like a prince in order for the said princess to like him and also hoped that he could gain her attention because he thought that there might many princes would be there that wanted to meet that beautiful princess too like him. He wouldn't want to dissapoint his princess, so he had to be a kind prince to her. He would give anything the princess wanted. He wanted to make her let out her pretty smile for him and made her as his friend--the very first one.

          But that own motive of his didn’t much ease his fears of being rejected by the princess. Because in his neighbourhood, there were just fews of friends that wanted to befriend him. H

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Dearest author-nim, I hope you'll find time to update this. It's really good and I'm craving for more of them TuT thank you so much in advance. God bless~
vanisma #2
Chapter 4: yeah please update more and moreee ehehehe. I'm looking forward!
Chapter 2: waiting for your next update!
widiaana #4
Chapter 1: Jongdae is so cute :D and kind of narcissistic hahahaha.