A Tough Day for Jimin

Over and Under
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"Rap Monster, you're half a beat too slow! You need to pick it up!"


Jimin leaned down on his knees, struggling to catch his breath in the small window of time he had while the dance teacher corrected Rap Monster's mistakes. He was usually never this worn out during dance practice -- at least not during his scheduled time during the day with his group -- but as much as he tried to it up and continue on (the last thing he wanted to do was drag s behind) he couldn't. He could barely even stand on his own two feet.


"Jimin!" It was Hoseok, or at least he thought so from the sound of the voice. Blotchy dots were swarming his vision and all he could make out was the voice approaching him and the hand carefully settling on his back. "Jimin, are you all right?"


Jimin nodded, but the slightest motion was enough for him to realize no, no he wasn't. The next thing he saw was complete darkness, and then he couldn't muster enough strength to keep himself from collapsing.






Jimin woke up feeling not much better than he had when he collapsed, but at least he was lying down now. Mentally, he felt worse. His manager was hovering above him, and from the looks of it, they were in the health center at the company. Great, so now he was missing practice.


"You know, most managers want their idols to work hard, but I think you need to work less," his manager said, expression almost reprimanding despite his calm tone.


Jimin strained to sit up. His arms were shaky under his weight and felt like they'd give out at any time, but he managed just like he always did. Though, just barely.


"I'm fine," he sighed, propping himself up against the wall on the bed. "How long have I been out?"


"A little over five minutes," his manager said, crossing his arms over his chest.


Jimin nodded as he threw his legs over the side of the bed and grabbed his hoodie off of the seat beside it. "Well, now that I've rested, I can go back to practice. Thanks for taking care of me. It won't happen again."


His manager gave him an exasperated look. "You are not practicing just yet, Jimin. Not only are you dieting like a madman, but you're practicing like one, too. At least give yourself a day to rest."


Jimin sighed, but he nodded accordingly in proper respect to his manager. He knew he was practicing a lot, but in his honest opinion, he was the one who needed the most work. He knew it'd pay off in the end.


"I understand what you're saying, but the dance teacher's teaching the new dance for 'War of Hormones' and I need to be there," Jimin explained, giving his manager a pleading look. "I promise I won't overwork myself. I'll practice only for two hours tonight."


The manager shook his head tiredly, looking like the entire situation shaved off a year from his lifespan. "You can watch, but I don't want you dancing."


Jimin grinned through an exhausted face. He'd work his way around it.






Apparently not. Jimin sat on the side, watching sharply as the members practiced the choreo of "War of Hormones" they'd learned so far. It seemed like a fun dance. He wished he could practice with them, but they were even reluctant to have him out of bed, so that was out of the question. He practiced some of the arm motions though, and watched for the spaces where he was expected to be. 


"You better be staying hydrated!" Suga said during a break, shoving his water bottle to Jimin, even though he was the one who seemed out of breath. Jimin took the bottle from him and drank a quick sip, not in the business of putting up a fight and getting him sent back to the health center to rest.


"We're serious, Jimin," Taehyung said, giving him a concerned look. "If you don't take care of yourself better, we're going to have to call Hyejin to take care of you."


Jimin didn't know if Taehyung was joking or not, but either way it was completely out of the question. No, he wasn't going to dump all of his problems on you (were they even classified as problems?) when he knew you had your own business to take care of. Sure, you were amazing at taking care of him and making sure he was in working condition, but you weren't his girlfriend anymore, and you had no obligation to do so. He didn't even like telling his parents about things like this, but of course that was an entirely different situation.


He gave Taehyung an extra airy chuckle. "Ha ha. Very funny. I'm fine, thank you very much."


"You're one of the most popular and important members," Jin said, sighing. "If you're not healthy enough to be on stage, Bangtan will collapse without you."


Jimin didn't even want to imagine himself missing out on a stage and letting down the fans like that. He sighed, nodding. Jin did have a point there, even if he didn't see himself as one of the most important members nor one of the most popular ones. What if he did collapse on stage? Sure, he could pick himself up and stand up again, but he'd make the fans worry about him and he probably wouldn't be able to perform at his best degree. He nodded. "Okay, I guess I'll just take this time to work on my singing and I'll give myself a rest."


Jungkook blinked. "Even when you're resting, you're working."








When Taehyung said he was going to tell you what was going on, he wasn't

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Flocke #1
Chapter 7: The beginning reminds me of one doctor appointment of mine. I'd got a little ambulant invasive treatment and afterwards I fell unconcieous. When I woke up, it was so silent around me and aI lay in a foreign room. An assistent came in and told me that it's midday break for the doctor office. I felt like a burden for them.
Chapter 8: Ohh goddd thisss is good I wish I wish u continue it agn in the near future:)
SaraFreire14 #3
This is my fave fanfic, you've inspired me to write my own stories, keep up the good work :D
kooksmin #4
Chapter 8: huaa can't we have more chapters pls :(
fyrn95 #5
Chapter 8: Omg I'm so glad you updated. I really really like this story! :)
Baeksobang #6
Chapter 8: Yeees!!! I'm so glad you updated, i love this story. Though i actualy want her to be with Hanbin but :((( oh well..
bobbypls #7
Chapter 8: OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU UPDATED THIS STORY!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! and i hope you can update the next chapter soon~ <3
_blackroshe #8
Chapter 4: I really hope those two get back together :/
nicoco0810 #9
Great plot