Catching Up

Over and Under
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Jimin: Saw your episode of Weekly Idol on TV today. Your dancing was cool, so I'll forgive you for not naming me as your ideal type. Haha. B.I's a lucky guy.



As if almost immediately after seeing that text from Jimin, a switch flicked on in your heart. You weren't in love with him still or anything. You just missed him. 


Which made a whole lot of sense seeing as you spent almost half of your life with him, whether it be as your friend or boyfriend. Of course you'd miss someone after not seeing them for so long. But at the same time it made no sense at all. It had been over a year; by now, you were supposed to be okay without him. He obviously was doing great without you.


You contemplated over a reply for a few minutes, before finally sending him one you forced yourself to send before you could fixate on it.


You to Jimin: When you say it like that, it almost seems as if you're asking for rumors. Haha :)


You sighed. Was the smiley face too much? Was it? Maybe you should've asked one of your members for their opinion. No, that would've just made things worse, probably. Especially, Kira, who was such a big BTS fan it was embarrassi-


"So this is where you are," a male voice said, making you lose track of your thoughts. "Why wasn't this the first place I checked?"


You looked up and saw B.I walking towards you, looking amused to see you sprawled out on the floor, long legs thrown out wherever they fell. "Hello, charismatic leader B.I."


"Hello, dancing goddess Jang Hyejin," B.I greeted, chuckling as he dropped his stuff on the ground. "I came here to deliver my thank you letter. You know, it's not everyday a top idol names you her ideal type."


You laughed as you sat up, strands of your long black hair sticking to your face. "Who else would I choose?"


B.I grinned gratefully. "See, most people would choose Bobby, but I'm glad someone knows an ego boost is the last thing he needs right now. I'd say this is a career step in the right direction. All of the girls will love me, the guys already think I'm cool."


He was right. Bobby was a cocky bastard. If you weren't such good friends with the guy, you'd have punched him in the gut dozens of times by now. 


You snorted, getting up to your feet. You didn't think it'd be so hard and that your legs would still feel so weak, but B.I immediately rushed to your side before you could truly test whether or not you could stand on your own. He tucked his neck under your arm and sighed, helping you to the bench. "So what's racking your brain now?" 


In a way, both you and B.I could connect on many of each other's issues, but you never told him exactly what you were going through. You didn't think it'd be right to tell him about Jimin, anyway. You never told anyone much about you and Jimin. That chapter of your life was just too personal for anyone's ears.


"Just felt like dancing," you said casually, focusing on loosening the laces on your shoes. You gave him a tight smile. "Guess I didn’t realize how worn out I was from the performance.”


B.I’s eyes widened. “You performed?!” He shook his head, giving you an exasperated look. “You’re insane, you know that.”


“Relax,” you said, giving him a tired smile. “You’re scolding me as if I’m in your group.”


B.I squinted at you, obviously irritated that you weren’t taking him seriously. You got up, patting him on the shoulder just as s all piled into the room. They all waved at you, some of the politer members like Donghyuk and Chanwoo even bowing to you on their way in.


“Good luck,” you said, giving him a smile. “Don’t wear yourself out too much.”


B.I rolled his eyes. He couldn’t help but smile even though he still looked worried. “I could say the same to you too, Miss Hyejin.”




You were on your way out of your dorm, walking down the street toward the restaurant you were planning to eat at, when your phone chimed.


You dug your phone out of your pocket and eyed the screen. Your stomach leaped at the name on the screen.


Jimin: Sorry for the late reply, I had a radio recording. But you know what today is, right?


You raised an eyebrow, staring at the screen for a while. Today? What was today?


And then it finally hit you. How could you forget that today was you and Jimin’s anniversary? Jesus, how did he remember that? Even though he was always thoughtful and meant well, he was also a little forgetful when it came to things like that.


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Flocke #1
Chapter 7: The beginning reminds me of one doctor appointment of mine. I'd got a little ambulant invasive treatment and afterwards I fell unconcieous. When I woke up, it was so silent around me and aI lay in a foreign room. An assistent came in and told me that it's midday break for the doctor office. I felt like a burden for them.
Chapter 8: Ohh goddd thisss is good I wish I wish u continue it agn in the near future:)
SaraFreire14 #3
This is my fave fanfic, you've inspired me to write my own stories, keep up the good work :D
kooksmin #4
Chapter 8: huaa can't we have more chapters pls :(
fyrn95 #5
Chapter 8: Omg I'm so glad you updated. I really really like this story! :)
Baeksobang #6
Chapter 8: Yeees!!! I'm so glad you updated, i love this story. Though i actualy want her to be with Hanbin but :((( oh well..
bobbypls #7
Chapter 8: OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU UPDATED THIS STORY!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! and i hope you can update the next chapter soon~ <3
_blackroshe #8
Chapter 4: I really hope those two get back together :/
nicoco0810 #9
Great plot