︻╦╤─ Unknown

Deadly Crusade ︻╦╤─ | APPLY CLOSED

Member: Lee Kangji



The sky was dark and gray, telling him that a storm was coming. Listening attentively, Kangji can hear the thunder which is miles away from his current location. But it never bothered him to begin with. Nothing ever bothered him. He remained in his white tank top, not bothering to grab his jacket and headed further out of his white and red carnival tent. 

The wind blew his hair into his face, temporarily blocking his line of vision. He casually brushed it out of his face and continued on his way out of the park. The abandoned Ferris Wheel creaked slightly as the wind blew harder but that kind of noise was something he has been used to. The stench of the nearby corpses stung his nose but he didn't bother to take the pain into account. As always, nothing bothered him. 

Stepping onto the cold cement floor that leads in different directions from the park, Kangji turned to his right and noticed another man, wearing shades and his arms crossed, leaning against the amusement park's fence. Both wore a blank expression but seeing that he didn't come attacking right away when he walked out, Kangji simply ignored him and continued on his way forward. 

"Lee Kangji, correct?" the man spoke. His sudden statement made Kangji stop in his tracks, but not enough to make him turn around to face him. 

The man smirked, "I have a special request from you." 

Turning his head slightly so that he can peer at the man with one eye, Kangji eyed him for a moment but turned back around. Shoving his hands in his pockets, Kangji continued to ignore him and walked on his way.

"Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to talk later." he waved as Kangji continued on his way. The man smirked as he knew this man wasn't an easy person to convince.


The rain clouds have been finally blown away and the beautiful sun soon started to set. Kangji was on his way back to the amusement park until he heard shouting near his destination. Hiding behind a shack, he peered over at the entrance of the amusement park and saw many soldiers surrounding it, being sent in group by group to search the perimeters. Kangji wondered what would happen if his belongings were ever found. They'll soon found out that it was him. Sniffing the air, he finally realized that there was a new stench that was never there before. The odour of black smoke.

Kangji turned around to make a run for it before he got caught, only to come face-to-face with the man from that morning. Gripping his wrist, the man pulled him around a couple of corners and into an unfamiliar car garage. The man shut the trap quietly and pulled off his sunglasses, showing his dark brown eyes. 

Kangji glared at him with a blank expression, knowing well that he's the culprit behind the soldiers' arrival to his hideout. Turning around, he came face-to-face with an unfamiliar girl wearing a mouth mask and her hood pull over her head, dressed in completely black. She carried a pole tucked nicely in a tube-like bag that she seemed to refuse to put down. The girl only stared at him blankly with her legs and arms crossed, sitting on a foldable wooden stool.

"You never answered me." the man started, but Kangji replied with nothing. They listened to the silence for a while until the man decided to speak up again. 

"I don't mind bringing you into the North Korean's hands but I know that you seek something." he continued. "I assume you still want your belongings." Looking at him curiously, he turned over to the girl who held up his bag with his stuff rudely forced inside. Kangji didn't dare to say anything but only looked at him with threatening eyes. 

"I know what you are seeking for and I am willing to help you achieve your goal. When we reach our goal, you will also find yours." he continued. 

"Then what is it that you seek?" Kangji finally stated. His expression was blank and his voice was in monotone; like a complete robot.

"Peace. Freedom. For this war to finally come to an end and to free the people from North Korea's control. To save innocent people from the inhumaine ways of the North. To kill their leader and to finally bring Korea together as one." the man answered, circling around him. Kangji was once again quiet. "Now what do you say? Will you join us?" the man asked but he refused to speak. Instead, Kangji turned around to leave but he was halted once again by the man's voice.

"Keep in mind, you have no home to go to. You don't know which other location is currently safe knowing that there are many soldiers possibly lurking around nearby. If you leave right now, not only will she and I get caught, but so will you." he warned.

"Blackmail?" Kangji figured, making his question sound more like a statement.

"Well now, don't put it in such a crude way. I'd prefer to call it- negotiating." the man smirked, sitting down on another foldable stool and looking at him.

"No one can 'negotiate' or control me." he stated coldly.

"I've been searching for you for a really long time. I'm not letting you go that easily." Kangji looked away from him and turned his attention at the girl who seemed to continuously twirl her dagger up and around her fingers, clearly bored. There was another long moment of silence, but this one was more awkward than just plain silence. 

Feed up with the whole thing, the girl stood up. "This clearly isn't getting anywhere. If you don't want to join us, then leave. You don't seem like the man who Boss has described you as anyways. I'll just take your things and throw it into the government's borders. They'll probably run some DNA tests and find out who you are considering that they have almost everybody's information now. They'll probably send people to hunt you down afterwards and we'll have nothing to do with you. Capiché?" 

"Whatever." he said, turning around to leave. Lifting the trap then turning around a corner, he was gone like the wind.

"Now, Alex, why would you even do that?" the man growled, trying to stay calm.

"Don't worry, he'll be back." she replied with a bored expression."We're running out of food, I'll head out to go get us some." Then she got out of the garage and left. The man sat in his stool for a little bit before he decided to get up and leave himself, figuring that there was no point in staying in the garage by himself to do nothing.


Walking out in the streets, thoughts ran through Kangji's mind. He wanted to consider joining them because the man was right. He can use the help to achieve his goal but he doesn't know exactly why he refused. Suddenly, a cry was heard down the path and he turned his head to the noise. Soldiers, many of them, came rushing towards him, wanting his life. 

Pulling out his Dessert Eagle, he pointed to shoot and with extremely accurate aim, easily taking each of them down. One by one, he had them crashing onto the ground in seconds, reloading his gun with speed. But because he forgot to bring his silencers with him, they're currently in that girl's hands and the noise coming from his gun was attracting quite a bit of attention. 

Soon, he was pushed to a point that he had to dual wield his pistols and reload more and more, taking cover when he got the chance. He took a swift right into a nearby alleyway and attempted to get away. But the soldiers came running like a buch of ants and the numbers were increasing incredibly fast. He knew that he can't use his guns anymore or he'll be devoured by the swarm but his guns were his only weapons besides his close-range combat. But hand-to-hand won't do him any good with this many numbers. He'll be killed before he can take even one man down. 

Turning around to start his shooting rounds again, he ran out of bullets in moments, leaving him with nothing but his legs. He continued to run for his life, carrying his guns in both hands but the men chased after him like robots full on fuel. 

All of a sudden, something whipped past him and the soldiers started to tear to pieces rapidly. Some were cut in halves, some had their faces scratched off. Out of nowhere, pistol ammo went flying over at him which which he caught easily. He didn't think twice before he reloaded his guns, shooting his enemies in the head two by two. It didn't take long for all of them to fall but when they have, two people were revealed. The same two who stole his belongings, attracted the soldiers to his hiding spot, dragged him into a garage, threatened him, blackmailed him and now, saved him. 

The girl looked at him with an angry expression but disappointment in her eyes.

"Let's go." she stated, clicking a button which caused the blade of her black scythe to contract. She tucked it neatly back into her bag to turn to leave but halted to his voice.

"Wait." She turned around to face him as the man looked at him, his eyes glinting with hope. "I'll join you." he continued. The man replied with a emotionless face yet with a little bit of joy coming from the corners of his mouth but the girl only wore a scowl.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" she mumbled.

"I need your help. In return, I'll help you." he replied in a cold and stern voice. 

"Well then, welcome to the team Lee Kangji ssi. Call me Boss." he stated, letting his hand out for a handshake. Oddly enough, Kanji only stared at the man's hand. 

Boss chuckled and tilted his head over to the girl. "You two are quite similar; refusing my handshake like that."

"I do not want to be associated to this man in anyway." the girl growled with her arms crossed. Kangji looked at her with a blank expression, not knowing how to reply or what he ever did to make her as mad as she was.

"Alright." Boss laughed in relief. "But this is no place to talk, let's go back then continue. The other soldiers might be alarmed by those gunshots only to come and find this massive slaughter." Nodding his head, Kangji followed Boss back to the old garage where they set off in search for their other teammates. 



Here's Ming's character, Lee Kangji! 

Hello Ming here ouo tbh, apply guys...I need more guys to fulfill my feels!!!!! oh and to update, the way we are choosing the love interest is the girl picking them ouo cause it'll be too much trouble letting both pick so sorry people who applied as guys but we have to go with what they picked even though they are so finnnne ladies ;)

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eheh, happy birthday North.
/pops dollar store confetti
esmkseunmi94 #2
Chapter 13: Good luck to all the applicants!
Chapter 13: Omg i completely forgot abaout this because holiday ;;;; gotta finish my app asap ddskjsbdjdbs
Chapter 3: The deadline is pretty close so I hope you guys get more apps soon. I can't wait to see who you guys choose and read the story when the time comes.
Chapter 2: this is interesting ouo
but maybe I should put extra effort in this lel
esmkseunmi94 #6
Chapter 2: w-when is the deadline again? ;;
Chapter 3: I fixed everything,or so I hope!
The red is what I fixed/added.
Chapter 2: hey!!
is it okay to use a model as faceclaim? i know you've said you only want ulzzangs to be used, but it's really hard to find "normal-looking" male ulzzangs (imo, they usually wear too much makeup).
adasdakdj the adv on my wall ;-; im in the middle of filling my app tbh