
System Failure
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Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.


The run in with Agent Wu had only brought them the news that Seung wasn't aimlessly walking around still. They understood she was already in custody, but now they were trying to come up with a plan on how to get her back. They called a family meeting at the dining table.

"She's not going to want you to get her out. This is a matter of paying off a debt." Yoora insists.

"Why does she feel the need to do this? Most people don't want to face their problems." Baekhyun comments.

"Especially her. I mean, how many times has she tried to avoid her love for Chanyeol?" Yunjin asks.

"We aren't here to talk about that." Chanyeol reminds them and faces Yixing, who was still blushing from being caught.

"Right. I don't know, man. You can't just break her from a federal building." Kai states.

"I understand that, but I wasn't planning on breaking her out."

"Then what are we doing?" Yoora asks.

"Which one of us here has enough money for bail?" Chanyeol asks. Their eyes fall on Suho, who makes a face.

"Excuse me? If she wants to be caught, why don't we let her do what she chose to do?" He questions them.

"That's true. I don't think Seung would appreciate the effort to free her." Yoora replies.

"You can't just let her hide forever!" Yunjin complains.

"Can I do anything about it? Seung's taken her life into her own hands now. Maybe she just wants to have control for once, and this is what it takes." Chanyeol responds.

"So, you're just going to let her decide to torture herself with memories of you?" Kai asks, face squished from the hands holding his head up.

"I guess both of us are, then." Chanyeol bitterly adds.

"How about this: Find someone else like she said to. You can't expect her to continuously come back after a goodbye note like that." Baekhyun suggests.

"I can't do it. Not now, anyway. I need to have at least a small amount of hope that this happily forever after still might work." Chanyeol mumbles, staring at the wood of the table.

"This is the real world, which means that stuff like that doesn-" Luhan clasps a hand over Sehun's mouth when he understands where that was going and stares at him harshly.

"Counteracting your own life, I see." He scolds and Sehun smiles sheepishly.

"Is there any way to check jail records? Would Yoora get a call if Seung was in jail? How old is she?" Suho asks.

"She's twenty two. You have to be older than twenty one in order to work at the club." Yoora explains.

"How is the club, by the way?" Kai asks.

"Well, I quit, and I think Luhan is content enough with Sehun's body so he left as well." She explains. Kai nods and folds his arms, resting his head on the table in an effort to catch a nap.

"That's good. Seung wanted it." Chanyeol whispers and the atmosphere suddenly takes a downwards curve. Baekhyun clears his throat, then checks his watch and stands up. The weather was starting to clear up, but it was still chilly, so he grabs his jacket before heading out.

"Where are you going?" Kyungsoo asks.

"I have music practice at four. I want to be early." He explains and heads out the door, letting in the cold air. The group glance at each other as they try to figure out what to do.

"Suho's right. They would've said something to the family if she was in jail, right?" Yunjin muses.

"Probably not if she's adult age, which she is. Who here knows about laws?" Kyungsoo asks. They all make blank faces to answer his question and Chanyeol sighs, placing his face into his hands.


Truthfully, Chen really wanted this to be over. He shouldn't be rooting for a hacker to break security systems, but his usual work was much more entertaining than this. Sure, he didn't mind that he got to watch one of the best computer programmers in the country, but waiting for her to get back to work was boring.

They allowed her to shower by request and supplied her needs for the past few days, but she seemed to be wilting internally. They weren't sure why, because it wasn't any sort of failure in her work. She successfully created a Trojan virus and snuck it into the military system. One of the shrinks who worked there opened up the fake warning sign of a possible virus breach - oh, the irony - and allowed Seung to have access to their pages. She surfed until she found the sector specially made for her to place a code inside.

That left only a few more tasks to be completed. The other agents were working hard to contact important peoples and warn them about the mistakes Seung pointed out by her work in their security programs.

She soon translated the Trojan virus's physical appearance to English and sent it off to the USA. They opened it as well and snuck inside undetected while their servers searched for a possible virus that she destroyed as soon as she made a link into the serv

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Chapter 2: I knew I was going to enjoy this the moment I saw your chapter titles in Binary!!!
Chapter 5: i can't stop reading this, wow
Chapter 7: i cant put down my phone..im so hookd coz this is soo good!
Chapter 44: Alright. This story is really good! And interesting and intriguing, original and written well!
The idea of coding and hacker is really cool, i learned something new Hahaha.
Chanyeol is such a sweet (a little bit stalkerish) potato aww. He like, fell in love at first sight. Rhe way be never stopped to hope and fight for her. M endearing.
I admit, i became a little frustrated with seung i mean.. A great guy like chan loves you and you reject him more than once.. Come on girl ><
Anyway. It was good and fun, especially with the action scenes.
Loved the ending hahaha. Chan you dork.
And is this the story mentioned in day-dream? Loved that one too by the way.
Great job! ^^
mrflamethunder #5
I'm coming back to upvote this story since I was not able to do so the last time I read this.
This deserves more views and upvote!
lee-chelle #6
Absolutely loved this!!!!!
mrflamethunder #7
Chapter 45: This is one of the best writings I've seen so far. Very engaging. So much details were written I thought I am watching a drama. Great job, author-nim!
anudeep #8
Chapter 45: I just pulled an all nighter for reading it without break authornim and it was incredible!!!! Waaaa!!!!! Totally hooked to the story and yeollieee is sooooo fluffy cute squishy i cud dieee!!!!♡♡♡♡♡ hatsoff for the story though!!! Mind=BLOWN
Hiii~ I'm a software engineering student. And I look forward on reading this story. It seems so cool. And I looooooove, seriously LOOOOOVE how you named your chapters! btw, did you make your trailer on iMovie? Or weVideo (i just saw the embedded logo) I like the concept.

I don't usually read, hopefully i won't get lazy reading your story. And if i did finish reading your story, it'll be the first one here at aff. wahahaha
Chapter 45: Loved this! It was riveting from the very beginning and I simply could not put it down. Way to go :)