
System Failure
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We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.


Second day, it finally came. The routine was odd, because no more women were working at the club, in fear of being kidnapped. It had transformed into a male's dancing club, except now the Kim sisters were there. Seung was still known as Matrix when she showed up in her mask and black clothing.

The day had been alike to the day before. This time, however, they played the songs Seung had created and performed the dances they practiced before. It was all into memory, but, this time, they had high heels on.

And, according to his promise, Jongdae was there as well, smirking every time Seung glanced in his direction. At least Minseok wasn't taking pictures.

Yoora was drinking a lot of water when they came off stage, probably from her lack of the cardio Seung prescribed. She could do the dance fine, but she was getting tired as well. Her absence from the club over the months contributed to her decreasing amount exercise per day.

Her song was a hit, though. It may have been in Japanese, but no one really payed attention to the music when they were on stage. It was during the second song that Seung noticed two men near the back, arms crossed and eyes watching a man in the crowd. When she follows their eyes after sliding down the pole, she sees a man that looked alike to Minseok watching them with a slight smirk and a tilt of his head. He nods at her when they make eye contact, and, despite her urge not to, she smiles back at him, hoping it looked real.

The rest of the song was typical. Seung had to remember that, just the day before, she received a fake tattoo with ink that would only come off with some sort of solution Yifan spoke of. It was metal based, like prison tattoo ink. Her cover story was that she really did go to prison after assisting with the gang case, and she decided to get a little decoration before she was bailed out.

Truthfully, the tracking device they had was placed under the skin of her right shoulder. When Chanyeol saw it the first time, he had choked on his water, but never really explained why until Kai popped in an explained that women with tattoos are hot. It didn't help Seung's confusion.

When, or if, they scan for tracking devices, they won't be able to surpass the tattoo, since all metal detectors will start going off just by getting near it. They gave Yoora a pair of glasses with a fake one installed in the rim as a red herring. The best part was that they didn't tell Yoora that her's was fake, because Seung explained that she is really bad at keeping secrets and acting to Yifan and Jongdae.

The same tattoo caught the attention of the guys as she danced. By request, it made it seem that she had circuitry on her shoulder blade, so it matched the theme she's been using her entire career.

Yoora takes another swig of water as she fans herself, a thin sheen of sweat on her face. Seung simply pulls her long boots off, sighing when her bare foot hits the wooden floors of the changing room they were given. The heels hurt, especially when you had to bend and lean on them and not fall over for hours.

"I think that went well." Yoora comments and Seung takes in a deep breath.

"I can't wait until it's over." She mumbles.

"We still have to be kidnapped, and then the whole ordeal afterwards..." Yoora trails off, undoing the clasps to her corset carefully.

"Woo." Seung weakly cheers, chewing on her lip as she peels off her costume to get more comfortable clothes on. They change into short sleeved shirts and Yoora puts on jean shorts, but Seung goes for capris and a sweatshirt tied around her waist.

"So, why did Jongdae buy you a whole bunch of red clothes?" Yoora asks as she runs her fingers through her long hair.

"He said it was my color."

They sling their bags on their shoulders, just their excess clothing, and prepare to step out of the building. A few of the male dancers wave them goodbye for the night as they pick up bottles and feathers from their own activities. The night air meets them as they step out, but it was refreshingly cool as they walk. Yoora stops to adjust the back of her sneaker, and Seung crosses her arms in wait.

Then, there's a hand grabbing her from behind, and she sees a man doing the same to her sister as well. A cloth is placed over , but she's prepared for this. Expecting them to use this method of kidnapping, she takes one breath and smells the sweet scent, but puts up a fight and is relieved that she had more cardio, therefore not needing to breath as much as she struggles against the man behind her. When she starts to feel dizzy, she holds her breath and slowly goes limp, imitating the effect that she was brought under. She closes her eyes and the cloth is eventually lifted, but she has to remind herself to slow her breathing to appear asleep as the stranger gets a better grip on her body and swings her up in his arms, carrying her away. The light above the back door gets further away from her vision under her closed eyelids, and she hears the sound of a car unlocking. The back door opens and her attacker tries to slide her inside, even going as far as to clicking a seatbelt around her. A plastic zip tie is brought around her hands as she slumps in her seat.

"They didn't fight as hard as I thought they would." A voice comments and Seung can hear the other door opening, hoping that was her sister being placed alongside her. The sound of an electronic device turning on fills the sudden silence, and it beeps over her chest. the man who put her in pushes her forward slightly and pulls down her shirt to see the tattoo. He pushes her back and resumes until they remove Yoora's glasses, and any jewelry they had on.

Soon enough, the sounds of more people getting in the car is heard, and the engine starts up.

"Administer." comes a voice, but it's further away, like behind glass. Seung peeks her eyes open lightly, enough so it's not detected, and sees a small window being raised. She feels Yoora's hand next to her's and squeezes it, but there's no response.

Yoora hasn't been doing cardio at all.

The fans in the back of the car go off, and Seung can smell the sweet chemical in it, knowing that the constant chloroform begins now. She would have no choice but to sleep for real. Unlike modern belief from criminal shows, chloroform takes about five minutes of inhaling to have any effect, and then continuous breathing for it to keep working. This car was built to kidnap.

Kidnap them, specifically, and other dancers.

In the short amount of time she had left of consciousness, she sees the profile of the man from the crowd in the pas

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Chapter 2: I knew I was going to enjoy this the moment I saw your chapter titles in Binary!!!
Chapter 5: i can't stop reading this, wow
Chapter 7: i cant put down my phone..im so hookd coz this is soo good!
Chapter 44: Alright. This story is really good! And interesting and intriguing, original and written well!
The idea of coding and hacker is really cool, i learned something new Hahaha.
Chanyeol is such a sweet (a little bit stalkerish) potato aww. He like, fell in love at first sight. Rhe way be never stopped to hope and fight for her. M endearing.
I admit, i became a little frustrated with seung i mean.. A great guy like chan loves you and you reject him more than once.. Come on girl ><
Anyway. It was good and fun, especially with the action scenes.
Loved the ending hahaha. Chan you dork.
And is this the story mentioned in day-dream? Loved that one too by the way.
Great job! ^^
mrflamethunder #5
I'm coming back to upvote this story since I was not able to do so the last time I read this.
This deserves more views and upvote!
lee-chelle #6
Absolutely loved this!!!!!
mrflamethunder #7
Chapter 45: This is one of the best writings I've seen so far. Very engaging. So much details were written I thought I am watching a drama. Great job, author-nim!
anudeep #8
Chapter 45: I just pulled an all nighter for reading it without break authornim and it was incredible!!!! Waaaa!!!!! Totally hooked to the story and yeollieee is sooooo fluffy cute squishy i cud dieee!!!!♡♡♡♡♡ hatsoff for the story though!!! Mind=BLOWN
Hiii~ I'm a software engineering student. And I look forward on reading this story. It seems so cool. And I looooooove, seriously LOOOOOVE how you named your chapters! btw, did you make your trailer on iMovie? Or weVideo (i just saw the embedded logo) I like the concept.

I don't usually read, hopefully i won't get lazy reading your story. And if i did finish reading your story, it'll be the first one here at aff. wahahaha
Chapter 45: Loved this! It was riveting from the very beginning and I simply could not put it down. Way to go :)