
System Failure
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Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding.


She was trapped, and it was really hot. She could feel the sweat on her body, but some immobile prison held her when she blindly tried to get off her bed. After sleepily reaching where her hands could move, there was a deep groan and the cage gets smaller around her.

Her eyes open to a hard pillow and black hoodie. After several minutes of drowsy cognition, and smelling a pleasant musky scent she couldn't place, she slowly realizes that her bed was lumpy in certain places, and shaped a lot like something familiar

She jerks in the hold and Chanyeol's mouth opens slightly in his sleep. Apparently he was a hard sleeper, because she'd been doing a lot of wiggling and, so far, he still was out. She could feel the heat on her own skin and remembers that she had a fever. It must have broken while she slept, and now everything was too hot.

She moves again and he still doesn't awaken. If anything, his arms get tighter around her and he pulls her closer, snuggling into her shoulder like she was a teddy bear. Her heart rate speeds up in what she suspects to be the strange fear she encountered around him and she goes still, face contorted in panic. What was she supposed to do?

His nose was pressed into the top of her head and he takes a deep breath before going back into calm sleep. Seung's hands were trapped against his chest and she wasn't able to move them well, but she starts to painstakingly slide them down in search for something to smother him with. Her heart rate was going faster by now, signaling something she took as full-blown fear.

Her hands slide down his body, sandwiched between them. In the process of getting free, she shifts her body to let them move without breaking her arms.

Holding her breath, she finds his hands and clasps her fingers around his own, feeling the calloused texture and trying to pry them off from her odd angle. This does nothing to help her and she starts to wiggle and arm free from his grasp. It snaps upwards and dives for the ground, finding a loose pillow and gripping it's fabric edge, sending it in Chanyeol's face.

He makes a noise and releases her, startled. The pillow falls away from his face and he looks around in confusion, sitting up. Seung falls onto the floor with a squeak and narrows her eyes when Chanyeol looks down on her.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asks. She gets to her feet and huffs silently, padding into the kitchen while fanning her face. She was overheating and she couldn't do much about it right now. The sounds of Chanyeol shifting on the couch are heard and he appears in the kitchen beside her, smiling with his hair mussed and his glasses missing.

Seung suddenly has to stop what she started to do and stare in confusion. Why couldn't she seem to want to take her eyes off him? It's not like she hasn't seen him before. With great resistance, she looks away from his intoxicating good morning smile and looks at the items in her hands

Bacon and eggs. She stares at them like they were the most interesting thing and sets them on the counter, getting bowls and pans out, turning the oven on. Chanyeol walks closer and picks up a bowl, carefully looking at the inside for anything wrong and lowering it to look at Seung again. He tilts his head slightly when she doesn't meet his eye.

"Can I help?" He asks hopefully. She seemed much better, to his relief. He felt so hopeless before, but now he was reassured that she was getting better. She swallows and nods her head, giving him the eggs to crack. She gestures to four of them and Chanyeol laughs.

"Are we going to eat that much?" He jokes, but Seung wasn't smiling. She points a finger at him, her, out the door to represent Yoora, and then points her finger at the bedroom. Chanyeol's smile falls when he remembers who was behind the closed door.


Chanyeol happily stuffs his face with his breakfast when it was fully cooked, Seung not even eating anything yet. She simply stared at her plate, and would glance at the door every few seconds in concern. Yoora wasn't home yet; this was bad. She felt sick to her stomach.

Gently pushing her plate away, she stands up and Chanyeol looks at her in shock, the food train stopping from entering his already full mouth. When Seung grabs the home phone and dials a number, only for another phone to ring in a distant room, she slams the receiver down and her heart rate accelerates.

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol's voice was muffled by bits of bacon and eggs. He coughs after choking slightly and swallows, drinking from the glass of water Seung gave him earlier.

"Nothing." Seung mumbles, running a hand through her long hair. She starts to pull tangles out and glances down the hallway every few seconds between glances at the door. She moves to the window and stares out of it, shaking her head after a few minutes and returning to her plate.

"Is it your sister?" Chanyeol asks. Seung looks at his concerned gaze, then back at her food. She only makes a slightly disgusted face and stands up again. Seung's face suddenly contorts in realization and she looks out the window again, but stays by the table.

"Yenom eht, tinmad!" She hisses under her breath. Chanyeol perks up at her backwards talk and tries to piece together what she said, but he's already forgotten the first word's sound, much less what it really was.

"Seung, tell me what's wrong. I can help." he insists. Seung turns to look at him with passive aggression in her eyes, but they make eye contact and her heart rate speeds to the supposed fear and it softens in confusion.

"I-I...t'nac uoy, on." She whispers. She had a touch of sadness to her backwards speech that made Chanyeol's heart drop. The food in front of him meant nothing anymore when she spoke. He only wished he knew what she said.

"I don't know what you said, but I am going to help. Is it your sister? Your job? Your father?" Chanyeol questions. He was determined to get an answer for once. Seung looks at the ground and stays silent, "At least eat your food. You need to get better before your problems can be solved."

He's proven when Seung grabs a tissue from a close by tissue box and blows her nose into it loudly.

"I'm not hungry." She mumbles.

"You don't want to eat? Fine, I won't eat either." Chanyeol announces, crossing his arms over his chest and nodding his head. He was acting childish, Seung thinks, yet it didn't annoy her. It...amazed her - the lengths he went through for her.

Was this considered a length? He wanted information so desperately so he acts like this? What was the point? He wanted to help her? He didn't know anything about her.

"Chanyeol." Seung drones, looking down on him with a 'don't do this' look. He only shakes his head and faces away from his breakfast. She sighs and looks away from him.

"You ate enough already." She states. Chanyeol makes a noise in the back of his throat and uncrosses his arms in surprise.

"What? No "that isn't healthy, breakfast is the most important meal of the day?"" He asks, leaning forward in his chair. Seung glances at him and purses her lips.

"No. You already ate a serving. You don't need to gain anymore weight." She replies curtly. Chanyeol's mouth drops and he stands up.

"Say that to my face!" He demands.

"I already did."

"You dare say I'm fat!?" He exclaims. Seung makes a surprised face and leans away.

"That's not what I said."

"You meant it, though!" Chanyeol accuses, pointing at her. Seung raises an eyebrow, "Take it back!"

"I can't take back what I didn't say." She points out. Chanyeol huffs and suddenly pulls off his shirt, tugging it over his head and tossing it on the table. He points to his stomach with a serious face and Seung stares with wide eyes, glancing between his eyes, his chest, and the shirt on the table.

"Look at all this muscle! You dare call me fat?" He asks. Seung puts her hands up in surrender, her heart rate speeding up again. She was seemingly terrified of everything Chanyeol was, apparently.


"Because I'm y! I'm a y boy!" He continues. Seung shrinks back and Chanyeol's sudden outburst dies almost instantly at the sight of her taking a step back from him. He looks at his mess and suddenly gets red in the face, quickly taking his shirt back up and slipping it on, getting tangled in the fabric.


"I'm sorry! I don't know what just came over me!" He apologizes profusely while struggling to get his shirt back on. Seung swallow

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Chapter 2: I knew I was going to enjoy this the moment I saw your chapter titles in Binary!!!
Chapter 5: i can't stop reading this, wow
Chapter 7: i cant put down my phone..im so hookd coz this is soo good!
Chapter 44: Alright. This story is really good! And interesting and intriguing, original and written well!
The idea of coding and hacker is really cool, i learned something new Hahaha.
Chanyeol is such a sweet (a little bit stalkerish) potato aww. He like, fell in love at first sight. Rhe way be never stopped to hope and fight for her. M endearing.
I admit, i became a little frustrated with seung i mean.. A great guy like chan loves you and you reject him more than once.. Come on girl ><
Anyway. It was good and fun, especially with the action scenes.
Loved the ending hahaha. Chan you dork.
And is this the story mentioned in day-dream? Loved that one too by the way.
Great job! ^^
mrflamethunder #5
I'm coming back to upvote this story since I was not able to do so the last time I read this.
This deserves more views and upvote!
lee-chelle #6
Absolutely loved this!!!!!
mrflamethunder #7
Chapter 45: This is one of the best writings I've seen so far. Very engaging. So much details were written I thought I am watching a drama. Great job, author-nim!
anudeep #8
Chapter 45: I just pulled an all nighter for reading it without break authornim and it was incredible!!!! Waaaa!!!!! Totally hooked to the story and yeollieee is sooooo fluffy cute squishy i cud dieee!!!!♡♡♡♡♡ hatsoff for the story though!!! Mind=BLOWN
Hiii~ I'm a software engineering student. And I look forward on reading this story. It seems so cool. And I looooooove, seriously LOOOOOVE how you named your chapters! btw, did you make your trailer on iMovie? Or weVideo (i just saw the embedded logo) I like the concept.

I don't usually read, hopefully i won't get lazy reading your story. And if i did finish reading your story, it'll be the first one here at aff. wahahaha
Chapter 45: Loved this! It was riveting from the very beginning and I simply could not put it down. Way to go :)